You still don't understand the premise and still seem to be arguing that what you think is benign 'courtship' can't possibly be considered 'harassment'.
Instead you keep going back to claiming that if you're hot enough, its ok and its hypocritical to not expect 'hot' men to come on to them.
Again, its not you who decides whether your 'courtship' is considered 'harassment', its the women.
Ask them, listen to them and don't tell them they are wrong or hypocritical.
I'm sure there are some women who love being hit on by guys who think that they are hot enough they can get away with it, but you should check with them to see how many think its 'courtship' and how many think its 'harassment'.
You still don't get it, even though you just said it.
Yes the woman decides what comment or expression she considers to be harassment. Which can change from woman to woman, day to day, even from whom is making the comment.
That is the definition of subjectivity. As such harassment is largely subjective. Being offended is largely subjective.
That is why, For the 100th time,
People do not have any enshrined rights to not be offended. People do have enshrined rights to express themselves.
Therefore, one person's desire to not be offended that day does not, legally or ethically, trump another person's right to express themselves, within the reasonable boundaries that society has agreed is not lewd or crude.
So in grounding that axiom back to this topic. It is ridiculous to demand that all men everywhere never utter another word to any woman, no matter how complimentary or gracious, simply because some women somewhere, unbeknownst to the guy, may not want to hear it that day from that particular person at that particular time.
That would be like me saying that because I sometimes feel harassed when people come up to me and ask for directions, that no one should ever be able to ask anyone for directions ever again. Regardless of how genuine, or politely they ask.
Do you get it now?
That is my point, that has always been my point.
You have managed to talk this in circles three times over already, which I proved earlier by actually quoting my own post to again answer something you circled back to.
You fail to understand the argument. Mainly because keep putting words in my mouth, as I have repeatedly demonstrated, to make it fit what you want to attack.
I'm not going to talk this into a forth circle.
Good day.