Dude. The purpose of a gun is to kill. Period. It was invented, designed, redesigned, mass produced to kill. And the vast majority of the time specifically to kill people. You argument is the same as saying a guillotine is designed to chop melons.the purpose of the projectile is the be propelled towards a target of the operators choosing the gun cannot fire or select a target by itself
we can go on all night
the FACT is a gun is a mechanical device that requires a human to do anything all your what ifs doesn't change that
your car can easily be used a s a weapon should you choose to use it as such or it takes you shopping again you choose not the car
Removal of mass produced guns, especially handguns, who's ONLY PURPOSE is to kill people would be better for society. I don't use a meat cleaver to shave a carrot either. Or a hammer to mash potatoes.
Restricting weaponry in regular citizenry to 2 shot shotguns, 5 shot bolt action rifles, with proper background checks would do zero harm to farmers, hunters etc. And the rest of us would be alot safer.