He was running from the first person he killed? Interesting.
he was read the testimony
Rosenbaum who threatened to kill him twice. The first time happened as Rittenhouse and another man were walking along the street asking people if they needed any medical help. “He screamed—sorry for my language—he screamed ‘If I catch any of you f***ers alone, I’m going to f***king kill you.”
The second threat was directed more generally at the people guarding the Car Source. Rittenhouse testified he screamed, “I’m going to cut your f***ing hearts out—I’m not going to repeat the second word but—kill you n-words.” That’s very similar to what
JoAnn Fiedler testified Rosenbaum had shouted that night.
Rittenhouse later tried to walk back to Car Source but police weren’t letting anyone cross the street. He got a call saying cars were being set on fire and he went to see if he could put the fires out. At this point, Rittenhouse became emotional as he described encountering a man, Joshua Ziminsky, who had a pistol. Rittenhouse says he dropped the fire extinguisher and wanted to get away.
“Once I take that step back I look over my shoulder and Mr. Rosenbaum—Mr. Rosenbaum was now running from my right side and I was cornered from in front of me with Mr. Ziminsky and there were—there were three people right there,” he said before breaking into sobs. The judge stopped his testimony and called for a break. Here’s that moment.
After a recess, Rittenhouse resumed testifying. He said Mr. Ziminsky told Rosenbaum to “get him and kill him, that’s what I heard.” He described Rosenbaum chasing him and then hearing a shot behind him. He turned and said Rosenbaum was close enough that his hand was on the barrel of his gun. He shot four times then circled around and saw someone was already trying to help Rosenbaum. Then he heard people shouting, “Get his ass. Get his ass. Get him. Get him.” He said he decided to run toward the police to turn himself in. As he started to run he said “a mob” was chasing him. “People were screaming and I was just trying to get to the police…” he said.
“The next thing I remember is Anthony Huber striking me in the head with a skateboard,” Rittenhouse testified. The rest of his testimony is basically that, as he ran toward the police, he stumbled and fell in the street. He then fired shots at three people. The first was the man who kicked him in the face. He testified he fired two shots but that man wasn’t hit. Then he was hit again by Huber with the skateboard and fired one shot that killed him. Finally, Grosskreutz approached with his hands up but he had a pistol in his hand. While his hands were up, Rittenhouse didn’t fire but once Grosskreutz’ hand with the gun came down so the gun was pointing at his head, Rittenhouse fired one shot, hitting Grosskreutz in the arm.