Kiki - full sex operation ??

I'm pretty sure I have been with a trans man. They had the scars, claimed it was from being overweight as a kid. They didn't want any help guiding it in. Under covers in the dark. I thought that was strange and they were just really clueless at sex. The more I became comfortable with my strap on the more I realized they were probably using a strap on. It really hurt and I couldn't imagine it felt good for them but It was probably because they couldn't feel it it's a lot of guesswork when you can't feel the extension you're using To pleasure someone. When I look back and think of all the signs he was definitely trans. Kind of bother that he lied... But I get it. If you go through all that trouble and you legitimately Believe you were born in the wrong body I kind of understand. He definitely hired me to try to practice. I just feel like he could have gotten more out of the session I could have given him pointers but that's probably not what he needed. He needed a confidence boost and I'm OK with that too


New member
Oct 4, 2020
I met her a few days back...a total drama...she was ok with greek but the condition is you can't have both the holes, either greek or pussy...then within 2 mins she was huffing and puffing, saying can't take it anymore, my tool is curved or not the right angle for somehow finished and moved waste of time and money.
I met her a few days back...a total drama...she was ok with greek but the condition is you can't have both the holes, either greek or pussy...then within 2 mins she was huffing and puffing, saying can't take it anymore, my tool is curved or not the right angle for somehow finished and moved waste of time and money.
That a pretty fair rule to have. I think she might have meant you can go front to back but if you go Greek you can't go back to the P if you get what I'm saying. It's unsanitary but can also lead to infections and pH imbalances. Once a woman has to treat a pH problem things cam get all out of whack.

The only other thing is... I offer Greek but it's very much a "I can't make any promises" and it cant be rushed. It takes time to build up to. I generally don't like offering it because people want to rush and it takes up to 5 minutes just to prep for it. Size doesn't always matter but lubrication and the motion does. It can be fun... but also excruciatingly painful and sometimes there isn't a rhyme or reason for it.


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2020
That a pretty fair rule to have. I think she might have meant you can go front to back but if you go Greek you can't go back to the P if you get what I'm saying. It's unsanitary but can also lead to infections and pH imbalances. Once a woman has to treat a pH problem things cam get all out of whack.

The only other thing is... I offer Greek but it's very much a "I can't make any promises" and it cant be rushed. It takes time to build up to. I generally don't like offering it because people want to rush and it takes up to 5 minutes just to prep for it. Size doesn't always matter but lubrication and the motion does. It can be fun... but also excruciatingly painful and sometimes there isn't a rhyme or reason for it.
Oddly enough Men have the prostate gland stimulation when receiving anal, so in theory are more likely to get pleasure from it. Does it do much for women? I can see how it would be a lot more of a mood/situation and partner chemistry sensitive issue.
Oddly enough Men have the prostate gland stimulation when receiving anal, so in theory are more likely to get pleasure from it. Does it do much for women? I can see how it would be a lot more of a mood/situation and partner chemistry sensitive issue.
It can be really fun or it can be really irritating. I'm not sure why it Can be so completely opposite. It does feel good but when it doesn't feel good it feels awful. I feel like it never just feel's OK is either really good or really bad. It's generally awful with people who are impatient Or people who don't take instructions well. I guess maybe it's not as sexy as the porn they watched beforehand. Real life doesn't have any edits. Unless somebody takes dicks every day in that thing... its going to take a little time 😅

Its the same for men. When I'm doing strap it takes a bit. Only really experienced people can just take it. I'm generally shocked if it just goes right in.


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Aug 13, 2006
Loyal Order of Water Buffalo Lodge No. 26.
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