I think you need to look up what the work "proved" means
But for fun
We are vaccinating the 60s crowd now as all old people in Canada (who wanted it) have gotten it
So um why the fear mongering about lockdowns?
Why are people in ICU?
Israel came out of lockdown back in Feb
Even if I believe your nonsense that they all DID get vaccinated all you have basically proven is our own governments incompetence at procuring vaccines OR that the vaccines are not working here
Israel is 9 million, ON is 14 million
So uh which is it?
Why is situation dire here and back to normal there?
*edit WHO shows 9.9 million doses to Israel so they have most likely completed their vaccinations
So why is ON doing so poorly with our 2.3 million doses
As of June 16, all COVID-19 datasets will be updated weekly on Thursdays by 2pm. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines. Data includes: daily and total doses administered individuals with at least one...