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What do we REALLY know about Covid-19?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
It is an irrelevant argument

Like asking do you prefer a psychopath or a sociopath to live in your neighbourhood

The fact is that:
A) Cars / Trucks have killed far more people than Covid did (the annual stats are pretty similar worldwide, both in the avg 1.3 million death range, but vehicles have a FAR longer history; killing 2 million in a single year is not as devastating as killing 1 million a year over a decade)
B) Cars / Trucks have done far more lasting / long term damage to peoples health due to pollutants, toxins, waste, etc
Your arguments actually are all irrelevant because as we see, it's a lockdown and more lockdowns coming because public health is taken serious. They do not listen to nutbags who go against science.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It is an irrelevant argument

Like asking do you prefer a psychopath or a sociopath to live in your neighbourhood

The fact is that:
A) Cars / Trucks have killed far more people than Covid did (the annual stats are pretty similar worldwide, both in the avg 1.3 million death range, but vehicles have a FAR longer history; killing 2 million in a single year is not as devastating as killing 1 million a year over a decade)
B) Cars / Trucks have done far more lasting / long term damage to peoples health due to pollutants, toxins, waste, etc
It is totally relevant.

Do cars provide benefit to society?
Does covid provide benefit to society?

Yes or no to each.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
It is totally relevant.

Do cars provide benefit to society?
Does covid provide benefit to society?

Yes or no to each.
It is an asinine question

But if you believe in things such as evolution or humans ability to survive as a species then YES a virus is more important than a car

If you are a creationist you will also believe that it (somehow) falls into gods masterplan

Feel better now?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Your arguments actually are all irrelevant because as we see, it's a lockdown and more lockdowns coming because public health is taken serious. They do not listen to nutbags who go against science.
Like true selfish COVIDIOTS people are flaunting the fact that they keep breaking the preventive measures guidelines, then claim the preventive measure guidelines are not working. "Stable Genius"
You really can't make this shit up as this is what's happening with these selfish COVIDIOTS and the level of intelligence that is being displayed.

I shop at Costco
I do not wear a mask as I am medically exempt
99% of the world deals with it (yes there is always one insane person sooner or later who tells me nonsense like "I will die" but so what)
(Fuck I even bought pizza + fries & fed my kids in the Costco, if they wore masks how would they eat genius? Its annoying they removed tables so need to stand and eat though)

A customer at a restaurant does not wear a mask (and I have posted multiple times in the anti-tipping threads since I think anyone who does is a fool)
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
And yet doggy I still have never seen / heard of a single case of covid
Myself, family, friends, work, nada

I have gone shopping places where they actually did contact tracing (Ikea springs to mind) I have used public resources where they traced (library) I have signed into Conservation areas and the Zoo where names & times all recorded

Not 1 single case

Not 1 single business has ever contacted me to say "oh we had a case"

The office alone has thousands walk through the doors every day
As per policy we scan the QR code and answer no to all the questions
Not once have I ever been told "oh John Smith in accounting was sick"

Covid lockdowns are nonsense



Well-known member
Aug 19, 2014
Car accidents don't cause the hospitals to have to shut down operations and treatments for Cancer, disease, etc... Covid-19 does. So I would ask that you look into how many people are going to die because they couldn't get treatment or surgeries for cancer, etc.... That is the real issue. It isn't that it kills less than car accidents. It is that it destroys the health care system we have in place and thus ends up killing WAY MORE than cars...... Never mind all the people who have had their parents die in long term health centres because of it..... Pretty sure if a covidiot had their parents, loved ones, or friends die or be sentenced to death because they couldn't get treatment in time, they would put a mask on, and shut the fuck up.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It is an asinine question
They are easy and relevant.

Do cars offer any benefit to society?

Saying yes or no is easier (less key strokes) than giving reasons why you won't answer. If you don't answer then it means that there is some reason that you are afraid to.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
And yet doggy I still have never seen / heard of a single case of covid
Myself, family, friends, work, nada

I have gone shopping places where they actually did contact tracing (Ikea springs to mind) I have used public resources where they traced (library) I have signed into Conservation areas and the Zoo where names & times all recorded

Not 1 single case

Not 1 single business has ever contacted me to say "oh we had a case"

The office alone has thousands walk through the doors every day
As per policy we scan the QR code and answer no to all the questions
Not once have I ever been told "oh John Smith in accounting was sick"

Covid lockdowns are nonsense

You don't know anyone because NOBODY obviously wants to be associated with you or you live in a cave.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
And yet doggy I still have never seen / heard of a single case of covid
Myself, family, friends, work, nada

I have gone shopping places where they actually did contact tracing (Ikea springs to mind) I have used public resources where they traced (library) I have signed into Conservation areas and the Zoo where names & times all recorded

