Demi Lovato

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017

Demi can call themselves they or them if they feel it is best suited to their gender identity.

Demi can call themselves they or them if they feel it is best suited to their gender identity.

See. Easy peasy. You just replace he/she/him/her with they/them. If all else fails just refer to a person’s name. That is what I did until I figured it out.

Does that help?
Not really. What do I call them now?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Question: What is/are the difference(s) between non-binary and androgynous?

neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine in appearance:the androgynous look of many rock stars.
having an ambiguous sexual identity or having both masculine and feminine gender characteristics.
being neither strictly male nor strictly female, often possessing physical sex traits of both."


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Could you use "them" in a sentence, so I can see how it works?
My ex was wildly enthusiastic at sex. I could barely keep up with them. Their desires were intense and creative.

Question: Do non-binary folks prefer males or females as sex partners? Or, do they prefer another non-binary human?
Like with everyone else, depends on the person.

From my understanding they are mostly pansexual
Hasn't been my experience. Definitely know some who identify as pansexual, but even then about half of them have specific preferences and mostly use the term as a way to screen out people who aren't going to handle the concept of "non-binary" well.

Question: What is/are the difference(s) between non-binary and androgynous?

neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine in appearance:the androgynous look of many rock stars.
having an ambiguous sexual identity or having both masculine and feminine gender characteristics.
being neither strictly male nor strictly female, often possessing physical sex traits of both."

Usually a case of androgynous being used to describe a specific look while non-binary is describing an identity.
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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
"If you truly knew and understood the issue, you not have asked such an absurd question."

That is not an argument, all you merely do is asserting that for totally unexplained reasons I don't know and understand the issue. You are basically saying " You are wrong" without any evidence.

" Feel privileged that you actually feel what your physical body represents if you can’t for a single minute empathize with the millions of others who look in the mirror and do not see what they feel, reflecting back at them."

Recognizing reality is not privileged, its normal. Its actually a survival mechanism. If I look in the mirror and do not see what I feel, then what I feel is not the reality. And reality is more important than what I feel. Because it doesn't change for your feelings.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
"If you truly knew and understood the issue, you not have asked such an absurd question."

That is not an argument, all you merely do is asserting that for totally unexplained reasons I don't know and understand the issue. You are basically saying " You are wrong" without any evidence.

" Feel privileged that you actually feel what your physical body represents if you can’t for a single minute empathize with the millions of others who look in the mirror and do not see what they feel, reflecting back at them."

Recognizing reality is not privileged, its normal. Its actually a survival mechanism. If I look in the mirror and do not see what I feel, then what I feel is not the reality. And reality is more important than what I feel. Because it doesn't change for your feelings.
We are going to have to agree to disagree on what is reality. A feeling or a physical being. However I did not mean to imply “you are wrong”. I just think if you truly knew, you wouldn’t ask questions the way you are. I don’t think actually you want to learn.

Which is why I will just agree to disagree with you. I just think based on both our opinions, that route is probably for the best.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Of course you can. And since identity is a negotiated position, most people will ignore you.
What isn't going to happen is people on a message board going on at length on how awful it is and it pisses them off and ruins their day.
But it isn't negotiated, is it? It is being forced.

When University professors are being fired because they do not believe in the new use of pronouns, that is not a negotiation, it is being forced.
When the House of commons passes laws that such pronouns must be legally used in the house, regardless of ones own belief in it, that is not a negotiation. It is being forced.
When cancel culture, which consists of small vocal groups, threaten and destroy the livelihood of those who do not participate, or criticize the practice, that is not a negotiation. It is being forced.

"Gender" never used to be "fluid". It was simply a synonym for the word sex when it came to the biological differences between males and females. It comes from the Latin for Genus, which is a common word in biology circles.

People have only recently tried to separate it into something different from it's biological roots, and then applied a fluidity to it. Many don't agree with this. Both academically and culturally. And it is their right to do so. Being forced out of jobs and careers for not agreeing kind of ends the negotiation process doesn't it? That is now force.

What people are getting riled up about is that they are being forced to use new meanings for words that historically do not apply, and have no relevance in their lives, simply because of the rather militant desires of a small group.

You want to refer to yourself as "they" knock yourself out. I will not be participating. I don't agree with the use of the word in that context, and I will not do so. Just as many will not refer to me as "Almighty" just because I want to believe I am something I biologically am not.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
What people are getting riled up about is that they are being forced to use new meanings for words that historically do not apply, and have no relevance in their lives, simply because of the rather militant desires of a small group.

