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Moonwaiting trafficking wtf?

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
I feel filthy for using them... I wish I could apologize to all the ladies I saw there, and I hope they are doing better/ somewhere away from this.

I realise I was part of the problem, and I truly wish I could help be part of the solution to help the women affected by these scum.
Thankfully, I have never used these agencies!

One way you could be part of the solution is to contact LE, explain that you've used their services, then ask if you could help by providing evidence against the agency. :ROFLMAO:

Going forward, you could also assist by paying via EMT so that agencies have your full name, etc., to forward to LE in the event of future criminality. Lots of guys, here, already assist in that way. :ROFLMAO::LOL:😁 They are way ahead in terms of providing assistance towards future problems! One could even say that they are clairvoyant! Lmao.
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Oct 24, 2008
Smurf Village
Olivia had a part time "real" job here and was working at Moonwaiting as well which she would make the "real" money. Working there since at least 2013. And said she chose to stay in Canada and liked it here and would come and go back to Korea.

Doesn't seemed trafficked to me. Agree they use that headline and nobody can really verify the truth of the situation.

Some are on schedule for a week it seems, then gone. Wouldn't they be forced to stay if they were trafficked? My guess is they don't like it and go home. Olivia worked there for ages, seemed pretty happy in general. Cops like using the word trafficked in headlines.

The 7 girls they have have no choice but to say they were trafficked I believe. My favorite is Nana at and she is off on vacation regularly, not the life of someone being trafficked imo.
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Jul 9, 2002
Toronto, ON
Same here, been using them for the last 6 years or so, every girl i spoke to there did not come acrss as being under duress.
Moonwaiting has been around since the early 2000s... the girls I know there all seem to say Andy was a good boss, delivered holiday gifts, and held company parties, and took them on excursions.

Police are probably applying a liberal definition to trafficking; i.e. any sort of disagreement or management issue may have led them to consider these girls to be coerced. I guess when you have hundreds if not thousands of escorts working for you, a couple are bound to be upset at the employment conditions.

BTW MW doesn't even book by txt at least in my experience.
They did for long time customers.

All K-Girls in Toronto, NYC, LA are from South Korea - they speak English well, are refined, and know Western culture well - they're not the country bumpkins from NK. A couple have even given me their addresses in Seoul to visit them if I'm ever there.

I still don't understand why agencies ask/accept EMT, isn't that evidence against them?
Being an Escort and running an Escort Agency is legal. In fact, some Ontario cities even have licenses for Escorts.

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Frank Underwood

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
Surely not
But surely you are not still sustaining that this is an "Asian" problem, because white people are not absolved. We are in Canada you know, where the majority of the people are white and unless you are thinking that all the crime in a white country is being committed by non-whites, then we have a real racist problem here.

Frank Underwood

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
Thankfully, I have never used these agencies!

One way you could be part of the solution is to contact LE, explain that you've used their services, then ask if you could help by providing evidence against the agency. :ROFLMAO:

Going forward, you could also assist by paying via EMT so that agencies have your full name, etc., to forward to LE in the event of future criminality. Lots of guys, here, already assist in that way. :ROFLMAO::LOL:😁 They are way ahead in terms of providing assistance towards future problems! One could even say that they are clairvoyant! Lmao.
Old friend, you arrived late to the party because Monty is always first at trying to shame agencies that screen. His comment and my response have already been deleted but I told him something like this:

We all know you and Monty have a particular beef with a particular agency but this is not the time to try to work in sly attacks to further personal vendettas at the expense of the industry. We are in the middle of a real crisis here, with clients having real concerns who may think you have some authority on the matter other than your smart nonsense. As I told your buddy Monty, agencies that screen are far less likely to ever be busted or involved in other illegal activities. I would cut off my left testicle if news ever broke that Allegra or TGF have hired an underage girl or such.

Moonwaiting was not brought down for providing companionship services but for a myriad of other criminals activities.

Now, I have another thing to ask you, did you ever use an agency called Entourage? They were not an Asian agency, but you remember they were brought down for trafficking underage girls?

How about Eurodolls? Trafficked Eastern European women.