Not 1 single case

Not 1 single business has ever contacted me to say "oh we had a case"

The office alone has thousands walk through the doors every day
As per policy we scan the QR code and answer no to all the questions
Not once have I ever been told "oh John Smith in accounting was sick"

Covid lockdowns are nonsense

You have very little understanding on how anything works.
Contact tracing is not used for the businesses to contact you and let you know of any single or multiple case. Learn how contact tracing works.
I have no idea where you work where thousands walk through the doors every day, even if there is a case in such large businesses I highly doubt you know every single employee or customer to know exactly who tested positive.
As for you not knowing anyone with COVID I highly doubt you know more than a handful of people that associate with you, and even if they did I am sure you'd think COVID is a hoax since you repeated numerous times it's not a threat.
Remember your views on COVID is that it's a hoax and only a flu, masks don't work, shutdowns are ineffective, social distancing does not work. and even if you get COVID there is a 99.8% chance of surviving so why would anyone tell you about catching such a virus that in your mind is not of any significance. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Nonetheless, not a single one of you came out and said: "Yes! I know someone who tested positive for Covid-19".


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Nonetheless, not a single one of you came out and said: "Yes! I know someone who tested positive for Covid-19".
Yes, I know more than several who have tested positive and a few became very ill, and one passed on from Covid.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Yes, I know more than several who have tested positive and a few became very ill, and one passed on from Covid.
Anyone passing is sad.
You'll be the first one who knows someone.
I've asked many many people and no one ever heard of anyone who even tested positive... and I'm around doctors quite often and they don't wear masks during social hours. Go figure.
Statistics I posted earlier clearly shows a graph of deaths in thousands per year. Seems like Covid-19 hasn't done much to affect the death count.
Even if statistics is to be believed, Covid-19 attributes to under 3% of all deaths in Canada for 2020.

There are 38 million people living in Canada as of today.
300,000 died this year.
Estimated deaths from Covid are 11,000 and that number is overblown, because even people who are shot officially die from Covid-19.
That's a 0.000289% of population.
We're effectively killing our economy and way of life.
Seems like it'd be smarter to protect those who are most vulnerable and let the rest move on.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Here's one thing we do know. The virus mutates and adapts. There is a real possibility that many or most of the vaccines ready by next year may not protect against some new strain or strains. Be afraid, be very afraid....


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
As of today there's 3600 cases of covid deaths in Ontario for 14.6 million residents.
Approximately 2000 in GTA with population of 6.2 million.
Majority of deaths are in long term care facilities where people are isolated from the rest of population.
People live, then they die. It's not a conspiracy or a cynical statement.
To know at least 1 person out of 6.2 million who died is rare. But when multiple people say they know someone who passed away - you're operating with some mindblowing odds.

Some shared statistical numbers:
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
You have very little understanding on how anything works.
Contact tracing is not used for the businesses to contact you and let you know of any single or multiple case. Learn how contact tracing works.
Well that just proves you have no clue how the contact tracing works either

That is EXACTLY what it does; if there is any sort of outbreak they notify you to isolate / get tested



Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
Yes, I know more than several who have tested positive and a few became very ill, and one passed on from Covid.
Did they live in a Long Term Care home? If not, you personally knew one of the 166 people in all of Canada that died of covid so far that don't live in a LTC home? The odds of that is less a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

New World

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2003
How many days before public health push Halton and Durham into gray zone?

Ford needs to fire Williams and hire Loh immediately!


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Well that just proves you have no clue how the contact tracing works either

That is EXACTLY what it does; if there is any sort of outbreak they notify you to isolate / get tested

I know you have an issue with facts but how you think contact tracing works is not how it works. No business are not made to contact every customer directly, it is not their job under the contact tracing guidelines.
Businesses collect the customer's contact tracing information and when any positive cases arise at any business public health takes those contact tracing logs and figures out who was in contact with the positive case and contacts those to let them know they were exposed to the Coronavirus and to get tested if they have symptoms. Nothing less and nothing more

But hey you can sit and wait by the phone until your local Costco calls you :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2006
Did they live in a Long Term Care home? If not, you personally knew one of the 166 people in all of Canada that died of covid so far that don't live in a LTC home? The odds of that is less a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent.
I'm just starting to realize something. I've never met Donald Trump. In fact, the only reason I supposedly "know" anything about Donald Trump is all this media hype. It's completely possible they're just feeding me all this nonsense, every day, to convince me there's a nutcase running the United States.

Then again, I've never seen Washington DC. Does it really exist? I've seen pictures, but those could easily be doctored.

There's a Georgia runoff? What is Georgia? Some alleged state that they're saying is important, but I've never seen it.

From now on, I only believe my own eyes, and everything else is hearsay.
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