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Covidiots infected


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
What happens when a covidiot gets Covid-19 resulting in very serious health complications or suffer the premature loss of a loved one? These scenarios must be becoming an increasingly reality these dark days.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
What happens when a covidiot gets Covid-19 resulting in very serious health complications or suffer the premature loss of a loved one? These scenarios must be becoming an increasingly reality these dark days.
They spin and insist it's not COVID but some other unknown flu-like culprit.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
They recover and go back to work like most infected people.
This poor shmuck didn't get to go back to work or even have a chance at collecting their pension.

These 10 Amazon employees will never go back to work! Oh well, just a number

24 Health care workers who will never see another day at work and who were fully covered in PPE's and probably messed up but oh well, it's just aflu



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
They spin and insist it's not COVID but some other unknown flu-like culprit.

Actually, just from what I've seen/consumed through various media, it seems they have a Come-to-Jesus reckoning. Especially if they got really sick.

Conspiracy theories take hold most often in people who consciously or sub-consciously feel they don't have control in their lives or don't understand the complexity of an issue. The conspiracy gives them a simple explanation and it usually involves secret cabal's and government control.

In the case of COVID, it is a highly, highly complex, unknown disease that even learned scientists and medical doctors find difficult to keep up with the daily developments. And they understand what ALL the words mean in the medical papers.

So when laymen try to comprehend the same complex issue, they go either way:

1. They accept that they don't have the education, facts nor judgement to make high-level decisions and therefore rely on Doctors and scientists to give them recommendations.


2. They try to become knowledgable on the issue and "research" it. As they can't truly comprehend the language and nomenclature of medicine, they fill in the gaps with their own feelings. Seeing as most of the con-men peddling their goods (including quackery advertising for Eye of the Newt homeopathic medicine) on their websites are adept at psychological manipulation (click bait titles is the easiest example) , these people looking for answers find them in the words they are being fed by the con men.

An unknown virus becomes "the flu" because it is easy to understand and does not threaten them.

Calling it the Chinese virus nourishes those who want a villain to blame.

Calling it the "Wuhan Flu" gives them both!

And often these people are internally insecure so they can't backtrack and revisit their original thought process and position.

They just dig in deeper and keep finding (and get fed!) more and more information to satisfy their "Confirmation Bias".


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Actually, just from what I've seen/consumed through various media, it seems they have a Come-to-Jesus reckoning. Especially if they got really sick.

Conspiracy theories take hold most often in people who consciously or sub-consciously feel they don't have control in their lives or don't understand the complexity of an issue. The conspiracy gives them a simple explanation and it usually involves secret cabal's and government control.

In the case of COVID, it is a highly, highly complex, unknown disease that even learned scientists and medical doctors find difficult to keep up with the daily developments. And they understand what ALL the words mean in the medical papers.

So when laymen try to comprehend the same complex issue, they go either way:

1. They accept that they don't have the education, facts nor judgement to make high-level decisions and therefore rely on Doctors and scientists to give them recommendations.


2. They try to become knowledgable on the issue and "research" it. As they can't truly comprehend the language and nomenclature of medicine, they fill in the gaps with their own feelings. Seeing as most of the con-men peddling their goods (including quackery advertising for Eye of the Newt homeopathic medicine) on their websites are adept at psychological manipulation (click bait titles is the easiest example) , these people looking for answers find them in the words they are being fed by the con men.

An unknown virus becomes "the flu" because it is easy to understand and does not threaten them.

Calling it the Chinese virus nourishes those who want a villain to blame.

Calling it the "Wuhan Flu" gives them both!

And often these people are internally insecure so they can't backtrack and revisit their original thought process and position.

They just dig in deeper and keep finding (and get fed!) more and more information to satisfy their "Confirmation Bias".
A very good analysis!


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
A very good analysis!

Thanks. I had a girlfriend who got consumed by these conspiracy theories. They got kookier and kookier. I had to learn about the reasons behind the belief in them and how to help her. I was ultimately successful but never again. I have a very good friend whose wife has gone completely bonkers and the entire family is coming apart over it. The kids don't want to visit, he husband loves her deeply so will not leave her, despite it being a living hell. She is a stubborn bitch (and I use those words deliberately) and would not accept a glass of water if she were on fire.

In any case, there is a LOT of information on how to de-program cult members online. My few words barely touch the surface. has a lot of good podcasts on critical thinking and also why some people are so vulnerable to being hookwinked and drawn into cult thinking.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Saw Bill Maher the other day quote a prestigious study that 78% of those have died or have been hospitalized from covid were clinically obese.