You want to refer to yourself as "they" knock yourself out. I will not be participating. I don't agree with the use of the word in that context, and I will not do so. Just as many will not refer to me as "Almighty" just because I want to believe I am something I biologically am not.
The lefties do not tolerate any dissenting views. You will be punished. Looks like western civilization and Russia, Saudi Arabia and the PRC have much in common.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
But it isn't negotiated, is it? It is being forced.
How so? "I don't like it" doesn't mean it is being forced unless you consider all social interaction inherently the use of force.

When University professors are being fired because they do not believe in the new use of pronouns, that is not a negotiation, it is being forced.
Where has this happened?

When the House of commons passes laws that such pronouns must be legally used in the house, regardless of ones own belief in it, that is not a negotiation. It is being forced.
Ahh, you believe government itself to be illegitimate?
Or do you feel that everyone should be allowed to call anyone else what they want? If I want all legal documents addressing you to use female pronouns or other ones I make up, you have no right to stop me?

When cancel culture, which consists of small vocal groups, threaten and destroy the livelihood of those who do not participate, or criticize the practice, that is not a negotiation. It is being forced.
Right. In a democracy, no one has the right to critique someone. I forgot.

"Gender" never used to be "fluid".
Right. Our society defined it one way, and now it is being redefined. I get that you prefer when you could force people to obey your version of it but the social consensus has shifted. Such is life.

People have only recently tried to separate it into something different from it's biological roots, and then applied a fluidity to it. Many don't agree with this. Both academically and culturally. And it is their right to do so. Being forced out of jobs and careers for not agreeing kind of ends the negotiation process doesn't it? That is now force.
And before hand, people who were on the other side were being forced out of jobs and careers. Also socially ostracized, assaulted, killed, and raped.
So the fact that you are made uncomfortable isn't a big deal to me, no.
Again, I am sorry that you find the concept of living in a society the equivalent of force - have you considered living in a cabin in the woods as a hermit?

What people are getting riled up about is that they are being forced to use new meanings for words that historically do not apply, and have no relevance in their lives, simply because of the rather militant desires of a small group.
Yup. Lots of people are snowflakes and throwing shit fits over something that has no relevance in their lives but is HUGELY relevant to someone else's. Society has started to think that perhaps the people for whom it has a huge impact should be listened to, since people like you admit it has no relevance to them and don't have much skin in the game.

You want to refer to yourself as "they" knock yourself out. I will not be participating. I don't agree with the use of the word in that context, and I will not do so. Just as many will not refer to me as "Almighty" just because I want to believe I am something I biologically am not.
Yup. And nothing will happen to you, really. It is possible that if we had to interact constantly in a professional context, people would decide that your continual refusal to address me is a deliberate attempt at disrespect and think badly of you.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
We are going to have to agree to disagree on what is reality. A feeling or a physical being. However I did not mean to imply “you are wrong”. I just think if you truly knew, you wouldn’t ask questions the way you are. I don’t think actually you want to learn.

Which is why I will just agree to disagree with you. I just think based on both our opinions, that route is probably for the best.
* I just think if you truly knew,"

Well, please tell me, If I truly knew WHAT precisely? don't shimmy shammy around, tell me EXACTLY what YOU know that I don't know.

If I feel I am a woman, am I a woman?

An extremely simple question. Does what I feel I am determine WHAT I am?


if someone else feels that THEY are a certain thing, does that in ANY WAY mean that i have to KOWTOW to their beliefs and play along? Would you, Jenesis, require BY LAW that I refer to a person who believes that they are something that I refer to them as that something?

Be clear.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
* I just think if you truly knew,"

Well, please tell me, If I truly knew WHAT precisely? don't shimmy shammy around, tell me EXACTLY what YOU know that I don't know.

If I feel I am a woman, am I a woman?

An extremely simple question. Does what I feel I am determine WHAT I am?


if someone else feels that THEY are a certain thing, does that in ANY WAY mean that i have to KOWTOW to their beliefs and play along? Would you, Jenesis, require BY LAW that I refer to a person who believes that they are something that I refer to them as that something?

Be clear.

If you only knew what it was like to have a physical disconnect from your biological body, or knew someone who has truly struggled with that issue.

And it is not just you, but others who put more care into worrying about their right to use a word, then what the word does to someone else.

But you are clearly getting way to heated for any type of conversation on the matter.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
If you only knew what it was like to have a physical disconnect from your biological body, or knew someone who has truly struggled with that issue.

