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Simping and the Sexual Marketplace


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020

OnlyFans offers something which porn does not: emotional connection. OnlyFans provides men that have withdrawn from the sexual marketplace with an opportunity to interact with women. Moreover, despite the near impossibility of establishing a romantic relationship with a content creator, the desire to be loved on the part of users spurs them to empty their bank account.

Importantly, this perceived emotional connection comes without the sting of rejection. OnlyFans dilutes the challenge of courtship, eliminating flirtation, charm, and rejection...

It thus makes intuitive sense why these men have turned to OnlyFans. For single men, romantic success is largely predicated on initiative and grit. One must have the fortitude to approach a woman as well as the resolve to move on and try again if rejected...

Importantly, OnlyFans’s financial metagame is not contingent on the profitability of its “power few” content creators but on simping. If a popular content creator were to leave the platform or discontinue the sale of content, would it stem users’ demand for the “girlfriend experience”? This is unlikely as users would simply migrate to another content creator to get their fix.

The influx of single young men has created massive demand for the “girlfriend experience.” This has in turn created a simp economy where emotional connection can be acquired through economic transactions. Moreover, content creators can also tap into this market, harvesting simps for their own profit. In this sense, simping is comparable to a hard commodity like gold or silver as it is both currency and commodity within the simp economy.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
It doesn’t apply to men only. Women can be simps as well. Like on Twitter if they get a reply from Jack (head of Twitter) you see how their whole persona changes. Then they start simping their posts because they got some attention.

I see simp as anyone who breaks their character because they like someone else and would give them sexual favours or special treatment because they have feelings. Usually they appear desperate and cringe to the outsiders especially like their followers of friends.

yes many of us have simped without knowing it.

“A simp, by definition, is someone who does way too much for someone they like. ... It never specifies a gender, but everyone knows simp is used exclusively to describe men, and men's behaviour towards women. The term is used jokingly, sometimes to describe even the bare minimum level of respect between a man and a woman.” This is evolving though to apply to anyone. Men is a misconception because it probably started with them.

We just started joking about this on Twitter and calling people out especially the females recently and it’s taking off. Not sure who brought it back into the mainstream, but I love this word. Kind of reminds me of a form of white knightism. It’s also funny as fuck.

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
Ask yourself how many ladies do you suck up to hoping to get sexual favours. The answer is there.
I thought my tongue in cheek was a little more obvious than your comment indicates, however, I appreciate you explaining the simp theory to me.

The question you pose is valid only if your assumption that I suck up to the ladies holds true.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I thought my tongue in cheek was a little more obvious than your comment indicates, however, I appreciate you explaining the simp theory to me.

The question you pose is valid only if your assumption that I suck up to the ladies holds true.
just from the tone of your defensive response signals you are a closet simple and don’t realize it yet. If you weren’t simp you wouldn’t be on here for starters. Problem with most simps is they don’t realize they simp. I am guilty of this many times and just bow my head in shame when I realize how ridiculous I acted for some nice pussy and broke my entire moral code.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I've been desperate my whole life. I've never seen the appeal of being a simp. Maybe it is because I don't see it as ever working so why even bother trying.
I've known real life simps and it is truly a sad and pathetic thing, even the other losers in the crew were looking at them and being like Dafuck? It was rather hilarious when the girl in question who just moved to town found a better class a loser to hang with and dumped their asses cold.

just from the tone of your defensive response signals you are a closet simple and don’t realize it yet. If you weren’t simp you wouldn’t be on here for starters.
1: it wasn't defensiveness, it was a reaction to someone who took something that was obvious a joke as something serious. It's annoying to have to explain the obvious to people with special needs. You are the one who failed in your reply, not him. That you read this is defensiveness says more about you than him.
2: I am not a simp and I am here. I am so far down the chain that the idea of actually trying just isn't on the radar. AKA Can't win don't try, AKA trying is the first step to failure.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I've been desperate my whole life. I've never seen the appeal of being a simp. Maybe it is because I don't see it as ever working so why even bother trying.
I've known real life simps and it is truly a sad and pathetic thing, even the other losers in the crew were looking at them and being like Dafuck? It was rather hilarious when the girl in question who just moved to town found a better class a loser to hang with and dumped their asses cold.

1: it wasn't defensiveness, it was a reaction to someone who took something that was obvious a joke as something serious. It's annoying to have to explain the obvious to people with special needs. You are the one who failed in your reply, not him. That you read this is defensiveness says more about you than him.
2: I am not a simp and I am here. I am so far down the chain that the idea of actually trying just isn't on the radar. AKA Can't win don't try, AKA trying is the first step to failure.
That was a horrible joke. Worse then a dad joke. Nothing in his reply contributed to the OP topic at hand, not did it add humour, wit, or insights. Can’t laugh at that, because it’s not funny and irrelevant.

My reply was actually meant as a joke. The whole simp business is meant as a joke. It’s the ones who pretend they don’t simp who are the joke or who take being accused simp seriously.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
That was a horrible joke. Worse then a dad joke. Nothing in his reply contributed to the OP topic at hand, not did it add humour, wit, or insights. Can’t laugh at that, because it’s not funny and irrelevant.
Yeah it's right up there with rape jokes and pro holocaust jokes?

What is your mental malfunction. His post is pretty standard fare for Terb. I found it mildly amusing. But because you are obviously dead inside doesn't make it a horrible joke.

Also it doesn't change the fact that you couldn't identify a comment that was obviously a joke. Even if it wasn't your cup of tea. Just back down and stop embarrassing yourself.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Yeah it's right up there with rape jokes and pro holocaust jokes?