This all links back to what is called '' Metabolic Syndrome''. If you have three of the five markers then you are immunosuppressed and should be taking all precautions possible to not get covid.

For the rest of society the survival rate is upwards of 99%. I do worry about long term affects however with some people.

People need to be told the truth and not lied too. It's time to be as healthy as possible and make informed decisions.


Jun 23, 2017
Trying to stay in a Happy Place
Actually, just from what I've seen/consumed through various media, it seems they have a Come-to-Jesus reckoning. Especially if they got really sick.

Conspiracy theories take hold most often in people who consciously or sub-consciously feel they don't have control in their lives or don't understand the complexity of an issue. The conspiracy gives them a simple explanation and it usually involves secret cabal's and government control.

In the case of COVID, it is a highly, highly complex, unknown disease that even learned scientists and medical doctors find difficult to keep up with the daily developments. And they understand what ALL the words mean in the medical papers.

So when laymen try to comprehend the same complex issue, they go either way:
1. They accept that they don't have the education, facts nor judgement to make high-level decisions and therefore rely on Doctors and scientists to give them recommendations.
2. They try to become knowledgable on the issue and "research" it. As they can't truly comprehend the language and nomenclature of medicine, they fill in the gaps with their own feelings. Seeing as most of the con-men peddling their goods (including quackery advertising for Eye of the Newt homeopathic medicine) on their websites are adept at psychological manipulation (click bait titles is the easiest example) , these people looking for answers find them in the words they are being fed by the con men.

An unknown virus becomes "the flu" because it is easy to understand and does not threaten them.
Calling it the Chinese virus nourishes those who want a villain to blame.
Calling it the "Wuhan Flu" gives them both!

And often these people are internally insecure so they can't backtrack and revisit their original thought process and position.
They just dig in deeper and keep finding (and get fed!) more and more information to satisfy their "Confirmation Bias".
One thing that I have found very interesting in the last year are the reactions and beliefs of people who I thought I knew fairly well. Your description above dovetails with my experiences.

People who I thought would take a rational view of the pandemic have come out as strong anti-vaxxers and subscribe to various far out conspiracy theories. I don't want to over simplify this but my experience has shown a strong link between education level and profession to their stance on vaccines and the severity of the disease.

Again let me qualify this by saying it is based on my personal experience and a small sample size of around 60 people but among my circle of acquaintances those who have no or limited post secondary education and have worked primarily in blue collar jobs are far more likely to have bought into (and truly believe) conspiracies and say they will not take the the vaccine unless forced to by a "communist" government and that Covid is no more severe than a bad case of the flu.
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Jun 29, 2019
Actually, just from what I've seen/consumed through various media, it seems they have a Come-to-Jesus reckoning. Especially if they got really sick.

Conspiracy theories take hold most often in people who consciously or sub-consciously feel they don't have control in their lives or don't understand the complexity of an issue. The conspiracy gives them a simple explanation and it usually involves secret cabal's and government control.

In the case of COVID, it is a highly, highly complex, unknown disease that even learned scientists and medical doctors find difficult to keep up with the daily developments. And they understand what ALL the words mean in the medical papers.

So when laymen try to comprehend the same complex issue, they go either way:

1. They accept that they don't have the education, facts nor judgement to make high-level decisions and therefore rely on Doctors and scientists to give them recommendations.


2. They try to become knowledgable on the issue and "research" it. As they can't truly comprehend the language and nomenclature of medicine, they fill in the gaps with their own feelings. Seeing as most of the con-men peddling their goods (including quackery advertising for Eye of the Newt homeopathic medicine) on their websites are adept at psychological manipulation (click bait titles is the easiest example) , these people looking for answers find them in the words they are being fed by the con men.

An unknown virus becomes "the flu" because it is easy to understand and does not threaten them.

Calling it the Chinese virus nourishes those who want a villain to blame.

Calling it the "Wuhan Flu" gives them both!

And often these people are internally insecure so they can't backtrack and revisit their original thought process and position.