And it is not just you, but others who put more care into worrying about their right to use a word, then what the word does to someone else.

But you are clearly getting way to heated for any type of conversation on the matter.
Define "Heated". And then, please provide evidence of me being "heated".

Angry? Impolite? Rude? Please provide evidence> Should be simple.

I know what it is like to have a disconnect between reality and what a person believes to be reality. Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. I have a relative who suffers from this.

What NOBODY believes is that my nephew's delusions are real and are to be pandered to. We shut up and nod when he talks, But we do NOT say that what he says is true.

That is what you are advocating. If someone believes something, it is true., I disagree.

I am not heated: au contraire, I am merely pointing out your logical fallacies.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Define "Heated". And then, please provide evidence of me being "heated".

Angry? Impolite? Rude? Please provide evidence> Should be simple.

I know what it is like to have a disconnect between reality and what a person believes to be reality. Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. I have a relative who suffers from this.

What NOBODY believes is that my nephew's delusions are real and are to be pandered to. We shut up and nod when he talks, But we do NOT say that what he says is true.

That is what you are advocating. If someone believes something, it is true., I disagree.

I am not heated: au contraire, I am merely pointing out your logical fallacies.
When you keep using all caps the way you are, it implies yelling. Which would imply being heated.

I never said angry, impolite or rude. Now you are putting words in my mouth. All while asking me to provide evidence. I would ask you to provide some on where I said these things but I won't because I know you can't.

Gender dysmorphia is not schizophrenia. However, this explains your thought process on the matter. You are just not going to understand what gender dysmorphia is and how it affects a person solely based on your bias from your nephew. It will just not be possible for you and that is fine.

So because you appear heated based on your overuse of all caps, you're admitted bias and your attempt to put words in my mouth has now led me to be done with this conversation with you. I will agree to disagree and move on. Thanks
Last edited:


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
How so? "I don't like it" doesn't mean it is being forced unless you consider all social interaction inherently the use of force.
I just listed three examples, of which you comment on later in your own response. This sets the tone for how in depth your arguments are.

Where has this happened?
Jordan Peterson to name a famous one. You might also want to look at the track record of Laurentian University. They have a habit of forcing out Profs who do not tote the leftist party line.

Ahh, you believe government itself to be illegitimate?
Or do you feel that everyone should be allowed to call anyone else what they want? If I want all legal documents addressing you to use female pronouns or other ones I make up, you have no right to stop me?
The Government has never regulated speech with such a fine degree of granularity before in history, especially in a forum of those articulating opinions for the purposes of Government. That is Orwellian. Literally. In fact, we have clauses in our Charter of rights supposedly to prevent that. But when has that ever stopped the radical Left.

Right. In a democracy, no one has the right to critique someone. I forgot.
Since when is going to someone's employer, and forcing that employer to fire someone, simply because you don't agree with their political beliefs considered Critiquing someone? By that logic, acts of terrorism must simply be examples of strong criticism to you then.

Right. Our society defined it one way, and now it is being redefined. I get that you prefer when you could force people to obey your version of it but the social consensus has shifted. Such is life.
No. Science defined it one way, and society went with that definition. Now a small segment of society is trying to ignore the science and redefine it, but society at large has not agreed to that yet, which is why that small segment of society is trying to strong arm everyone else to follow their lead. It's amazing how the left accuses the right of ignoring science, yet when it suits their own purposes, the left ignores science with the best of them.

And before hand, people who were on the other side were being forced out of jobs and careers.
And it wasn't acceptable when it was done then either. Are you saying that 2 wrongs make a right? It's amazing how often I hear the radical left use this justification, and believe in it. Which just goes to show their true nature. For them, It's not about improving the world, it is about revenge. Plain and simple. So what if people are still being oppressed, just as long as it's not your people right?

Yup. Lots of people are snowflakes and throwing shit fits over something that has no relevance in their lives but is HUGELY relevant to someone else's. Society has started to think that perhaps the people for whom it has a huge impact should be listened to, since people like you admit it has no relevance to them and don't have much skin in the game.

Yup. And nothing will happen to you, really. It is possible that if we had to interact constantly in a professional context, people would decide that your continual refusal to address me is a deliberate attempt at disrespect and think badly of you.
It is supremely selfish and self centred to expect that everyone in society at large has to completely ignore biological science, and reorient the very basic grammatical building blocks of the English language, which do not evolve that quickly by the way, ( Vocabulary evolves, grammar stays reliatively the same) simply because a minority of people want to live outside of that box. But given that the millennial generation were always told that the entire world revolved around them, this attitude isn't very surprising.

