Don Mclean
Answer: The Price is Right. Adam Sandler is the name of the director.Where does the name Adam Sandler pop up the most on TV?
Dennis Tufano and Mindy Sterling (season 1 episodes 1-10); Johnny Mathis & Deniece Williams (season 1 episodes 11-22, seasons 2–7)What artists sang the theme song for Family Ties?
What artists sang the theme song for Family Ties?
Correct!Dennis Tufano and Mindy Sterling (season 1 episodes 1-10); Johnny Mathis & Deniece Williams (season 1 episodes 11-22, seasons 2–7)
Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean AdventuresName show about a sea faring explorer based on a real life underwater archeological explorer.
Name show about a sea faring explorer based on a real life underwater archeological explorer.
Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures
Bob Dylan had rhymes more tenuous than that and he won a Nobel Prize.No it doesn't.
Canada After Dark with Paul SolesName the late night talk show with a Canadian host that was suppose to rival Johny Carson's Tonight Show.
Nope, the show in my question was American produced and shown on U.S. TV, hence to rival CarsonCanada After Dark with Paul Soles
Thicke of the Night.. with Alan ThickeNope, the show in my question was American produced and shown on U.S. TV, hence to rival Carson
Quantum leapName show about a man who receives a daily copy of a newspaper the day before that it is actually published.
Early Edition.Name show about a man who receives a daily copy of a newspaper the day before that it is actually published.