What is your mental malfunction. His post is pretty standard fare for Terb. I found it mildly amusing. But because you are obviously dead inside doesn't make it a horrible joke.

Also it doesn't change the fact that you couldn't identify a comment that was obviously a joke. Even if it wasn't your cup of tea. Just back down and stop embarrassing yourself.
Projecting much with your accusations and labeling?

It’s you who is simping your circle jerk buddy for validation. I have nothing to prove on here and could care less what you say or think.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Projecting much with your accusations and labeling?

It’s you who is simping your circle jerk buddy for validation. I have nothing to prove on here and could care less what you say or think.
Which is why you keep replying. You seem to care very deeply what I think

Also what projecting, you pretty much screamed it out.
Also this has nothing to do with simping for some rando on terb. I have a history for calling out bullshit. You are just wrong.
It also says more about you than me that you would claim I am simmping a circle jerk buddy for validation.

Rather funny you accused him of being defensive when....

Again just stop.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Which is why you keep replying. You seem to care very deeply what I think

Also what projecting, you pretty much screamed it out.
Also this has nothing to do with simping for some rando on terb. I have a history for calling out bullshit. You are just wrong.
It also says more about you than me that you would claim I am simmping a circle jerk buddy for validation.

Rather funny you accused him of being defensive when....

Again just stop.
Typical egotistical terb narcissistic.

Contribute 0 vale or relevance to a thread and derail the fck out of it. Attack other posters that you don’t agree with in an attempt to make yourself feel good, while still not contributing to the topic being discussed.

I have a suggestion for you. There is a thing called ignore function. Use it because it will serve you well.

I have no interest in taking any advice from you.

Maybe contribute value or relevance to the topic at hand and not looking for opportunities to show how big you think your dick oops I mean ego is.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Typical egotistical terb narcissistic.

Contribute 0 vale or relevance to a thread and derail the fck out of it. Attack other posters that you don’t agree with in an attempt to make yourself feel good, while still not contributing to the topic being discussed.

I have a suggestion for you. There is a thing called ignore function. Use it because it will serve you well.

I have no interest in taking any advice from you.

Maybe contribute value or relevance to the topic at hand and not looking for opportunities to show how big you think your dick oops I mean ego is.
Which is the EXACT SAME THING you were doing.

You could have left his comment alone.
You could have left his reply alone.
But no, you just had to go after him. If you can't take it, don't do it.
Also you suggest the ignore function, you ain't using it.
Your lack of self awareness is absolutely staggering.

That being said, you are obviously special needs so I will add you to the ignore list. Say hello to Canadaman, TeeJay and the other 15 or 20 mooks there.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Which is the EXACT SAME THING you were doing.

You could have left his comment alone.
You could have left his reply alone.
But no, you just had to go after him. If you can't take it, don't do it.
Also you suggest the ignore function, you ain't using it.
Your lack of self awareness is absolutely staggering.

That being said, you are obviously special needs so I will add you to the ignore list. Say hello to Canadaman, TeeJay and the other 15 or 20 mooks there.
Thank you for proving my point and for doing me the favour of putting me on your ignore list. 👏

now get back to the point of this thread and contribute some value or relevance.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
OK guys this label Simping has got to go. Common sense is this if you are looking to bed a woman. You don't act cold and uninterested nor do you become an asshole. If you do do these things chances are no woman will like you unless you find a lady that needs her rent paid or its an eviction. And even then when that desperate lady sees you she's thinking what a loser.

Last I checked when im attracted to a man I give him sweetness and compliments if I see them fit and I sure as hell am nice to him do I give him attention yes because im looking to see what hes about . Since when is showering an escort with attention and compliments a voodoo practice. Im sure the idiot who came up with calling others simps is probs jealous no escort likes him.
You might like to believe your first point is true but the experiences of too many dudes shows that it is false. I've seen it myself. The complete 180 a girl can do when you go from teasing them hard to treating them like a human being.
I don't play that game but girls like the cold, the unterested and the douche.
For one thing if it wasn't true, 50 shades wouldn't have sold so well and the trope of the cold and uninterested sex object in Kdramas wouldn't be a thing because it wouldn't make sense.

Also the problem isn't showering an escort with attention and compliments, it's when you shovel money at them beyond the agreed to terms, when you wish they would charge more and shovel money at girls who will never fuck you.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
now get back to the point of this thread and contribute some value or relevance.
I have to check.
Complains about threads being derailed by a guy who posts a one line joke
Derails thread by being a cunt about it
Desperately tries to defend himself from a second person [and failing] while claiming the first person is a simp because he was being defensive.
Even after being told he was being put on ignore FURTHER carries things on by posting more bullshit... derailing the thread further which apparently is really horrible in his terms.

Wow. I'd bet dollars to donuts if I revisit this thread tomorrow and click show ignored posts he will still be there posting horrible [his words] stuff derailing the thread.
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A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
Using "simp" as an insult has quickly become the fastest way for me to spot the "incel".


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
too many guys throwing all their money around wanting to look like whales to women they have never even met .


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
I have to check.
Complains about threads being derailed by a guy who posts a one line joke
Derails thread by being a cunt about it
Desperately tries to defend himself from a second person [and failing] while claiming the first person is a simp because he was being defensive.
Even after being told he was being put on ignore FURTHER carries things on by posting more bullshit... derailing the thread further which apparently is really horrible in his terms.

Wow. I'd bet dollars to donuts if I revisit this thread tomorrow and click show ignored posts he will still be there posting horrible [his words] stuff derailing the thread.
You needn't defend. This discussion terminated several posts ago. Attempting to dissuade an antagonist from chucking his spears is an act of futility. The antagonist's destiny is sealed by his ego.

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