Nah. There's a whole thread somewhere on subtle distinctions between Christian sects in the US. (Maybe in North America?)I know this is Politics, Religion, and all, but a theological discussion on Terb seems a little bizarre...
It's fine.
Nah. There's a whole thread somewhere on subtle distinctions between Christian sects in the US. (Maybe in North America?)I know this is Politics, Religion, and all, but a theological discussion on Terb seems a little bizarre...
I know this is Politics, Religion, and all, but a theological discussion on Terb seems a little bizarre...
Hey, don't blame me.Agreed. In my own defence, the OP brought up "sin", a religious construct. And FF wasn't clear on the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene differences.
Well you can get all the services you get from an escort agency its probably the same. In fact, it might be better since you stopping other activity from happening that you might deem sinful.I used to get messages. But when the pandemic hit it all closed up. After a year of it I ended up going to an escort agency. Their were no other options. Is it a sin?
Does it, though?Shinto considers it sin not to have sex on a regular basis if your capable as do many fertility religions.
While you are at it, please also ask why does he give children cancer?Im not a religious man but I do have faith and I have to ask, Why would a god give humans such a wonderful gift and tell us we cant us it.
Getting a disease isn't the same as having the free will to have sexWhile you are at it, please also ask why does he give children cancer?
wonder how many cheating women used the immaculate conception excuse when they got pregnant and their husband was impotent ? As for Mary magdeline jesus wrote a review in scripture - it was know as the book of terb. He said he got a rimiob/bbbj for 2 shillingsFF, you're confusing the Virgin Mary (immaculate conception) with Mary Magdalene (the world's first groupie). MM hung out with Big J and the Apostles. VM gave birth to Jesus after she was impregnated by God.
I know, it's confusing. Ask a Catholic.
Well as Shinto does not "Sin" your correct, but there is a duty to have sex so many times - there were several relgious hook up areas in Japan to fulfill your religious duty. Its one reason that love hotels are so common as well in Japan as until 1945 sex had rules but it was considered a positive.Does it, though?
Shinto is pretty complicated and fluid.
Being fruitful and multiplying is certainly part of most versions I've encountered, but "it's a sin not to have sex" seems a bit off.
The sinful myth has a function. The fact that pre modern times sex disease and pregnancy were far bigger deals. Other cultures had other methods to deal with this issue, such as formalized concubines harems, armies of eunuch s ritualized orgies slavery and the like.I think it is more a hang-up about religion. People
outside the Christian world don't need to justify sinful
deeds like seeing escorts by selective reading of the
life of Christ.