They just dig in deeper and keep finding (and get fed!) more and more information to satisfy their "Confirmation Bias".
Thanks. I had a girlfriend who got consumed by these conspiracy theories. They got kookier and kookier. I had to learn about the reasons behind the belief in them and how to help her. I was ultimately successful but never again. I have a very good friend whose wife has gone completely bonkers and the entire family is coming apart over it. The kids don't want to visit, he husband loves her deeply so will not leave her, despite it being a living hell. She is a stubborn bitch (and I use those words deliberately) and would not accept a glass of water if she were on fire.

In any case, there is a LOT of information on how to de-program cult members online. My few words barely touch the surface. has a lot of good podcasts on critical thinking and also why some people are so vulnerable to being hookwinked and drawn into cult thinking.
Such a wordsmith and a master of ancient art of weaving bullish with fiction. Put everyone you disagree with in a same category as your ex, the conspiracy nut and instantly feel superior to them.

Does wonders to your ego.

"An unknown virus becomes "the flu" because it is easy to understand and does not threaten them." Your own ministry of truth ( the CNN) stated:

"(CNN)When China first reported cases of coronavirus to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, it was described as a mysterious new strain of pneumonia. It didn't even have a name."

"Calling it the Chinese virus nourishes those who want a villain to blame." oh I see, similar to calling Chinese Dumplings "Chinese Dumplings".

"Calling it the "Wuhan Flu" gives them both!"


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Such a wordsmith and a master of ancient art of weaving bullish with fiction. Put everyone you disagree with in a same category as your ex, the conspiracy nut and instantly feel superior to them.

Does wonders to your ego.
Nothing to do with my ego.

And I already felt superior to the Conspiracy believers.

And I also do continue to feel sorry for them. They honestly do believe these stories, woven bullshit fiction by modern day con artists driven by Likes, Hits, RT's, eyeballs, clicks and those high value ads that pre-qualify the suckers merely by their presence,

And I stand by my beliefs. You have done nothing to change them. Care to try?


Jun 29, 2019
And I stand by my beliefs. You have done nothing to change them. Care to try?
How can I change your beliefs? "The reason we do not see what is in front of us, is because our beliefs effectively block our ability to see."

I had a girlfriend who got consumed by these conspiracy theories. They got kookier and kookier. I had to learn about the reasons behind the belief in them and how to help her. I was ultimately successful but never again.
I don't think that your ex was a conspiracy nut when you met her, was she? If she wasn't then it might be correct to assume that being with you somehow drove her to the dark side where hate, fear and ignorance run rampant. And then you were able to bring her back to

groupthink of the collective. Damn mate, you put that girl through a hell of an emotional roller coaster, wouldn't you say?

Was she an educated woman or a simple village girl?

I don't believe that story and you can't change my mind either.

Belief is in your mind, it has nothing to do with reality.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
How can I change your beliefs? "The reason we do not see what is in front of us, is because our beliefs effectively block our ability to see."

I don't think that your ex was a conspiracy nut when you met her, was she? If she wasn't then it might be correct to assume that being with you somehow drove her to the dark side where hate, fear and ignorance run rampant. And then you were able to bring her back to

groupthink of the collective. Damn mate, you put that girl through a hell of an emotional roller coaster, wouldn't you say?

Was she an educated woman or a simple village girl?

I don't believe that story and you can't change my mind either.

Belief is in your mind, it has nothing to do with reality.
Shouldn't you be out on a ledge or something?
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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
What happens when a covidiot gets Covid-19 resulting in very serious health complications or suffer the premature loss of a loved one? These scenarios must be becoming an increasingly reality these dark days.
It has happened. Problem is even their acknowledging the error in their thinking has done nothing to convince the others who are depending on herd immunity to save them.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

For the rest of society the survival rate is upwards of 99%. ...
People are so interesting with numbers. Would you step on a plane if there was only a 99% survival rate?

Meanwhile the same people went wild with fear because 0.004% of people getting AstraZeneca got blood clots.

p.s. Maher has been very clear in his dislike for kids and fatties.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... I don't want to over simplify this but my experience has shown a strong link between education level and profession to their stance on vaccines and the severity of the disease.
At the same time, I've found plenty of educated professionals justifying exceptions because they somehow know certain people are safe.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
How can I change your beliefs? "The reason we do not see what is in front of us, is because our beliefs effectively block our ability to see."
True. Most people don't have the ability to decipher the details of an issue and have to rely on others for an interpretation. The big difference is how they decide who to listen to. In this case, one set of sources are people who study the scientific evidence and read the studies. The other relies on social media and talk show hosts.

You can choose whatever sources you want but this isn't a matter of opinion.
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Toronto Escorts