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Riots at the Capitol


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
This is such a fucking joke it’s not even funny anymore.

Someone posted this on Twitter so I wanted to see it if was true lol

View attachment 30404
go to and you will find that dude with the glasses a few pages down.

Here it is from the source View attachment 30405
View attachment 30406
what is the truth lol it’s what they tell you. I am done with the politics in the states and talking about. Both sides are pulling this manipulation shit and distorting the truth and sucking us all in like a bunch of fools.

Always find the truth yourself.

This was only a quick search. It’s ridiculous how easily people are fooled and manipulated.

Great detective work there 12//3\12/11/122/1\1
(apologies if I misspelled your name)

You're right, those photos are on antifa sites, they are there on the pages where they ask people to identify neo nazis and white supremacists.

I found the truth myself by searching google for the photos.
Where did you find your 'truth'?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
where is the guy who had 88 million twitter followers and who said "come to Washington on Jan 6 it will be wild"?
So in context are you saying trump is tied to antifa or is antifa tied to trump.

As far as I care he failed and didn’t get re-elected.

He burned bridges, made promises but he untimely failed regardless if the other side cheated or not.

Why could he not see this playing out if he was this smart. Kept saying big things are coming big things are coming all this fraud but failed to materialize.

Why fucking burn bridges then if you can’t take care of it yourself and turn your country into a mess.

regardless if he is right or not he failed!

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Great detective work there 12//3\12/11/122/1\1
(apologies if I misspelled your name)

You're right, those photos are on antifa sites, they are there on the pages where they ask people to identify neo nazis and white supremacists.

I found the truth myself by searching google for the photos.
Where did you find your 'truth'?
and Twitter

I don’t care to dig deeper.

Peace of mind is more valuable.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
They should round up as many of these protesters/terrorists (pipe bombs, molotov cocktails were found) and send'em all to G'Itmo Bay, Trump, Giuliani , Eric included!!!!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
So in context are you saying trump is tied to antifa or is antifa tied to trump.

As far as I care he failed and didn’t get re-elected.

He burned bridges, made promises but he untimely failed regardless if the other side cheated or not.

Why could he not see this playing out if he was this smart. Kept saying big things are coming big things are coming all this fraud but failed to materialize.

Why fucking burn bridges then if you can’t take care of it yourself and turn your country into a mess.

regardless if he is right or not he failed!
Seriously, dude!

All that has to happen with you guys is some Republican Liar suggest a wild rumour and you lap it up and immediately set out to "prove" it - usually by doing the dumbest shit imaginable.

There's another thread going where we're ID-ing some of the guys who invaded the Capitol. They're all MAGA - QAnon, Proud Boys, Neo nazis, etc. No Antifa.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Seriously, dude!

All that has to happen with you guys is some Republican Liar suggest a wild rumour and you lap it up and immediately set out to "prove" it - usually by doing the dumbest shit imaginable.

There's another thread going where we're ID-ing some of the guys who invaded the Capitol. They're all MAGA - QAnon, Proud Boys, Neo nazis, etc. No Antifa.
He even posted links claiming that there were photos on antifa sites proving they were antifa.
Only problem is that they were on the site on the page that said 'help us identify these white supremacists/Proud Boys/boogaloo types'.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
He even posted links claiming that there were photos on antifa sites proving they were antifa.
Only problem is that they were on the site on the page that said 'help us identify these white supremacists/Proud Boys/boogaloo types'.
That is beyond stupid. Didn't he even bother to READ the page - LOLOLOL!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
That is beyond stupid. Didn't he even bother to READ the page - LOLOLOL!!!
you assume that I am a republican supporter or care for democrat or republicans.

I don’t.

Let the world see and find out the truth regardless of what it may be.

The truth is Trump failed despite his big promise.

Unlike you guys I am not emotionally attached to either side.

I care for the truth to come out regardless what it way be.

If it is proven that these are actual white supremacist then this is a good thing.

Problem is people are using that term for almost everything nowadays.

Shouldn’t you be happy the actual white supremacists are identified if this is the case.

Why would that be a bad thing?

Are you projecting here? Why are you so programmed that you believe anyone who opposes the media narrative cares for white supremacist?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
you assume that I am a republican supporter or care for democrat or republicans.

I don’t.

Let the world see and find out the truth regardless of what it may be.

The truth is Trump failed despite his big promise.

Unlike you guys I am not emotionally attached to either side.

I care for the truth to come out regardless what it way be.

If it is proven that these are actual white supremacist then this is a good thing.
That's all nice sounding but you're hardly a warrior for truth if you are pushing blatantly obvious crap like you just did.
It only took me 2 minutes to search google for the photo, find the site and identify that the truth was the total opposite of what you claimed.

How about an admission of your error and trying to do better in the future?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
That's all nice sounding but you're hardly a warrior for truth if you are pushing blatantly obvious crap like you just did.
It only took me 2 minutes to search google for the photo, find the site and identify that the truth was the total opposite of what you claimed.

How about an admission of your error and trying to do better in the future?
Let the police, FBI, and investigators figure it out who is behind this and bring them to justice.

We are hardly in a position to make assumptions here. The mistakes being made here is that we are assuming we know when we don’t. I am not going to search through antifa website, waste time and read their information and how do you even validate that. You don’t know either unless you are part of the investigation team assigned to this task.

