Why are you calling for the hero officer’s name to be released immediately? What does the MAGA rioter being a veteran have to do with the fact that they were trying to breach a secure area with an angry mob following? How would the hero officer know the rioter was unarmed? The rioter was carrying a backpack that could have had anything in it.
Why do you try to minimize the fire extinguisher attack on officers by the MAGA rioter? You went from light, underhand throw to light shot put, and then invented this “cloth covered” BS narrative. Wearing riot gear doesn’t make the attack by the MAGA rioter any less disgusting. By your “logic“, then it would be okay to shoot them in the chest because they were wearing bullet-proof vests.
How about the second officer who wasn’t wearing a helmet that was struck? You think that throwing a fire extinguisher at police officer’s heads was to “annoy or distract” them? You really don’t want to be taken seriously.
Why mention the barrier? It had no effect on the cowardly attack, as the fire extinguisher was thrown clearly over it by the MAGA rioter. At police officers, while their backs were turned. The barrier even emboldened this coward MAGA rioter because he knew he could get away before they could respond to his cowardly attack.