Of all the demands to be made from a society to accommodate inclusion that should be adhered to, that one goes too far. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but wars have been fought by societies to protect their language. Just ask Quebec. They were ready to leave Canada to ensure the sovereignty of their language.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Not that it is really important at the moment with the Covid lockdown but do non-binary identifying individuals get to choose which bathroom they use? That could come in handy the next time I go to a concert/sporting event etc.

If so, I may have to do some serious introspection as I think I might be non-binary as well...


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
When you keep using all caps the way you are, it implies yelling. Which would imply being heated.

I never said angry, impolite or rude. Now you are putting words in my mouth. All while asking me to provide evidence. I would ask you to provide some on where I said these things but I won't because I know you can't.

Gender dysmorphia is not schizophrenia. However, this explains your thought process on the matter. You are just not going to understand what gender dysmorphia is and how it affects a person solely based on your bias from your nephew. It will just not be possible for you and that is fine.

So because you appear heated based on your overuse of all caps, you're admitted bias and your attempt to put words in my mouth has now led me to be done with this conversation with you. I will agree to disagree and move on. Thanks
I put no words in your mouth, in fact, it is the precise opposite! I never said you said those things. I am asking if those things are what you imply by the word "heated". So I said ANGRY etc with a question mark after it. So unlike you, I do not assume what your meaning is - I ask you.

Regarding caps, that is YOUR interpretation. the meaning of words, punctuation requires CONTEXT and PATTERN. There is nothing in my tone to imply that I am anything other than calm, cool, collected, so I feel confident that this is a dead-end argument on your part to distract from the relentless logic that I am presenting to you. Shouting - that is your implication. I use caps for EMPHASIS. Similar to underlining or italics. that is why my use of CAPS almost never involves exclamation marks. Please don't put your interpretation of shouting on me - maybe ask first what I mean?

I see, so MY EXPEREINCE is bias. Where did I admit to bias? Are you saying that my experience has created bias? Are you saying experience is actually not a contributor to knowledge? it makes ones conclusions worse? it counts for less than nothing? So is all experience bias, or just those that you disagree with? Is your experience also bias? My experience and reasoning has led me to a conclusion. If that is bias, then I guess every single thought in my head is biased. I am biased I guess that if I put my finger in a flame it will hurt.

You haven't addressed the central question, if a person believes something about himself, does that make it true? And if I do not believe it to be true, then why am I required to play along? Are you in favor of people being forced by law to go along with other people's opinions of themselves?

You see, I keep asking these very direct questions, and you never answer them. You go on and tell me that I am biased, that I will never understand, you go on about punctuation and such blind alleys to distract from the real issue.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I put no words in your mouth, in fact, it is the precise opposite! I never said you said those things. I am asking if those things are what you imply by the word "heated". So I said ANGRY etc with a question mark after it. So unlike you, I do not assume what your meaning is - I ask you.

Regarding caps, that is YOUR interpretation. the meaning of words, punctuation requires CONTEXT and PATTERN. There is nothing in my tone to imply that I am anything other than calm, cool, collected, so I feel confident that this is a dead-end argument on your part to distract from the relentless logic that I am presenting to you. Shouting - that is your implication. I use caps for EMPHASIS. Similar to underlining or italics. that is why my use of CAPS almost never involves exclamation marks. Please don't put your interpretation of shouting on me - maybe ask first what I mean?

I see, so MY EXPEREINCE is bias. Where did I admit to bias? Are you saying that my experience has created bias? Are you saying experience is actually not a contributor to knowledge? it makes ones conclusions worse? it counts for less than nothing? So is all experience bias, or just those that you disagree with? Is your experience also bias? My experience and reasoning has led me to a conclusion. If that is bias, then I guess every single thought in my head is biased. I am biased I guess that if I put my finger in a flame it will hurt.

You haven't addressed the central question, if a person believes something about himself, does that make it true? And if I do not believe it to be true, then why am I required to play along? Are you in favor of people being forced by law to go along with other people's opinions of themselves?

You see, I keep asking these very direct questions, and you never answer them. You go on and tell me that I am biased, that I will never understand, you go on about punctuation and such blind alleys to distract from the real issue.
I already said that I was finished this conversation. I don’t want to be rude by not replying when being quoted but I simply don’t agree with your views. You are not changing my mind, I am not changing yours. So I am not wasting time playing word games with you.

All the best
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