Anyone following news biased against Kyle Rittenhouse should pursue other news from more supportive media outlets. At this point in America, I'm not sure there are unbiased media outlets. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel seems to be doing a better job than most.
By now, I presume everyone here on TERB knows that all the victims were white. A lot of Americans are now just getting that information. The City of Kenosha needs to get that news down to their African-American population.
As far as whether KR possessed the firearm illegally, this seems to be in some doubt.
"Crossing state lines" is definitely some overplayed media drama designed to manipulate. KR lived less than 20 miles from Kenosha. His father and his father's family live in Kenosha. The kid has more ties to Kenosha than his town in Illinois which is just over the state border. In any event, it's disingenuous of media outlets to continue to harp on crossing the state border. Most Americans are disgusted by this reporting as we know crossing state borders is a minor event. Many people live in one state while working and shopping in another. Think of it like going from Ottawa into Gatineau.
True but it illustrates he didnt walk out his house to defend anything. He traveled a distance cuz it was cool. Moreover, in usa state laws vary thus the pot you smoke in Colorado gets you arrested in neighbouring Wyoming. Thus gun laws in one state are not the same in another. So i do think it relevant, however, i'll concede you're right that maybe a bit too much made of it.
But he's a 17 year old who slapped around a girl and thought he'd clint eastwood people w the weapon of war he found cool. Those of us who know m16s and m4s and used them know these are not cool toys. He is a certified moron playing Dirty Harry (although, to be fair, he was just 17, and 17 year old males not known for calm cool collected thought under pressure). He put himself and others at risk. He's no fucking hero. If he's so worried about his family in kenosha why is he not on their front porch to defend them, rather than wandering into a protest.
That being said, once he got himself in over his head, his 17 year old brain did not have enough sense to get himself out of it without using lethal force. Thus once he got mixed up with equal and opposite morons, his only move was likely to shoot these guys. And i imagine his state of mind at that point was legitimately fear for his life. This, as it seemed to me, meant he was justified in using that weapon on the 3 guys.
I get shirty that untrained blokes who watch too much tv think they and their weapons will solve any problem. Ask any soldier, marine, or cop - all highly trained- who's been in a real shootout what it's really like vs TV.
Instead KR created the problem that left him that lethal option.