Ashley Madison

Muzzo- Full Parole


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I think the only thing questioned more is the insanity
There are entire studies and books written on the subject so I am puzzled you claim they are usually not questioned on it.

Even assuming Muzzo was legit remorseful (and I mean for what he did, not that he got caught and is heading to prison) stuff like this effects peoples rights to fair impartial trials
The trial was over. The remorse does not come into play in terms of guilt. It comes into play during the sentencing and that is when the judge is making an assessment.


There was a story a while back that he wanted to give the family some money but said he couldn't because of a civil suit. Whatever happened to that civil suit? It would be nice if the family got some money (at the very least for the funeral expenses).

In a similar case.
"A lawyer representing the truck driver responsible for the deadly Humboldt Broncos bus crash says his client wants to stay in Canada once released from prison. Jaskirat Singh Sidhu was sentenced to eight years after pleading guilty to 29 counts of dangerous driving in the crash that killed 16 and injured 13 others.Oct. 29, 2020"
The family is suing him.

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
Guys I hate to break it to you, but laws are based on ethics, and ethics are based on what society believes is right and wrong.

The outcome of his mistake was horrible, but 10 of thousands of people (if not more), do this every day. He just happened to be one of the people where the action ending up having harsh consequences. The reality is, you can't keep him in jail for life. Impaired driving law is the most complex law in our society. He's basically been in jail since 2015 when the accident happened. It's been 6 years. There are people who have done far worse things (as far intent is concerned), that have gotten lighter sentences. Karla Homolka did 12 years for murdering 3 people for fuck sake. Don't get this confused, I'm not sympathetic for Muzzo, but you have to look at the case objectively.

The reality is, there's a much bigger problem that we keep hoping a few spot checks will fix and it just won't. Every fucking car should have a breathalyzer or they start thinking of a better way to tackle the problem. I don't know what the answer is, but fucking ride program is not the answer.
Brilliant mate! Absolutely brilliant!


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
This is the problem right here. He didn't murder anyone. He made a mistake that hundreds of thousand do in this country every day. His happened to have a catastrophic outcome, and don't let the outcome effect your ability to make a non bias objective judgment. People just aren't thinking about this rationally.

We hear so much about Marco Muzzo. Why? Because he comes from a crazy rich family. Yet we here so little about Brady Robertson who wiped a mother and her 3 daughters.

There's a much bigger problem that people are refusing to acknowledge.
It wasn't a mistake dude...this is the 2nd time it happened...a mistake is someone who overestimated a turn and caused an accident...
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
It wasn't a mistake dude...this is the 2nd time it happened...a mistake is someone who overestimated a turn and caused an accident...
If by 2nd time you mean he had a previous DUI, thats not true.
He only had a public intoxication ticket and some traffic violations:
The parole officer added that Muzzo had no prior criminal history, noting he did have several traffic violations on his driving record and was taken into police custody in 2012 due to public intoxication

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
It still blows my mind that he had the money and resources to arrange a private jet yet didn’t arrange a simple car/limo home.
Because they think they're okay to drive. One of the biggest problems about impaired driving, is once you get impaired, your ability to make proper choices it greatly reduced. That's one of the reasons it's such a complex law.
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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2013
Guys I hate to break it to you, but laws are based on ethics, and ethics are based on what society believes is right and wrong.

The outcome of his mistake was horrible, but 10 of thousands of people (if not more), do this every day. He just happened to be one of the people where the action ending up having harsh consequences. The reality is, you can't keep him in jail for life. Impaired driving law is the most complex law in our society. He's basically been in jail since 2015 when the accident happened. It's been 6 years. There are people who have done far worse things (as far intent is concerned), that have gotten lighter sentences. Karla Homolka did 12 years for murdering 3 people for fuck sake. Don't get this confused, I'm not sympathetic for Muzzo, but you have to look at the case objectively.

The reality is, there's a much bigger problem that we keep hoping a few spot checks will fix and it just won't. Every fucking car should have a breathalyzer or they start thinking of a better way to tackle the problem. I don't know what the answer is, but fucking ride program is not the answer.
Considering his past track record for impaired the punishment should have been consecutive life sentences.

I know there are shortcomings in the legislation, this is my opinion despite them.


black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
His family is wealthy enough to hire him a full time chauffeur - so it really won't be tough on him.

I'm not suggesting you should feel sorry him, but stop acting like because he has money this hasn't effect his life. The guy was about to get married so I'm sure this has put a major strain on his relationship. And yes he'll be able to uber or have someone drive him around, but it's not the same as being able to independently drives yourself when you need to. Don't get me wrong, I'm not confused who the victim is here, but people keep acting like because he comes from money this hasn't been hard on him.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Considering his past track record for impaired the punishment should have been consecutive life sentences.

