The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit


New member
Jul 12, 2020
Hey its a sheepeople at full gallop, running away

Actual it just doesn't make sense for you to argue when you do not understand the subject matter, yet somehow have an uneducated, predefined and uncompromising opinion and you start the discussion with an insulting and stupid remark

Still expecting to see satellite data from 1850 ?
And you call me an idiot?

Now slither away before you embarrass yourself further will wait a long time for satellite data from the 1850's!

I actually understand the subject well enough. I have no interest in arguing points that already have plenty of support from the scientific community. You can find that yourself if you get your head out of your ass.

Oh and yes, I do think you are an idiot. You posted a picture from a twitter account to support your argument. I think that qualifies.


Keep posting. It's fun triggering stupid people.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
113 will wait a long time for satellite data from the 1850's!
AH No,... I know better
You are the one expecting satellite data from the 1850s

I actually understand the subject well enough.
No you do not
Not at all, as you freely admitted

The facts are that I don't claim to know better than the thousands of trained scientists

You are welcome to try explaining all you truly understand on the subject
It wont talk long
My guess is the 97% propaganda is all you really know
John Cook fooled you

One of us understand this subject well, and it is not you.
Prove me wrong
Tell us all about your extensive understanding of infrared absorption by greenhouse gases

I have no interest in arguing points that already have plenty of support from the scientific community.
There are lots of extremely well qualified scientists who have a different view
Scientific hypothesis are determined by experimentation and observation, not by a consensus opinion

You can find that yourself if you get your head out of your ass.
More insults
That is all you have added here
Lets see you make an intelligent scientific argument instead
I do not think you are capable

Oh and yes, I do think you are an idiot. You posted a picture from a twitter account to support your argument. I think that qualifies.
No an idiot is someone who thinks a scientific question is determined by an opinion poll survey
an idiot is someone who demands satellite data from the 1850s
An idiot is someone who dismisses a picture , without thinking about the words in the picture. (A mind is a terrible thing to waste)
An idiot is someone who thinks science is not open for debate

Keep posting. It's fun triggering stupid people.
I thought you were going to run away before embarrassing yourself further
I guess not


New member
Jul 12, 2020
AH No,... I know better
You are the one expecting satellite data from the 1850s

No you do not
Not at all, as you freely admitted

You are welcome to try explaining all you truly understand on the subject
It wont talk long
My guess is the 97% propaganda is all you really know
John Cook fooled you

One of us understand this subject well, and it is not you.
Prove me wrong
Tell us all about your extensive understanding of infrared absorption by greenhouse gases

There are lots of extremely well qualified scientists who have a different view
Scientific hypothesis are determined by experimentation and observation, not by a consensus opinion

More insults
That is all you have added here
Lets see you make an intelligent scientific argument instead
I do not think you are capable

No an idiot is someone who thinks a scientific question is determined by an opinion poll survey
an idiot is someone who demands satellite data from the 1850s
An idiot is someone who dismisses a picture , without thinking about the words in the picture. (A mind is a terrible thing to waste)
An idiot is someone who thinks science is not open for debate

I thought you were going to run away before embarrassing yourself further
I guess not

Hahahaha....who asked for satellite data from 1850?

Okay...I give up. You are obviously a pooning board genius. Thank you for providing me with ALL your evidence disproving the scientific consensus.

Yeah I have no problem insulting you. You're an idiot. I wasn't dismissing the words in the picture, just the source. A twitter page. hahahaha. But your are the genius scientist so what do I know.

Look at me run....hahahahahahaha.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Hahahaha....who asked for satellite data from 1850?

