Documentary on Lea Tsemel, Israeli Lawyer Who Defends Palestinians, Wins Emmy


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Be careful. It seems you just complimented an Israeli and supported an Israeli business. Your friends might get upset with you.
I also compliment and support Israeli organizations like B'tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din.
But I thought you were against terrorism and here you are not even noting that its doubled in the last year.

This was in the news lately as well.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
I also compliment and support Israeli organizations like B'tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din.
But I thought you were against terrorism and here you are not even noting that its doubled in the last year.

This was in the news lately as well.
Ignore basketcase, he comes across as a PMS'er.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But your ok with supporting hamas a Designated terrier group
You have problems with terrier's as well?

Meanwhile, you support terrorism that has doubled over the last year.
Even basketcase has said that settler attacks on Palestinians are terrorism.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
You have problems with terrier's as well?

Meanwhile, you support terrorism that has doubled over the last year.
Even basketcase has said that settler attacks on Palestinians are terrorism.
Frank hamas IS a designated terrorist group whom you continue to defend and support

Israel Is NOT designated a terrorist group or state

why do you continue to support defend and attempt to justify actions of hamas a designated terrorist group?

you also defend Iran a state sponsor of terrorist groups

there is an ongoing pattern of YOU defending terrorist groups why is that frank?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I also compliment and support Israeli organizations like B'tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din.
So you think Israel is an evil, apartheid society and routinely ignore any Jewish or Israeli sources you don't like because of it while at the same time admitting there are plenty of Israelis who support peaceful coexistence. And at the same time, you completely ignore the significant factions of Palestinian leadership that are violently opposed to any peace.

What this event and the politics behind the Israeli movie industry that backed this film show is that unlike under the authoritarian rule of both the PA and Hamas, Israel has open and vibrant political debates.

But you've been pretty cleqar your issue with israel isn't the policies that any particular government has but simply Israel's policy of continuing to exist.

p.s. maybe Hamas, the government of Gaza, should spend some of their time and money on improving the lives of Palestinians instead of simply trying to kill jews.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Even basketcase has said that settler attacks on Palestinians are terrorism.
Meanwhile you refuse to describe similar attacks on Jews by Palestinians as terrorism and have gone so far as to claim Jewish civilians are legitimate targets.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But you've been pretty cleqar your issue with israel isn't the policies that any particular government has but simply Israel's policy of continuing to exist.
No, my issues are with apartheid.
I don't support apartheid but you do.

You support colonial settler practices, state backed terrorism and apartheid.
The attacks by settlers you admit are terrorism have doubled yet the only thing you are critical of is me calling that fact out.

I've repeatedly described the militant settlers as terrorists.

The majority of Canadians supports boycotts on Israel.
Your views are minority views, how many Canadians do you think really support apartheid and settler colonialism?
Last edited:


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Photojournalist looking for human rights abuses - the apartheid state of Israel represents low hanging fruit...


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Photojournalist looking for human rights abuses - the apartheid state of Israel represents low hanging fruit...
Wish these photojournalists would spend some time in Northern Ireland.

Brits, get out. We don't want your occupation and oppression.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, my issues are with apartheid.
And obviously you have no idea what that means. the PA and Hamas implement laws banning Jews which is actual apartheid-like while Israel's laws apply equally to all citizens.

You have also overtly excused the exact same kind of terrorism committed by these settlers when you claimed every Jew in the West bank is a legitimate target instead of condemning Palestinians who throw rocks or firebombs at Jews simply because they are Jews. that is the kind of double standard included in Canada's definition of anti-semitism.

It is also funny that you praise boycotts of Israel while routinely supporting some Israeli businesses while at the same time saying it's wrong for countries to boycott Iran.

Sorry but Israel is a vibrant society that isn't afraid to confront its own problems, where people can openly challenge their own government, and where elections actually happen. That is why Israeli society promoted this film and several others looking at the lives of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs.

And it's also worth noting that Israel's governing coalition includes the United Arab List as well as Arab members in 4 other parties. But I'm sure in your warped world, these Arabs in the ruling coalition somehow mean Israel is apartheid.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And obviously you have no idea what that means.
I know exactly what this means, as do HRW, B'tselem, the UN and 45% of Israelis.
So do you, even though you pretend you don't.

