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Are O'Toole's new "Woke" policy stances even doable if the Tories win?

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Maybe he is lying and once in power will change course. Wouldn't be the first party to do this.
He is lying I have read many quotes of his that he is anti abortion as long as he gets social conservative votes. What we have here is a very desperate party maskerading as liberal to only rule the country and privatize health care, to privitize long term care homes (even though there proivatized they failed we need them public) he doesnt think trains and planes should require vaccines what a joke and hes already screwing up foeign affairs business dealings with China erin otoole would be the first conservative to try and start a war with china good grief hes obsessed with China.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Are you saying it’s great he called an election?

For the governing liberal members of parliament point of view , this was an unnecessary election call.
Most of Canada agrees

Ironically it will be great for Canada if Justin loses

The liberal members of parliament since 2015 who lose their seats in 2021 appear to be one month shy of qualifying for their pension.
They will be less than pleased after 5 years 11 months of apologizing for this clown
There will be calls for a leadership review and that review will have a lot of odor attached to it


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Removing Justin Trudeau / Gerrald Butts from power is the primary objective
Fixing Justins financial mess and getting people working will take a massive effort and that is where the focus will be if the PCs were to win

You mean there would be healthy debate within his cabinet/ caucus on some social issues

Winning more seats that the liberals would also be viewed as a positive outcome
The NDP would still likely support a second place Trudeau. (To their eternal shame! )
Winning an out right majority is still a tall order.

However that outcome is more probable than a week ago
There is no limit to how much Justin can screw this up. He is in panic mode now
A Conservative majority is a long shot... O'Toole just voluntarily waded into the 2 tier health care system waters. That issue cost them in the past. He did not need to open that door.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The joke is that Error O'Toole's budget is about spending and more spending that is concerning a number of Conservative supporters.
How is he going to balance the books with all those budget expenditures is mind boggling? We know that he is trying to draw the ones that defected to the Liberals, and even has for the first time decided to spend cash on the Indigenous population. Something totally ignored by the previous Harper regime. We know that if and a big if Error gets into office, all he will do is to blame the previous Liberals and then say that he cannot fulfill all these promises of his, that actually look fake for a Conservative party. Jagmeet Singh very eloquently summed him up in this respect.
We also know that this Pandemic has taken a toll on all the economies. But it is easy to blame the Liberals who frankly did a great job and the vaccination as well as infection / death rates confirm it as compared to the former dumbest leader of the USA and his handling of the Pandemic. He left the country reeling in debt as well as a real mess in the tackling of this Pandemic!!
But to blame The Liberals for Alberta's Oil woes is hilarious. Especially as Alberta has all it's eggs in one basket and has not bothered to invest in the refineries etc to clean up the dirtiest Bitumen Oil from its Sands. They have to ship it to the USA and other nations. If the price of oil had dropped so dramatically and is not about to recover to its original record prices, then how do you blame a Government for it??
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I am a Liberal.... and I actually don't mind O'Toole. Thought he was a smart choice for the Tories. I think he is decent guy, and a for the most part, honest.

It's the rest of the party. Race baiting Michelle Remple. Extremist Pierre Pollivive (or what ever the fuck his name is)... it's the party I don't trust. Will there be a mutiny if he marches in the pride parade?
The fact as a Liberal you like Erin the Tool is all the proof to me that the Conservative Party has lost its way. Pollievre is my favorite member of that party I would have supported him if he had entered the leadership race. There's nothing extremist about him he's just a strong Conservative.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
A Conservative majority is a long shot... O'Toole just voluntarily waded into the 2 tier health care system waters. That issue cost them in the past. He did not need to open that door.
I believe he was asked a question and provided his response in two parts.
Answering a question truthfully should not be considered a political misstep.

I suspect the Justin Trudeau liberals will show you some real political missteps before too long


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The fact as a Liberal you like Erin the Tool is all the proof to me that the Conservative Party has lost its way. Pollievre is my favorite member of that party I would have supported him if he had entered the leadership race. There's nothing extremist about him he's just a strong Conservative.
And that is why the T's will lose yet another election. Unlike the US, the bulk of the population of Canada is urban and eastern. The T's will win every seat in AB and SK once again, but so what? There are more seats in the GTA than on the entire Prairies.

O'T will get some friendly attention if he pretends to be a smarter version of Justin. Once the facade slides away - or it becomes obvious that the bulk of his party is extreme right and will force O'T into line - the door will slam, all those eastern voters will sigh and Justin will get his majority.