I know there are shortcomings in the legislation, this is my opinion despite them.


What's his past track for impaired?

It's zero from my understanding.

And consecutive life sentences is still way out of wack for an impaired driving conviction.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2017
Can't wait to hear some of these replies.

I'm putting the over/under on the number of replies at 48.5.
we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2019
I'm not suggesting you should feel sorry him, but stop acting like because he has money this hasn't effect his life. The guy was about to get married so I'm sure this has put a major strain on his relationship. And yes he'll be able to uber or have someone drive him around, but it's not the same as being able to independently drives yourself when you need to. Don't get me wrong, I'm not confused who the victim is here, but people keep acting like because he comes from money this hasn't been hard on him.
I am glad you dont feel that Muzzo is the victim here, truly.
It more than effected his life, it destroyed it, in addition to the family that lost four family members.
You don't think though that his wealth has made it much easier on him through this whole ordeal? If it was someone middle class or with far less resources perhaps his outcome may had been different.
Yes, no doubt that because his family wealthy, in the general public he is perceived as a spoiled, entitled rich kid, and was saved because his parents are wealthy and have influence. Muzzo is not the first to face this, which borderlines on cliche, and I'm sure he will not be the last.
Fact, he made a very, very bad choice,
and has negatively impacted the lives of two families. He will not have any worries other than getting around you say and it will impact his independence? Whether he came from poverty or wealth, thats the least he should suffer. At least Until they give him his licence back!


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2019
The hospital should have refused the donations . It was in very bad taste to accept it and to give naming rights.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I'm not suggesting you should feel sorry him, but stop acting like because he has money this hasn't effect his life. The guy was about to get married so I'm sure this has put a major strain on his relationship. And yes he'll be able to uber or have someone drive him around, but it's not the same as being able to independently drives yourself when you need to. Don't get me wrong, I'm not confused who the victim is here, but people keep acting like because he comes from money this hasn't been hard on him.
He's different than most people for the simple fact that he's among the very few who are able to afford to take a private jet to Miami for a party. As for his wedding, it's just been postponed for a few years. He spent his time behind bars at the Beaver Creek prison in Gravenhurst. Fellow inmates describe bocce ball, mini putt, and barbeques with visiting family members. He was allowed conjugal visits with his fiancée. The institution has a number of two bedroom homes on the prison grounds for 72 hour visits.

He'll also never have to apply for a job and tick off the box beside "do you have a criminal record." And his fiancée isn't going anywhere. Not with the amount of money he's got.
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black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
He's different than most people for the simple fact that he's among the very few who are able to afford to take a private jet to Miami for a party. As for his wedding, it's just been postponed for a few years. He spent his time behind bars at the Beaver Creek prison in Gravenhurst. Fellow inmates describe bocce ball, mini putt, and barbeques with visiting family members. He was allowed conjugal visits with his fiancée. The institution has a number of two bedroom homes on the prison grounds for 72 hour visits.

He'll also never have to apply for a job and tick off the box beside "do you have a criminal record." And his fiancée isn't going anywhere. Not with the amount of money he's got.
That’s the same prison where most people go that are convicted of a crime of this nature. Not his fault that’s the system Canada set up. There’s no question about it , coming from wealth will help ease the pain and stress. I’m simply suggesting he didn’t just ruined the victim’s family lives. He fucked his up pretty good and his family. He might have major guilt about this and think about it the rest of his life. I’m bet there’s almost no days go by for the rest of his life that this doesn’t hunt him.
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Sd chargerman

Looking for new adventures...
Jan 8, 2019
This is the problem right here. He didn't murder anyone. He made a mistake that hundreds of thousand do in this country every day. His happened to have a catastrophic outcome, and don't let the outcome effect your ability to make a non bias objective judgment. People just aren't thinking about this rationally.

We hear so much about Marco Muzzo. Why? Because he comes from a crazy rich family. Yet we here so little about Brady Robertson who wiped a mother and her 3 daughters.

There's a much bigger problem that people are refusing to acknowledge.
Cut the bullish out... once you break the law it’s not black or white my friend... he killed 4 people and that is murder like or not. By drinking and driving, you know the consequences of your action.
what did he think would’ve happened?.. He break the law and to me he should rat in prison but it’s not our kids that died or father that got killed.. his action is like taking a gun and premeditate on your future action of arming someone. So when he started to drink and get behind the wheel of his truck that’s like a premeditated action and breaking the damn law. This is Canada for you...
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