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Mixing vaccines is even BETTER for you????


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Ah, cool!!


View attachment 58172

Good thing there is absolutley NO long term or short term testing done to see what effects it will have on you in the future but at least you're vaccinated up to 94% against a virus with over 99% recovery!! LMAO!!! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
You can laugh all you want. I really don’t personally care what a person like you thinks.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I am sure when this all started back in early 2020 when people panicked and were emptying store shelves of toilette paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes etc.
TeeJay was emptying the shelves of aluminum foil.
Naw never

Even if stores had of closed for a week we would have been fine. Frozen food or stuff from the pantry.

I actually posted on this very board how I walked into a few stores having a laugh at the covidiots panic attacks

The lineups to purchase anything were insane so I just waited a few days


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
It's definitely a numbers game now...has nothing to do with how bad a mix vaccination or how effective it is...the government just wants everyone to take the shots so that they can say...we're now a 90% vaccinated country...would I take a mix vaccine? well, if that's available and we got an 85% effectivity, I would...everyone, including the government is banking on the numbers that only a few won't have the effectivity...I mean, if out of a million 1 will die from complications...most pro vaccine would take that as a victory...


Jan 4, 2005
Exactly. I am not one these right wingers or anti vaxxers. But even I am cynical enough to question their motives. It's all about getting to 70%, no matter what it takes. All politics.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I got my second dose, but I was unaware that it would be a mixed vaccine. My first was Moderna and my second was Pfizer. Nobody ever told me until I was about to get the shot.

Of course I got it anyway because I didn’t want to go to the hassle of booking another appointment. But it just goes to show you that the government will not be honest, Simply to get more vaccines. They have no long-term studies on how mixed vaccines affect you.
I was specifically after a mix. I wanted an mRNA for my second dose to compliment my AZ first doze feeling it would be a strong combination with the talk of the preliminary data. So far based on the data it is true. As for a Pfizer or Moderna mix the data is coming out that they are interchangeable. I wouldn't worry, you did the right thing and in two weeks you have reached full strength. You can relax and get back to enjoying life.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
millions or 10s of millions or 100s of millions are all way more than are ever conducted in studies and are enough to draw strong conclusions that the mixtures work.

As such, it proves that your initial post is rubbish and ignorant and dismissing it is the proper thing to do.
I asked for proof and all you did was shit out some more made up numbers.

How you tell is about all the peope either getting covid or dying after the second shot?

Im sure those numbers would be far more interesting for a drug that is safe, right?




Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
Wow. That is such a wonderful thing to say.

Hoping someone can’t have kids. You really are messed up.

This vaccine might cause it because there has been NO study whatsoever on it and nobody has had difficulties in the SHORT amount of time the gene therapy has been used.

Just because they didnt study the phenomina nor reports of it happening...YET, be in peace knowing that being a guinea pig for free is the best thing you can do to help people who are vulnerable! 😂

Be sure to remember it when you find out you're sterile and if you're boyfriend's heart is still healthy enough to have sex.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls

This vaccine will make sure of it.

Be sure to remember it when you find out you're sterile and if you're boyfriend's heart is still healthy enough to have sex.
Whatever dude. Keep living in your fucked up world and messed up logic. The fertility article has absolutely no evidence to suggest issues. But you hope that I can’t have kids because I took a medication you don’t agree with. That is just fucked. And mean and hateful to be honest. It must suck living with those types of feelings.

Don’t worry about me. I’m good.
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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
It's definitely a numbers game now...has nothing to do with how bad a mix vaccination or how effective it is...the government just wants everyone to take the shots so that they can say...we're now a 90% vaccinated country...would I take a mix vaccine? well, if that's available and we got an 85% effectivity, I would...everyone, including the government is banking on the numbers that only a few won't have the effectivity...I mean, if out of a million 1 will die from complications...most pro vaccine would take that as a victory...
Only 1 problem.... more than 1 person has died from the jab!


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2017
SmallH and Teejay having good ole boy fun

I imagine they share their hoarded supply of aluminum foil with each other too. Trade decorating tips on where best to cover the inside of the house with the Alcan.
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Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
I asked for proof and all you did was shit out some more made up numbers.

How you tell is about all the peope either getting covid or dying after the second shot?

Im sure those numbers would be far more interesting for a drug that is safe, right?

Your first article referenced about the California man was announced by the coroner not to be related to the vaccine.
" Officials have ruled out coronavirus vaccination as the cause of death in a California man, the Placer County Sheriff’s Office announced Sunday"
The second concerning Haley Brinkmeyer .
Official cause of death was listed as Diabetic Hyperglycemia with Ketoacidosis Diabetes Mellitus with severe dilated cardiomyopathy with ejection fraction of 10-15% measured.
The third concerning Karen Hudson-Samuels.
Cause of death was listed as a stroke caused by underlying health conditions.
The fourth one, in the article itself, Joe admits Larry died of Covid19 (which is on his death certificate).
The fifth one survived the stroke and there was no causal relation to the vaccine found.
The sixth one, the man survived and had nothing to do with the vaccine itself but rather human error.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I asked for proof and all you did was shit out some more made up numbers.

How you tell is about all the peope either getting covid or dying after the second shot?

Im sure those numbers would be far more interesting for a drug that is safe, right?

Be careful. Your IQ is showing.
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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
Your first article referenced about the California man was announced by the coroner not to be related to the vaccine.
" Officials have ruled out coronavirus vaccination as the cause of death in a California man, the Placer County Sheriff’s Office announced Sunday"
The second concerning Haley Brinkmeyer .
Official cause of death was listed as Diabetic Hyperglycemia with Ketoacidosis Diabetes Mellitus with severe dilated cardiomyopathy with ejection fraction of 10-15% measured.
The third concerning Karen Hudson-Samuels.
Cause of death was listed as a stroke caused by underlying health conditions.
The fourth one, in the article itself, Joe admits Larry died of Covid19 (which is on his death certificate).
The fifth one survived the stroke and there was no causal relation to the vaccine found.
The sixth one, the man survived and had nothing to do with the vaccine itself but rather human error.
BUt if the above unrelated to vaccine deaths turned into covid cases pre-vaccines, you can bet all those poor people mentioned above would definitly had covid!

I really cant beleive the numbers of people who lack rational thinking skills....:cry:


Jun 23, 2017
Trying to stay in a Happy Place
[QUOTE="smallhatchet, post: 7114122, member: 301955"
I really cant beleive the numbers of people who lack rational thinking skills....:cry:

Well - not sure what "beleive" means but 99.999% of Terb members know with an absolute certainty that you have no thinking skills - rational or otherwise.

I know pointing out typos is considered rude by some but try using an apostrophe as although "cant" is a word I "beleive" (used your spelling to make you feel better and help you read it) you really meant "can't"

As in: "I can't believe that anyone could be such an uninformed, delusional, and small minded an individual as smallhatchet - but he constantly proves me wrong through his musings on Terb."

(You obviously have not noticed - but there is a very handy spellcheck and typo correction feature built right into Terb. A "rational" and deep thinking guy like you should be able to figure out how to use it - but apparently even that simple observation and task is so far beyond your "small" and extremely limited skill set and cognitive abilities - what a surprise!!!!!)
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Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
BUt if the above unrelated to vaccine deaths turned into covid cases pre-vaccines, you can bet all those poor people mentioned above would definitly had covid!
I agree, if they were diagnosed as covid case pre-vaccines, I would bet that all those poor people mentioned above would have definitely had covid.
Also if they weren't diagnosed as covid case pre-vaccines, I would bet that all those poor people mentioned above would have definitely not had covid.
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