You did , post #16

How about extending that graph beyond 1979 to show what the temperature was like before the industrial revolution?
That was amusing at first
By all means keep embarrassing yourself

Okay...I give up. You are obviously a pooning board genius. Thank you for providing me with ALL your evidence disproving the scientific consensus.
A genius? No
Do I understand the science far better than you ? Absolutely

Yeah I have no problem insulting you. You're an idiot. I wasn't dismissing the words in the picture, just the source. A twitter page. hahahaha.
Attacking the source of information to avoid discussing the content?
You know nothing of the author of that tweet
My guess is he/she has forgotten more about the subject than you will ever understand

But your are the genius scientist so what do I know.
Obviously you know very little

Look at me run....hahahahahahaha.
You are likely twice as fast, yet half as bright as Forrest
Forrest is bright enough to know when to run away

Now slither away


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Canada really like those reliable sources of information...ROFLMAOAY...the AY at the end is 'at you.'
His source of reliable info is from satirical websites. LOL!

Also, Donald Trump body slams the Queen.

Read the about page.

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New member
Jul 12, 2020
You did , post #16

That was amusing at first
By all means keep embarrassing yourself

A genius? No
Do I understand the science far better than you ? Absolutely

Attacking the source of information to avoid discussing the content?
You know nothing of the author of that tweet
My guess is he/she has forgotten more about the subject than you will ever understand

Obviously you know very little

You are likely twice as fast, yet half as bright as Forrest
Forrest is bright enough to know when to run away

Now slither away
No...I didn't ask for satellite data from the 1850's. For someone claiming to be smart, that is not what i asked for.

OBVIOUSLY you understand it better than me because you are a science genius!!!!!!! You understand it better than the majority of scientists and climate change experts!!!! You are the greatest climate change expert in the world who happens to be on a pooning forum, after all. Why are you wasting your time on a pooning website when you can be sharing your knowledge with the world? Why are you not explaining this to the rest of the world and telling them that they are all wrong and wasting their time with their efforts to prevent and mitigate anthropomorphic climate change? You will be a billionaire!!

The content of the tweet is not really valid unless it is provided by a reliable source. THAT is the point. You don't even know who it is yet you quote it like it's absolute proof. But you're a genius, not an idiot. Nope. Not at all.

Ohh watch me slither!!




Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]No...I didn't ask for satellite data from the 1850's. For someone claiming to be smart, that is not what i asked for.
Look Einstein
Post #4 ---- I posted a graph of Satellite Temperature data
The graph is clearly labeled Satellite Temperatures and I explicitly state " According to the satellite data it is -0.01 C cooler than the 1991- 2000 average"

Post #16 - You quote Post # 4 and demand I extend the data from before the industrial revolution (any data set back to the industrial revolution will include data from the 1850s)

How about extending that graph beyond 1979 to show what the temperature was like before the industrial revolution?
So yes you asked for for satellite data from the 1850's.
Despite the fact satellites would not be invented for at least 100 years

Had you paid attention to what you were reading in Post #4 in the first place you might not have embarrassed yourself like that
And now you seem intent on re-living your stupidity over and over gain

OBVIOUSLY you understand it better than me because you are a science genius!!!!!!!
anybody whos not a sheepeople understands it better than you do
I do understand the science much better than you, that is for sure
I do have a WORKING knowledge of Infrared absorption and understand why triatomic molecules are theoretically greenhouse gases
(Hopefully that should be a clue for you, but you are pretty slow on the uptake )

You understand it better than the majority of scientists and climate change experts!!!!
You need to learn the difference between a scientist and an activist

l also asked you if you knew what is the specific question the so called 97% consensus is supposedly based on
You declined to answer so , we will assume you do not know

Again consensus is not at all relevant to scientific discovery
Go learn something about Galileo vs. the consensus of the sun revolving around the earth
He died a broken man under house arrest for questioning / opposing the consensus

You are the greatest climate change expert in the world who happens to be on a pooning forum, after all. Why are you wasting your time on a pooning website when you can be sharing your knowledge with the world?
What a stupid statement
You are assuming scientists do not like the ladies?
What is your scientific basis for that absurd conclusion?