My point is that we don’t know the truth until the experts trained at their job investigate and discover what the truth is regardless if posted on a site or not.

Right now there is a lot of misinformation floating out there.

You should be happy if the investigators can do their job and identify the source root of these roots regardless if it’s antifa or white supremacist. Who ever is behind this need to be brought to justice even if it is Donald Trump.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Sounds to me like you are working on a conspiracy theory there Eddie......
None required. I have history. The Confederate flag represents treason in support of slavery.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I hope you're sitting down...but...believe it or not...he still has support.

The radical Trump supporters will never, ever fold from Trump...they won't.
But it is a lot less effective without the full support of his legislative buddies. That is slipping. He has failed them by losing the senate and yesterday's mayhem will further erode his political support.

Maybe his cult will storm the town jail bust him out. Bring an extra horse.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Let the police, FBI, and investigators figure it out who is behind this and bring them to justice.

We are hardly in a position to make assumptions here. The mistakes being made here is that we are assuming we know when we don’t. I am not going to search through antifa website, waste time and read their information and how do you even validate that. You don’t know either unless you are part of the investigation team assigned to this task.

My point is that we don’t know the truth until the experts trained at their job investigate and discover what the truth is regardless if posted on a site or not.

Right now there is a lot of misinformation floating out there.

You should be happy if the investigators can do their job and identify the source root of these roots regardless if it’s antifa or white supremacist. Who ever is behind this need to be brought to justice even if it is Donald Trump.
No, you posted a link accusing protesters of being Antifa when they were clearly the opposite.
You made an accusation based on echoing media you read without checking up on it.

Now you say we should leave it to investigators?
Take responsibility for your own actions, admit you were wrong and check your sources in the future.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
He even posted links claiming that there were photos on antifa sites proving they were antifa.
Only problem is that they were on the site on the page that said 'help us identify these white supremacists/Proud Boys/boogaloo types'.
Where did I claim they were antifa and saying proving they are antifa.

You sure like to fabricate things and take it out of context. others have identified and called you out for this and you keep doing it over and overI

This is what I said “
what is the truth lol it’s what they tell you. I am done with the politics in the states and talking about. Both sides are pulling this manipulation shit and distorting the truth and sucking us all in like a bunch of fools.

Always find the truth yourself.”

Its true what they say about you that you distort people’s statements and take it out of context and keep making shit up and putting words in peoples mouths.

My point is we are not in a position to know what the truth is despite what is being claimed.

I will not allow you to suck me in to your none sense. I will not pick sides. The states politics is toxic and the truth is being manipulated.

What we can all conclude now is that Trump lost. Biden will be their new president.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
No, you posted a link accusing protesters of being Antifa when they were clearly the opposite.
You made an accusation based on echoing media you read without checking up on it.

Now you say we should leave it to investigators?
Take responsibility for your own actions, admit you were wrong and check your sources in the future.
is this all you do you keep lying?

This is what I said

what is the truth lol it’s what they tell you. I am done with the politics in the states and talking about. Both sides are pulling this manipulation shit and distorting the truth and sucking us all in like a bunch of fools.

Always find the truth yourself.

This was only a quick search. It’s ridiculous how easily people are fooled and manipulated.”

Why do you keep taking things out of context?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Where did I claim they were antifa and saying proving they are antifa.

You sure like to fabricate things and take it out of context. others have identified and called you out for this and you keep doing it over and overI

This is what I said “
what is the truth lol it’s what they tell you. I am done with the politics in the states and talking about. Both sides are pulling this manipulation shit and distorting the truth and sucking us all in like a bunch of fools.

Always find the truth yourself.”

Its true what they say about you that you distort people’s statements and take it out of context and keep making shit up and putting words in peoples mouths.

My point is we are not in a position to know what the truth is despite what is being claimed.

I will not allow you to suck me in to your none sense. I will not pick sides. The states politics is toxic and the truth is being manipulated.

What we can all conclude now is that Trump lost. Biden will be their new president.
In that post you said it was true they were on an antifa site, you definitely didn't say they were identified there as white supremacists, you implied they were antifa.
Are you now trying to claim that all along you knew the claims were false?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
is this all you do you keep lying?

This is what I said

what is the truth lol it’s what they tell you. I am done with the politics in the states and talking about. Both sides are pulling this manipulation shit and distorting the truth and sucking us all in like a bunch of fools.

Always find the truth yourself.

This was only a quick search. It’s ridiculous how easily people are fooled and manipulated.”

Why do you keep taking things out of context?
You said this:
go to and you will find that dude with the glasses a few pages down.
If you knew he was there to identify him as a white supremacist all along, why didn't you say it?
Why did you say you went to confirm that the tweets you saw were correct?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
In that post you said it was true they were on an antifa site, you definitely didn't say they were identified there as white supremacists, you implied they were antifa.
Are you now trying to claim that all along you knew the claims were false?
You sure assume a lot. I don’t imply anything other then the truth is being manipulated. How do you know I wasn’t referring to the protestors claiming they were antifa or not. I deliberately left that out.

They have their face. Despite what the social media or the news tell you the truth will surface even if they try to hide it, the truth will prevail.

You assume there always two sides. I will never allow myself to be pinned to a site.

Find the truth yourself. Resist manufacturing dissent!
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