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Why do some "Progressives' hold sex negative views?


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
Watch Rock of Ages 2012 - Tom Cruise + others but look at Catherine Zeta-Jones character.

As for you list I decided to change it.

1-Goverment should ban all pornography as it only benefits the "male/Lesbian gaze" and its inherited exploitative of women. I know some women who compare themselves to what they watch in the media but are straight.
2-All forms of escorting/sugardating are exploitation. If Trafficking is involved whether by man//woman sure it is. But by their own virtue, that cannot be answer by me.
3-Men / women are abusers and women are abused. -Karla Hoe- molka
4-Men/Women who travel abroad are "evil" sex tourists. -
5-Any form of sex works is inseparable with coercion or exploitation. see 2.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Some (many?) women turn to lesbianism after their children are grown (e.g Kathleen Wynne).


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Women like Wynne turned to lesbianism because they knew they
wouldn't find any men attracted to them.


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
In certains parts of the English speaking world you face a "double whammy." On one hand, you have the "Purity Culture" crowd where any sex before marriage is sinful and wrong. On the other hand, you have many of these so-called progressives who don't like sex or see it with suspicion. I don't know if all "Progressives" however, I do believes there's a mainstream strand of "left-wing progressives" who seem to hold all these beliefs. For instance, I was talking with some of them who believe that:

1-Goverment should ban all pornography as it only benefits the "male gaze" and its inherited exploitative of women
2-All forms of escorting/sugardating are exploitation.
3-Men are abusers and women are abused.
4-Men who travel abroad are "evil" sex tourists.
5-Any form of sex works is inseparable with coercion or exploitation.
Because many Progressives/Liberals are feminists. All the points you mentioned are feminists attempts to dominate and castrate men. Have you not noticed how the Liberals promote homosexuality and transgender? They are destroying the traditional nuclear family. They are against the heterosexual white man. I noticed how the Liberals are feminizing men.
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
PS: I don't mean to offend anyone, I am only asking since you guys give insightful answers.I also ask since I write essays about these topics.

1-Goverment should ban all pornography as it only benefits the "male gaze" and its inherited exploitative of women
2-All forms of escorting/sugardating are exploitation.
3-Men are abusers and women are abused.
4-Men who travel abroad are "evil" sex tourists.
5-Any form of sex works is inseparable with coercion or exploitation.
Your claim was about conservatives alleged aversion to sex but your talking points seem to be far more interested in the commercialism of sex and not sex itself

1- Everyone on the net looks at porn. I think the bigger issue is the availability of porn (access by minors, access to illegal content, anon etc, even the vast majority of "free" porn sites usually are HUGE security risks with shady 3rd party ads/tracking or virus loads).
I think its laughable to try and "ban" porn but government should go after groups who leave stuff up for free; put it behind a paywall problem solved)

2- They are. Not as bad as your 4 comment but exploiting someone for money is not a good thing (lol funny to say on terb right). We both know many men pay to play because they do have much darker desires and they do dehumanize the women they exploit.

3- Nonsense. Men are more likely to be driven to this but women do it too.

4- Def. Traveling to some 3rd world country to exploit local women (or men) based solely on economic disparity. Tons of graphic vids on web that turn your stomach to see.

5- Not always though I feel majority is.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Because many Progressives/Liberals are feminists. All the points you mentioned are feminists attempts to dominate and castrate men. Have you not noticed how the Liberals promote homosexuality and transgender? They are destroying the traditional nuclear family. They are against the heterosexual white man. I noticed how the Liberals are feminizing men.
You're a total bigot whose hiding behind white fragile masculinity.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Thought it might be a laugh to see Heff debate them.

While Hef advanced the careers of many female execs and managers at Playboy Enterprises, he became a silly caricature. He should have retired from being the public face of Playboy much earlier. At a certain point, he should have stopped pretending to be the ultimate paramour.


Aug 23, 2001
While Hef advanced the careers of many female execs and managers at Playboy Enterprises, he became a silly caricature. He should have retired from being the public face of Playboy much earlier. At a certain point, he should have stopped pretending to be the ultimate paramour.
Interesting hijack. There's an entire tome to be written about how the alpha male / player persona of the 1960's faded away as being too extreme and silly. It was dominant in the 1960's and dead as a dodo by the 1980's.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
The Reagan era ushered in a brief burst of sexual conservatism in the U.S. I wouldn't say it was a wave of abstinence until marriage, but long-term relationships and monogamy were more solidly in vogue that decade. Certainly, the 70s were more sexually liberal here and I would say it loosened up again in the 90s. The fear of AIDS (regardless of the the reality) helped promote sexual conservatism. Conservative American women were always interested in keeping up the facade of a few sexual partners over the course of their lifetime.

Sex is always complicated from a political view. Since the beginning of time, the moral underpinnings of sex has driven societies to establish rules of proper behavior whether explicit or implicit.

Progressives are a complicated bunch. Some progressives mostly women have a crazy, hostile view towards sex. There is a broader element of progressivism though that tends to seek out and manufacture victims.


Decriminalize, Regulate, license.
Jan 25, 2018
Look at what progressives are doing to the military.

Regardless of race or gender anyone who is willing to die to protect our rights, beliefs, allow us to have free will, deserves respect. That goes for any profession that calls on someone to help others. They have earned the respect.

You should be saying thank you to them, or strap on a gun and fend for yourself.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
There were some U.S. female soldiers in Gulf War II, almost all in support (not combat) units. A few were captured by the enemy.


Aug 23, 2001
Look at what progressives are doing to the military.

The US is still far and away the most powerful military on the planet and outspends the rest of the world combined. You can still sleep soundly, safe in the knowledge that the "commies" aren't going to come and hide under your bed.

And besides, that's just a silly propaganda meme. Grow up.


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Jan 10, 2005
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