Why are you not explaining this to the rest of the world and telling them that they are all wrong and wasting their time with their efforts to prevent and mitigate anthropomorphic climate change? You will be a billionaire!!
Nobody gets paid for highlighting propaganda or stupidity
Are you going to pay me for highlighting yours ? Nope

The content of the tweet is not really valid unless it is provided by a reliable source. THAT is the point. You don't even know who it is yet you quote it like it's absolute proof. But you're a genius, not an idiot. Nope. Not at all.
The contents of the words are far more important than the source, if you are willing to think..... sadly that no good for you or other sheepeople
According to you each of the following is invalid as they all are from an "unknown source"
  1. Never judge people by their past.
  2. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.
  3. If something feels off, it usually is.
However here is a sourced quote for you, happy now?

Try to read the big words slowly , you might understand them better

Ohh watch me slither!!
Gee a running sheepeople, a Forest Gumpster and a slithering snake all rolled into the same package combined with an uneducated and uncompromising opinion on a complex scientific issue
and not an ounce of common sense to realize an opinion on a subject matter you do not understand is of no value
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
No...I didn't ask for satellite data from the 1850's. For someone claiming to be smart, that is not what i asked for.

OBVIOUSLY you understand it better than me because you are a science genius!!!!!!! You understand it better than the majority of scientists and climate change experts!!!! You are the greatest climate change expert in the world who happens to be on a pooning forum, after all. Why are you wasting your time on a pooning website when you can be sharing your knowledge with the world? Why are you not explaining this to the rest of the world and telling them that they are all wrong and wasting their time with their efforts to prevent and mitigate anthropomorphic climate change? You will be a billionaire!!

The content of the tweet is not really valid unless it is provided by a reliable source. THAT is the point. You don't even know who it is yet you quote it like it's absolute proof. But you're a genius, not an idiot. Nope. Not at all.

Ohh watch me slither!!


I love the slither gif.

Have you gotten to the point where he just keeps posting the same charts and graphs and demands you explain why a bunch of laws aren't true because the only way AGW exists is if they aren't?
That's fun.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Look Einstein
And now you seem intent on re-living your stupidity over and over gain
anybody whos not a sheepeople understands it better than you do
What a stupid statement

Gee a running sheepeople, a Forest Gumpster and a slithering snake all rolled into the same package combined with an uneducated and uncompromising opinion on a complex scientific issue
and not an ounce of common sense to realize an opinion on a subject matter you do not understand is of no value
Reportable post.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I love the slither gif.

Have you gotten to the point where he just keeps posting the same charts and graphs and demands you explain why a bunch of laws aren't true because the only way AGW exists is if they aren't?
That's fun.
Oh, he's only just starting that 'infrared absorption' business now.
His posts start off with the angry insults and then get longer and longer as pastes in more fake charts.
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New member
Aug 13, 2011
Look Einstein
Post #4 ---- I posted a graph of Satellite Temperature data
The graph is clearly labeled Satellite Temperatures and I explicitly state " According to the satellite data it is -0.01 C cooler than the 1991- 2000 average"

Post #16 - You quote Post # 4 and demand I extend the data from before the industrial revolution (any data set back to the industrial revolution will include data from the 1850s)

So yes you asked for for satellite data from the 1850's.
Despite the fact satellites would not be invented for at least 100 years

Had you paid attention to what you were reading in Post #4 in the first place you might not have embarrassed yourself like that
And now you seem intent on re-living your stupidity over and over gain

anybody whos not a sheepeople understands it better than you do
I do understand the science much better than you, that is for sure
I do have a WORKING knowledge of Infrared absorption and understand why triatomic molecules are theoretically greenhouse gases
(Hopefully that should be a clue for you, but you are pretty slow on the uptake )

You need to learn the difference between a scientist and an activist

l also asked you if you knew what is the specific question the so called 97% consensus is supposedly based on
You declined to answer so , we will assume you do not know

Again consensus is not at all relevant to scientific discovery
Go learn something about Galileo vs. the consensus of the sun revolving around the earth
He died a broken man under house arrest for questioning / opposing the consensus

What a stupid statement
You are assuming scientists do not like the ladies?
What is your scientific basis for that absurd conclusion?

