You ever notice the one commonalty that all conspiracy theories have? None of those who adhere to the theory ever tries to "prove" it.
That's because conspiracy theories rely on the fact that you cannot prove a negative. It's virtually impossible.
For example, as much as we can prove there was a moon landing by NASA, we cannot prove that it wasn't staged on a Hollywood set.
As much as we can prove that two planes were purposely crashed into the Twin Towers, we cannot prove that it was not an inside job.
As much as we can prove that the Earth is spherical in shape, we cannot prove that it's not flat.
Despite all the sound, concrete evidence that shows God, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy do not exist, we cannot prove with 100% certainty they do not exist.
Total tangent but lol wtf???
Conspiracies in general are a *positive* not a negative
They allege *something* has happened/is happening
I have yet to see any "negative" conspiracy
Even in your example
Person A says (positive) we landed on the moon
Person B says (positive) we faked the moon landing in a studio
Both are positives that claim they did something
Neither can disprove the others assertion
Fuck I have seen with my own eyes Forest Gump was involved in the moon landing so it is certainly *possible* the conspiracy nuts are correct (I disagree but there is no way I can *disprove* what they say... even with full access to Nasa... something like a moon landing is impossible to prove unless you were actually there as an astronaut)
The Twin Towers depends on your definition of an inside job.
Any way you cut it:
A) Bin Laden certainly had close ties to the CIA and was a monster they created
B) the Intelligence community *knew* about 9-11 before 9-11 but due to incompetence (my opinion) they did not act & did not believe it was a credible risk (prob did not imagine the scope of it either)
As to the last part of your quote (the most laughable part) exactly what "scientific" proof do you have that God does not exist?
(I'm not even religious but even I roll my eyes at that assertion and lumping him in with children's fables such as Santa - who ironically to your point DID exist historically)