So when you say you never used "these" agencies, like you are trying to distance yourself from the problem, it is funny and ironic. It is very likely going by your posting history that you have already patronized traffickers and hired a girl that was being exploited. Despite you avoiding Asian agencies.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
But surely you are not still sustaining that this is an "Asian" problem, because white people are not absolved. We are in Canada you know, where the majority of the people are white and unless you are thinking that all the crime in a white country is being committed by non-whites, then we have a real racist problem here
I didnt say anything about crime in general. Wow, talk about taking things out of context.

FYI this is now the 2nd Asian agency busted for human trafficking.
First there was TOE88 and now Moonwaiting.

Original Terb thread:

CBC article:
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Frank Underwood

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
Moonwaiting has been around since the early 2000s... the girls I know there all seem to say Andy was a good boss, delivered holiday gifts, and held company parties, and took them on excursions.

Police are probably applying a liberal definition to trafficking; i.e. any sort of disagreement or management issue may have led them to consider these girls to be coerced. I guess when you have hundreds if not thousands of escorts working for you, a couple are bound to be upset at the employment conditions.

They did for long time customers.

All K-Girls in Toronto, NYC, LA are from South Korea - they speak English well, are refined, and know Western culture well - they're not the country bumpkins from NK. A couple have even given me their addresses in Seoul to visit them if I'm ever there.

Being an Escort and running an Escort Agency is legal. In fact, some Ontario cities even have licenses for Escorts.

Brother, I am not a hypocrite so I will not try to deny that I have used Moonwaiting and they were pretty high on my list of choices for my hobby entertainment.

I read your article here and I feel that you are taking too much of an apologist stance, trying to downplay the situation. Andy, I am sure is not a bad guy all of the time, but this time he clearly messed up.

This is the OFFICIAL definition of human trafficking used to press charges on him. Not to be mistaken for HUMAN SMUGGLING.

The media did not exaggerate anything. Andy is currently facing at least 7 charges of trafficking. This is as per the official media release by York Region Police.

Police are not trying to liberally apply charges my friend. Think about this as a business. Police are in the business of catching and putting criminals in jail.
They spent millions in this operation which lasted for one year, they raided 20 locations simultaneously (at the same time!) which must have taken them at least 100 officers from multiple police agencies to execute.

Operation "big sister" was a big deal, it involved guns and illegal drugs. I know that maybe you want to sustain it in your mind that Andy was a good guy because you were a customer there; however, we have to come to grips with reality. Andy is only human, and he messed up.

The police would not be wasting so much time and money unless they thought they can gain a conviction. They don't need to exaggerate, you just need to accept and assimilate.

My unofficial theory is this: once the borders closed due to COVID, Andy felt pressured to find new talent, he must have partnered up with someone to bring new talent with INTO Canada (the border services are involved and they would only be involved if someone is literally crossing a border). I have a feeling this is why MW had a surge of really expensive Chinese girls seeing only Chinese clients. If he had stuck to his business model of only working with Korean girls with visas then he would not be in this situation. Also why the hell do you think he was stashing THIRTY FOUR guns?

The man is no saint, he is just a man. His greed and hubris got the best of him.
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Oh sorry, you were only implying that all human trafficking offenses are committed by Asians then? My bad, that is so much less racist
Play the race-card all you want, but according to RCMP there's a much larger problem with Asian girls being trafficked.

The RCMP say they have identified hundreds of potential victims in a cross-Canada prostitution ring broken up by police this week.

The operation involved young women from China and Korea being brought into Canada illegally and forced into prostitution, police said. Six people arrested in Toronto and Montreal are now facing charges.

"In the last year, we estimate at least 500 potential victims were identified," said RCMP Const. Erique Gasse.

"A good number of the women have already returned to their countries ... because there was a certain rotation. There are still women in other cells in Canada."


Active member
Oct 24, 2008
Smurf Village
Even though I don't think anyone was traficked that I met from that Agency. Which were majority Korean girls and would seem to have normal behaviours ie. trading instagrams / kakaos, telling me to visit them in korea or when they are coming or leaving etc.

I will give you some credit there could some validity that after Covid of finding new talent and maybe using less scrupulous sources. Which might likely be chinese, as I rarely saw the girls from China. Mainly Korean and the Roster over the last year for sure slowed down with Covid.