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
The Conservatives struggle with taking care of the people provincially as a whole Country we don't need another Stephen Harper who left Canada in a mess after he left with no pandemic. Anyone thats whining about Trudeaus Spending needs a reality check if it wasn't for Truedeau giving CERB and business and corporation subsidies we would have seen disaster by the thousands of people not surviving. If the Conservatives were in charge during the pandemic we would have had a country like the state of Florida with desantos open for business and open caskets for sale,


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
He is lying I have read many quotes of his that he is anti abortion as long as he gets social conservative votes. What we have here is a very desperate party maskerading as liberal to only rule the country and privatize health care, to privitize long term care homes (even though there proivatized they failed we need them public) he doesnt think trains and planes should require vaccines what a joke and hes already screwing up foeign affairs business dealings with China erin otoole would be the first conservative to try and start a war with china good grief hes obsessed with China.
A politician lie? Who ever heard of such a thing? :rolleyes: ...
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Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
There you go ....Conservative as ever ...
Fancy widow dressing does not change their underlying 50's conservative base dogma of :
1) Austerity via "trickle down" for the working classes
2) Tax cuts for the wealthy and profitable corporations.
3) Cutbacks to Social programs including Healthcare etc to pay for the tax cuts for their base supporters ...
4) women's rights reduced to what was accepted in the 60's ....
5) statements about the environment while investing funds into more pipelines and carbon based energy resources risking an acceleration of global warming.
A leopard cannot change its spots ....
Dress up the conservative platform with flowery statements of appearing new age ,but the conservative base does not want any changes....this is a true "bait and switch" debacle to gain power ...say whatever you need to to get into power as they are not bound by their promises - after the election.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
And that is why the T's will lose yet another election. Unlike the US, the bulk of the population of Canada is urban and eastern. The T's will win every seat in AB and SK once again, but so what? There are more seats in the GTA than on the entire Prairies.

O'T will get some friendly attention if he pretends to be a smarter version of Justin. Once the facade slides away - or it becomes obvious that the bulk of his party is extreme right and will force O'T into line - the door will slam, all those eastern voters will sigh and Justin will get his majority.
That is an odd way to describe the liberal implosion


Nov 17, 2018
A Conservative majority is a long shot... O'Toole just voluntarily waded into the 2 tier health care system waters. That issue cost them in the past. He did not need to open that door.
There is a zero chance of a CPC majority, and only a slim chance of a LIB majority. We are doing all this to determine if PMJTs minority government will increase or decrease by a handful of seats.
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Nov 17, 2018
The Conservatives struggle with taking care of the people provincially as a whole Country we don't need another Stephen Harper who left Canada in a mess after he left with no pandemic. Anyone thats whining about Trudeaus Spending needs a reality check if it wasn't for Truedeau giving CERB and business and corporation subsidies we would have seen disaster by the thousands of people not surviving. If the Conservatives were in charge during the pandemic we would have had a country like the state of Florida with desantos open for business and open caskets for sale,
The party that O'Toole represents does not exist in the 3 prairie provinces, where it is still very much the old Reform Party which has been spiced up with a dash of trumpism.
The merger was never really fulfilled in these parts of Canada. O'Toole's more moderate stance on climate change, abortion and LGBTQ issues is reviled by many in the party. If the election goes badly, I could see another schism happening.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The party that O'Toole represents does not exist in the 3 prairie provinces, where it is still very much the old Reform Party which has been spiced up with a dash of trumpism.
The merger was never really fulfilled in these parts of Canada. O'Toole's more moderate stance on climate change, abortion and LGBTQ issues is reviled by many in the party. If the election goes badly, I could see another schism happening.
I wonder if some of those votes will drift to Mad Max or if he's too much for even them.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
The party that O'Toole represents does not exist in the 3 prairie provinces, where it is still very much the old Reform Party which has been spiced up with a dash of trumpism.
The merger was never really fulfilled in these parts of Canada. O'Toole's more moderate stance on climate change, abortion and LGBTQ issues is reviled by many in the party. If the election goes badly, I could see another schism happening.
If the election goes the way it is currently shaping up - another Liberal minority - there's a high likelihood that both Trudeau and O'Toole will both be gone (and Singh too, for that matter, if he loses seats). That would be a good result for almost everyone.
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Nov 17, 2018
I wonder if some of those votes will drift to Mad Max or if he's too much for even them.
Some will for sure but there are western separatist parties running candidates in some ridings that will also get votes from these disgruntled red-necks ...
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