LInteresting choice of words, given Miller's critique that too many judges are concerned with how their decisions will be portrayed by the media to the public. You seem to be lending support to Miller's claim.
The courts can no longer overturn the election vote because.....Now that might be the funniest thing you've posted here, S.
You understand me yet think that I have multiple handles?
Moscow Mitch just congratulated Biden on the win.
Still think the courts will overturn it?
'Time for everybody to move on': Senate GOP accepts Biden's win
The Electoral College tally was finally enough for many Republicans to acknowledge
So the right thing to do would be to allow Trump to strongarm the judges HE hired into stealing the election for him. While at the same time disenfranchising 80 million folks who elected Joe Biden as 46, not to mention destroy the United States with King Trump?Interesting choice of words, given Miller's critique that too many judges are concerned with how their decisions will be portrayed by the media to the public. You seem to be lending support to Miller's claim.
Excellent depiction of what is happening on the Right. In order to maintain standing with the tribe, you need to conform to the party line despite the reality you can see. You must learn to embrace the fake reality and convince yourself it is real.
Now that we are nearing the end of the dutch oven persona, bud, is it time to reminisce about your time defending another nazi, James Fields?Interesting choice of words, given Miller's critique that too many judges are concerned with how their decisions will be portrayed by the media to the public. You seem to be lending support to Miller's claim.
Poor Stephen Miller. In just over a month's time, his glory days will be over and he'll return to trying on Gestapo uniforms in front of the mirror in his mom's basement.So the right thing to do would be to allow Trump to strongarm the judges HE hired into stealing the election for him. While at the same time disenfranchising 80 million folks who elected Joe Biden as 46, not to mention destroy the United States with King Trump?
Or they figure that they can ease Trump out after 20 Jan and they may as well appease him for the few weeks left of putting up w his shit.Excellent depiction of what is happening on the Right. In order to maintain standing with the tribe, you need to conform to the party line despite the reality you can see. You must learn to embrace the fake reality and convince yourself it is real.
SNow that we are nearing the end of the dutch oven persona, bud, is it time to reminisce about your time defending another nazi, James Fields?
You seem to be giving up on your pet theories of fact and law and reverting back to your views on race that seem rational only to you.
You really want to defend Miller?
This one, this is really the one that will overturn the election and show us all how much smarter than us you are.
SThis one, this is really the one that will overturn the election and show us all how much smarter than us you are.
This is it!
Keep dreaming, S
So close, that could have been the one, S.Wisconsin Supreme Court Appeal narrowly dismissed (4-3):
Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects Trump election lawsuit
The president sought to have more than 221,000 ballots disqualified in Dane and Milwaukee counties, the state's two most heavily Democratic
SSo close, that could have been the one, S.
Keep dreaming the dream, any day now it could happen.
Even if Trump could overturn WI, he's still about 30 votes short. Nice try.Wisconsin Supreme Court Appeal narrowly dismissed (4-3):
Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects Trump election lawsuit
The president sought to have more than 221,000 ballots disqualified in Dane and Milwaukee counties, the state's two most heavily Democratic
Odd, given that ToGuy (yet another TERBite who self-identifies as a lawyer) confirmed that everything I posted was correct. Seems a stretch to equate truthful information with trolling. Now, empty name calling - that might fit the definition of trolling better!IT...
Ignorant Troll!
I freely admit that posting here on TERB is an unjustifiable waste of time, but a guilty pleasure.