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What do we REALLY know about Covid-19?


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
You've never seen or met your brain.

It probably doesn't exist. 🤔


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
As of today there's 3600 cases of covid deaths in Ontario for 14.6 million residents.
Approximately 2000 in GTA with population of 6.2 million.
Majority of deaths are in long term care facilities where people are isolated from the rest of population.
People live, then they die. It's not a conspiracy or a cynical statement.
To know at least 1 person out of 6.2 million who died is rare. But when multiple people say they know someone who passed away - you're operating with some mindblowing odds.

Some shared statistical numbers:
The health experts - & global citizens following the extreme safety measures - have done a great job keeping the deaths to less than 10% of what they would have been otherwise. Otherwise 10X as many would have died - and - 10X as many would be suffering long term ill health as survivors of C-19 infections. So 10X as many would have died before their time. On average 10 years before their time. So in the US alone with 260,000 lives lost already in mere months, that would be 2.6 million years of human life ripped away by this virus. Yet more like 26,000,000 years lost if the extreme health measures were not practiced & C-19 treated as "just like the flu".


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
I'm just starting to realize something. I've never met Donald Trump. In fact, the only reason I supposedly "know" anything about Donald Trump is all this media hype. It's completely possible they're just feeding me all this nonsense, every day, to convince me there's a nutcase running the United States.

Then again, I've never seen Washington DC. Does it really exist? I've seen pictures, but those could easily be doctored.

There's a Georgia runoff? What is Georgia? Some alleged state that they're saying is important, but I've never seen it.

From now on, I only believe my own eyes, and everything else is hearsay.
You can start with limiting your banal abstractions.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Did they live in a Long Term Care home? If not, you personally knew one of the 166 people in all of Canada that died of covid so far that don't live in a LTC home? The odds of that is less a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent.
He was a mid 50's father of 3. Picked it up on a business trip across the border but not that you would care. It will not fit your nonsense bullshit narrative.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
He was a mid 50's father of 3. Picked it up on a business trip across the border but not that you would care. It will not fit your nonsense bullshit narrative.
Now tell us what his health problem was?

50 year olds do not die of Covid


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Yeah, I know the 50 lbs. overweight and high blood pressure surely makes him expendable in your mind.
Not expendable but the high blood pressure + overweight is the reason that Covid killed him

Though I am surprised no mention of smoking since alot of them are victims as well


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Not expendable but the high blood pressure + overweight is the reason that Covid killed him

Though I am surprised no mention of smoking since alot of them are victims as well
Stupid argument. He wouldn't have dies now if it wasn't for covid. If someone would have otherwise lived more 6 months or 60 more years with their health conditions then covid is the reason for their death.

Or maybe you're advocating some eugenic-like solution of killing off of anyone with added health risks for the good of society.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Covid killed him
Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. It was the covid that killed him. He'd still be alive, even with his HBP, if he hadn't contracted covid.
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