During that time most of Korean girls I knew were already semi-locals (from BC) staying in Canada for the long term. That had been here for awhile and weren't going anywhere Covid or not.

I can only judge based on what I experienced. And do know that the media applying flexible wording on matters to gain more attention.

But their allot of sides I don't know of the business. So I will give credit where credit is due on that hypothesis that could have some weight.

My unofficial theory is this: once the borders closed due to COVID, Andy felt pressured to find new talent, he must have partnered up with someone to bring new talent with INTO Canada (the border services are involved and they would only be involved if someone is literally crossing a border). I have a feeling this is why MW had a surge of really expensive Chinese girls seeing only Chinese clients. If he had stuck to his business model of only working with Korean girls with visas then he would not be in this situation. Also why the hell do you think he was stashing THIRTY FOUR guns?

The man is no saint, he is just a man. His greed and hubris got the best of him.
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Frank Underwood

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
Even though I don't think anyone was traficked that I met from that Agency. Which were majority Korean girls and would seem to have normal behaviours ie. trading instagrams / kakaos, telling me to visit them in korea or when they are coming or leaving etc.

I will give you some credit there could some validity that after Covid of finding new talent and maybe using less scrupulous sources. Which might likely be chinese, as I rarely saw the girls from China. Mainly Korean and the Roster over the last year for sure slowed down with Covid.

Most of Korean girls I knew were already semi-locals (from BC) staying in Canada for the long term. That had been here for awhile and were going to be awhile longer. Which I wouldn't know what arrangement they have whether that was a student visa, work etc.

I can only judge based on what I experienced. And do know that the media applying flexible wording on matters to gain more attention.

But their allot of sides I don't know of the business. So I will give credit where credit is due on that hypothesis that could have some weight.
Are you Chinese?

Frank Underwood

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
If you are not Chinese then you never saw any of the girls that were Chinese only.

Brother the truth of the matter is this, as the one and only woman in this thread already said, it is so hard to detect trafficking from a client's perspective. I don't think any client can blame themselves, if you could not tell which girls were trafficked or not, that's ok. Abuse can come in multiple forms such as emotional or psychological or financial abuse.

It is speculated that some of the girls were lent massive amounts of cash and then the loan is used as leverage to force them to work. I don't have evidence of this, but in this kind of situation, with no bruises and no testimonies, how can you as a client know that you are having sex with a woman against her will?


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2017
The arrest was a result of Fintrac notification. I bet they weren’t paying taxes is what did them in. 4mm in the bank, the bank must’ve been filing reports on them going back longer than a yr.
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Frank Underwood

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
The arrest was a result of Fintrac notification. I bet they weren’t paying taxes is what did them in. 4mm in the bank, the bank must’ve been filing reports on them going back longer than a yr.
Bro, I don't want to be accused of being a spokesperson for YRP because you know how creative some of the folks on TERB can get with their conspiracies; however there was multiple agencies involved in this operation. FINTRAC was one of them, but I wouldn't say one agency did more than another. If we are talking about evidence, they found drugs, guns and money at the raids conducted. I think Money laundering and tax fraud are icing on the cake.

YRP and the other police agencies did a good job on this.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2017
I remember when Robert Kraft (owner of the New England Patriots) got picked up in a police sting on an Asian Massage Parlour in Florida. The early headlines involved the cops’ proclaiming they had just busted a massive “human trafficking” operation- it turned out to be untrue. Sex Work abolitionists see human trafficking behind every bush…York Region is known for being ultra-conservative/moralistic when it comes to sex work, massage parlours, etc.

I’ll wait and see what actually comes out in court.
Prostitution isn’t as taboo as it used to be, with more discussions about decriminalize it. I’ve noticed it seems in the U.S. where lawmakers are still enthusiastic about prosecuting prostitution, they’ve re-branded it all as trafficking.

The week before the Super Bowl in Florida (whenever they were in Florida last) there was news of a trafficking ring bust. But if you looked at the guys who were arrested they were local dudes who solicited an undercover police office. No trafficking, but the dudes were charged with trafficking. It’s a better headline.

In this case, hard not to see it isn’t trafficking, since they are bringing women into the country illegally for sex work
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