You have also overtly excused the exact same kind of terrorism committed by these settlers when you claimed every Jew in the West bank is a legitimate target instead of condemning Palestinians who throw rocks or firebombs at Jews simply because they are Jews. that is the kind of double standard included in Canada's definition of anti-semitism.
I have never said every settler is a legitimate target even though every single one is committing a war crime on behalf of the state.
Only those acting as militants are legitimate targets.
But its also interesting that you seem to think that only illegal settlers have the right to self defence and not the native population of what should be Palestine.
The only rationale for such beliefs is that you must think Palestinians don't merit basic human rights.

And it's also worth noting that Israel's governing coalition includes the United Arab List as well as Arab members in 4 other parties. But I'm sure in your warped world, these Arabs in the ruling coalition somehow mean Israel is apartheid.
Read the reports detailing Israeli apartheid, Israel's political system is covered and your arguments taken apart.
You're going to have to do better than that at the ICC.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I know exactly what this means, as do HRW, B'tselem, the UN...
You mean the organizations you argue against when they criticize Palestinian leaders?

Here's one example.
I have never said every settler is a legitimate target even though every single one is committing a war crime on behalf of the state.
So what if those organizations are 100% clear that civilians living in a disputed territories are not committing war crimes.

And it is funny when you say Jewish civilians aren't legitimate targets (after many times saying they were) and then turn around and act like Palestinians "self defence" includes attacking random jews.

Sorry but the fact that this Israeli film won awards for being critical of some Israeli policies is supposed to prove how evil Israel is while both the PA and Hamas routinely lock up and occasionally kill people simply for criticizing the leaders. A bunch of Arabs are part of Israel's ruling coalition but you still go on pretending Arabs are denied equal opportunity.

And finally words have meanings. Apartheid is defined as "a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race." The 20% of Israel that are ethnically Arabs prove that wrong. If you want to invent a word for not treating citizens and non-citizens differently then go ahead. Until then all you are doing is trying to con gullible people with emotionally laden and factually incorrect labels.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You mean the organizations you argue against when they criticize Palestinian leaders?
Abbas and Hamas are as much a problem as Netanyahu was and Bennett now is.

So what if those organizations are 100% clear that civilians living in a disputed territories are not committing war crimes.
Those civilians are committing war crimes, that's a problem.
Its not justification to target them, but its a problem, a war crime problem.

And finally words have meanings. Apartheid is defined as "a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race." The 20% of Israel that are ethnically Arabs prove that wrong. If you want to invent a word for not treating citizens and non-citizens differently then go ahead. Until then all you are doing is trying to con gullible people with emotionally laden and factually incorrect labels.
Both the UN and B'tselem reports on Israeli apartheid detail how there are 4 different forms of apartheid in practice in Israel/Palestine.
Its clear you've never read them, so there is no point debating your ignorant claims until you do read them.

Let me know when you've done your homework and then we can debate how Israel is also apartheid inside the green line.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Abbas and Hamas are as much a problem as Netanyahu was and Bennett now is.
So why do you never criticize them? Israelis get awards for criticizing their government while Palestinians get locked up or murdered.

And no, according to the rights groups you pretend to support, the citizens living in the West Bank are NOT committing war crimes. You can argue that the Israeli government (a weak argument at that) but civilians are not criminals simply for living.

Finally I gave you the definition of apartheid and it doesn't accurately describe what's going on there. And your hypocrisy is showing again as you refuse to condemn Hamas until the ICC rules but you're happy to condemn Israel without it.

p.s. You've tried before to show Israeli laws discriminate against Israeli Arabs and you completely failed. In fact they have greater legal rights than Israeli Jews with national service not being mandatory and the right to pray wherever they want. There is discrimination in Israel, just like there is in Canada but in neither case are there laws support that discrimination.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Finally I gave you the definition of apartheid and it doesn't accurately describe what's going on there. And your hypocrisy is showing again as you refuse to condemn Hamas until the ICC rules but you're happy to condemn Israel without it.
Hmm, should I listen to someone who defends shooting protesters, including women and children or should I listen to HRW, B'tselem and the UN?
I think I'll stick to HRW and the UN for sources, thanks.'

You haven't even read the reports.

Israel is apartheid.

When 25% of US Jews say Israel is apartheid and 45% of Israelis agree, you've lost the argument.
Now its just a matter of time, in the meantime you're backing the second most evil crime against humanity known to man, just down one from genocide.

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