Nobody gets paid for highlighting propaganda or stupidity
Are you going to pay me for highlighting yours ? Nope

The contents of the words are far more important than the source, if you are willing to think..... sadly that no good for you or other sheepeople
According to you each of the following is invalid as they all are from an "unknown source"
  1. Never judge people by their past.
  2. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.
  3. If something feels off, it usually is.
However here is a sourced quote for you, happy now?

Try to read the big words slowly , you might understand them better

Gee a running sheepeople, a Forest Gumpster and a slithering snake all rolled into the same package combined with an uneducated and uncompromising opinion on a complex scientific issue
and not an ounce of common sense to realize an opinion on a subject matter you do not understand is of no value
Look Einstein
Post #4 ---- I posted a graph of Satellite Temperature data
The graph is clearly labeled Satellite Temperatures and I explicitly state " According to the satellite data it is -0.01 C cooler than the 1991- 2000 average"

Post #16 - You quote Post # 4 and demand I extend the data from before the industrial revolution (any data set back to the industrial revolution will include data from the 1850s)

So yes you asked for for satellite data from the 1850's.
Despite the fact satellites would not be invented for at least 100 years

Had you paid attention to what you were reading in Post #4 in the first place you might not have embarrassed yourself like that
And now you seem intent on re-living your stupidity over and over gain

anybody whos not a sheepeople understands it better than you do
I do understand the science much better than you, that is for sure
I do have a WORKING knowledge of Infrared absorption and understand why triatomic molecules are theoretically greenhouse gases
(Hopefully that should be a clue for you, but you are pretty slow on the uptake )

You need to learn the difference between a scientist and an activist

l also asked you if you knew what is the specific question the so called 97% consensus is supposedly based on
You declined to answer so , we will assume you do not know

Again consensus is not at all relevant to scientific discovery
Go learn something about Galileo vs. the consensus of the sun revolving around the earth
He died a broken man under house arrest for questioning / opposing the consensus

What a stupid statement
You are assuming scientists do not like the ladies?
What is your scientific basis for that absurd conclusion?

Nobody gets paid for highlighting propaganda or stupidity
Are you going to pay me for highlighting yours ? Nope

The contents of the words are far more important than the source, if you are willing to think..... sadly that no good for you or other sheepeople
According to you each of the following is invalid as they all are from an "unknown source"
  1. Never judge people by their past.
  2. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.
  3. If something feels off, it usually is.
However here is a sourced quote for you, happy now?

Try to read the big words slowly , you might understand them better

Gee a running sheepeople, a Forest Gumpster and a slithering snake all rolled into the same package combined with an uneducated and uncompromising opinion on a complex scientific issue
and not an ounce of common sense to realize an opinion on a subject matter you do not understand is of no value

Nope....didn't ask for satellite data from 1850. That was your assumption.

People actually do get paid to highlight propaganda and stupidity but I'm guessing that the reason you don't is because you're theories are plain wrong and lack credibility. But feel free to post more charts and graphs. They demonstrate conclusively that you are really really really smart and brilliant.

Also thanks for posting your source. It's interesting that the Science and Public Policy Institute is a well known organization that denies climate change and gets funding from Exxon-Mobil and their "scientists" are often funded by big oil and mining. Obviously where you would want to look for unbiased science. hahaha

Your intellectual superiority is shining through the more you post. Please post more!! and don't forget the charts and graphs! hahahahaha

ssssssssssssssssssssssssee you later. hahahahahaha



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Nope....didn't ask for satellite data from 1850. That was your assumption.
Unbelievable !!!
What part of " How about extending that graph beyond 1979 to show what the temperature was like before the industrial revolution? " is not an ask for data
BTW - Data from 1979 to before the industrial revolution includes 1850 by definition- Just in case you think you can weasel out of your stupid mistake that way

Obviously you do not handle simple logic well
Science stuff is just not your thing
Keep embarrassing yourself

People actually do get paid to highlight propaganda and stupidity but I'm guessing that the reason you don't is because you're theories are plain wrong and lack credibility.
Actual what I gave presented is quite factual and correct
If you think they are "plain wrong" prove it or get lost

