I posted this link to generate some good discussion. You guys didn’t disappoint.
Now that we have a better appreciation of how vast the universe truly is, it would be mathematically impossible to rule out life another planets.
It’s not proof of extra-terrestrial life, but math don’t lie.
Keep in mind that intelligent life is another story.
And technologically advanced beings capable of interstellar travel is another echelon entirely.
I’m not sure if I believe the Israeli space security official. A Galactic Federation implies that there are a number of intelligent planets that have banded together to form an organization. It seems to have too much of an uncanny resemblance to Gene Roddenberry’s vision.
And if some of our governments are in direct contact with these advanced civilizations, why have they not shared their technology with us if they are so benevolent? Where is the cure for cancer? Where is the technology that would supply clean and boundless energy?
What I do agree with is that humanity is not ready to accept the concept of organized and advanced extra-terrestrial life.
Imagine all of the religious zealots worldwide collectively losing their shit when and/or if they find out aliens are real.
It wouldn’t just be a world-shifting view, it will strike at the core of our human psyche. Who are we? What is our purpose? Do we matter in the universe?
Perhaps the Pentagon’s release of its UFO tapes earlier this year is a preliminary attempt to introduce the concept of alien life to the masses.
Since then, I find that it has slightly changed the narrative on UFO’s. Historically, it remained in the realm of sci-fi fanboys and people wearing tinfoil hats in their basements. However, more people and media outlets are giving the idea credence due to the credibility of the source.
If aliens do exist, I anticipate more and more officials and insiders will be going public with their knowledge. That slow and steady drip of information will eventually become a stream.
Who knows - if humanity eventually accepts and welcomes the concept of extra-terrestrial life, it might usher in a new age of enlightenment. That is something that I would look forward to.