Exactly. No point in debating his point of view as he is incapable of seeing the sins of the Palestinians, whereas I can can freely admit that the Israelis have mistreated the Palestinians in many ways.Frankfooter has a long history of antisemitism on Terb. He got banned several times under the handle Flubadub and Groggy. He was banned just lately for several months it never stops. His other partner when it comes to ME conflicts is Gryfin, had to change his handle to Viminal because instead of continuing his attacks against Israel he moved towards antisemitism. So yes you have it right.
I wish a two-state solution that was stable and tension-free could be possible, and I also believe many Israelis would welcome that, but I don't think it is possible given how deep the Palestinian hatred for the Jews is, not just in Israel, but in North America as well. You don't want to be a recognizable Jew anywhere near the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Toronto, or anywhere else in North America, for that matter.
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