I guess concern about scientific integrity and a desire to avoid a green new deal nightmare are reasons you are incapable of comprehending

But feel free to post more charts and graphs. They demonstrate conclusively that you are really really really smart and brilliant.
As opposed to your uneducated and ignorant posts

Also thanks for posting your source
The problems with surface temperature data sets is well known as is the Urban Island heat effect
This does not come from one source

It's interesting that the Science and Public Policy Institute is a well known organization that denies climate change and gets funding from Exxon-Mobil and their "scientists" are often funded by big oil and mining. Obviously where you would want to look for unbiased science. hahaha
And right on que, you revert to cancel culture with the the "big oil funding " argument and character assignation of the author / organization

These are the two go to's for fools who are not sharpe enough to argue the scientific facts
That is not not how scientific truth is determined.
The amount of money "big oil" has donated to climate science research is is not even a small fraction of 1% compared to the funding of NGOs to promote the climate alarmism propaganda
And then there is the government spend !! Yikes !

Nice try
But not good enough. Grow up
Show us you are capable of making an intelligent argument about the scientific facts or get lost
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New member
Aug 13, 2011
Unbelievable !!!
What part of " How about extending that graph beyond 1979 to show what the temperature was like before the industrial revolution? " is not an ask for data

Obviously you do not handle simple logic well
Keep embarrassing yourself

Actual what I gave presented is quite factual and correct
If you think they are "plain wrong" prove it or get lost

As opposed to your uneducated and ignorant posts

The problems with surface temperature data sets is well known as is the Urban Island heat effect
This does not come from one source

And right on que, you revert to cancel culture with the the "big oil funding " argument and character assignation of the author / organization

These are the two go to's for fools who are not sharpe enough to argue the scientific facts
That is not not how scientific truth is determined.
The amount of money "big oil" has donated to climate science research is is not even a small fraction of 1% compared to the funding of NGOs to promote the climate alarmism propaganda
And then there is the government spend !! Yikes !

Nice try
But not good enough. Grow up
Show us you are capable of making an intelligent argument about the scientific facts or get lost I go getting lost!

I'm pretty sure it's you who are being embarrassed. I'm actually embarrassed for you. For someone who claims to be intellectually superior and smart, you are looking pretty stupid the more you argue.

The fact that the sources you are quoting from are funded by special interest groups who will benefit from a specific stance has a lot of relevance. If you can't see that, perhaps you aren't the genius you think you are.

As you are the genius scientist, I think it's up to you to prove that you are capable of making an intelligent argument and disprove the scientific consensus. Maybe some charts and graphs will help. In the meantime I will wait with bated breath for your top notch paper that will disprove everything. I'm sure it will be spectacular and well written. Make sure you properly cite those tweets.


Here I go getting lost now.

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
] I go getting lost![

I'm pretty sure it's you who are being embarrassed. I'm actually embarrassed for you. For someone who claims to be intellectually superior and smart, you are looking pretty stupid the more you argue.

The fact that the sources you are quoting from are funded by special interest groups who will benefit from a specific stance has a lot of relevance. If you can't see that, perhaps you aren't the genius you think you are.

As you are the genius scientist, I think it's up to you to prove that you are capable of making an intelligent argument and disprove the scientific consensus. Maybe some charts and graphs will help. In the meantime I will wait with bated breath for your top notch paper that will disprove everything. I'm sure it will be spectacular and well written. Make sure you properly cite those tweets.


Here I go getting lost now.
Switched handles did ya?

If you are not accountable for your posts, then no point is dealing with you at all
simple solution
both are put on ignore
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New member
Aug 13, 2011
Switched handles did ya?

If you are not accountable for your posts, then no point is dealing with you at all
simple solution
both are put on ignore
Aw come on!!!! who's gonna entertain me with stupid posts? Why would you rob me of your intellectual genius? Who will tell me where to find sasquatch? Who will explain the flat earth to me? Please don't go!!!! Hahahahaha!

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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
It's raining today. I'd start building an ark if the price of lumber wasn't so high! Luckily they've been sandbagging my office building all morning.
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