What do we REALLY know about Covid-19?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Thats not entirely true.
First they said masks arent necessary, then they said its better we start wearing them.
As has been explained, new information came to light since the original proclamation. Since April they've been pushing mask use non-stop. So you are holding them to a recommendation they made for the first month of a brand new virus, but they get no credit for a consistent message in the subsequent 8 months. That doesn't sound like an objective approach.

Then Dr. Tam later recants and says some masks work, while others don't.
I highly doubt that. Most likely she said some masks work better than others, not that the inferiors do not work at all. Do you have a quote with a blanket statement saying certain masks do not work at all? (unless they were made from fishnet stockings.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
To err is human. Only God gets it right 100% of the time.

"Thankfully we didn't have amateurs like you who didn't even know what "herd immunity" means running the show. How much worse off we'd be now! If the covidiots, hoax advocates, conspiracy nut jobs, C-19's existence deniers, or anti extreme safety measures (lockdowns, masks, etc) people were in charge we'd ...
We'd be South Dakota.

Like many here, the OP seem incapable of understanding that when people study things they find out more about it.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
As has been explained, new information came to light since the original proclamation. Since April they've been pushing mask use non-stop. So you are holding them to a recommendation they made for the first month of a brand new virus, but they get no credit for a consistent message in the subsequent 8 months. That doesn't sound like an objective approach.

I highly doubt that. Most likely she said some masks work better than others, not that the inferiors do not work at all. Do you have a quote with a blanket statement saying certain masks do not work at all? (unless they were made from fishnet stockings.
Here's the thing though, Dr. Tam is the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and she's from China no less (a country where almost everyone wears masks). And she is just now figuring out that 3 layer masks work better than 1 layer??

Also, if masks work so well, wouldnt it have been smarter to make everyone wear masks right off the bat in March of 2020 when the pandemic started just to play it safe?? Why wait till July to make them mandatory?? It sounds like she's incompetent AF

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
She said that some masks work better than others. I understand how you can find that confusing
The only confused person here is you.
She's the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and she's clueless when it comes to masks.
But maybe you're into clueless people?? It all makes sense now 😂
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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Dr. Tam looks like a goblin who eats children for breakfast. She scares me more than any virus.

Covid-19 aka SARS CoV2 isn't any different than SARS from 2003 in terms of how it spreads. (Don't take my unintelligent word for it. Go check out CDC or World Health Organization). Masks and other PPE weren't invented in March 2020. There's a very scientific documentation on what masks protect from what. I find it very unlikely that our country's leading epidemiologists were confused about whether or not masks are effective.

I find it hypocritical that a 17 year old teen from Ottawa gets fined $750 for playing on an empty basketball court while hundreds of BLM protesters get police escort.

Viruses don't care about your political views, feelings, race, creed etc.

Doug Ford and health Minister were grilled yesterday for lack of transparency on how decisions are made. Meanwhile, they're on a podium, without masks, walking past eachother as they take turns speaking.

Our government and leading doctors were making decisions on shut downs, amount of people allowed to gather, constantly changing that number from one to another. Yes, no one is perfect, but they ARE responsible.

I find it ironic that pharmaceutical companies lied about taking 2 billion dollars from Trump administration back in February, shot down his claims about a vaccine on horizon, then announce a 90%+ effective vaccines two weeks after election.

To address an earlier statement that only God gets it 100% right. If memory serves me correctly, it was his creation by the name of Lucifer who challenged God's administration and God went all in just to prove a point. Everything mankind endured from that point on is a part of his flawless plan.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Your reply started with: "Thankfully we didn't have amateurs like you who didn't even know what "herd immunity" means running the show."

If that's not an assumption, what is it?
It's a quote. And, you're wrong, my reply didn't start with that. And, like i already told you, if the shoe fits, wear it:

All I was pointing out is the fact that intelligent people who run the show, like yourself, tell us the rules and then break them.
No, some do, some don't.

So what? You're a sinner, too!

To err is human. Only God is perfect.

And you assumed I know or don't know something.
No, i didn't. I quoted some stuff. If the shoe fits, wear it.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
They said... the found... they suggested... They said olive oil was bad for you
To err is human. Only God gets it right 100% of the time.

"Thankfully we didn't have amateurs like you who didn't even know what "herd immunity" means running the show. How much worse off we'd be now! If the covidiots, hoax advocates, conspiracy nut jobs, C-19's existence deniers, or anti extreme safety measures (lockdowns, masks, etc) people were in charge we'd have over 10 million dead already instead of a small fraction of that."

"this is the process intelligent people follow.

When there is new information, or the understanding of a situation evolves, intelligent people modify their opinions and advice. AKA "change their minds".

Others who are threatened by their own fear and insecurity that they may be wrong, doggedly stick to their original position and find excuses to justify
their inability to learn from new information."

"Unfortunately ignorant, loud and irrational people can not understand or interpret these facts properly because they are blinded by their own selfish wants/gains or guided by their political agenda."

People have to wear masks now and most do. No one said we shouldn't.
Actually some have said we shouldn't wear masks. Covidiots.

Masks are not stopping the spead though.
Masks keep the number of infections from being greater than they already are. So, in that sense, they reduce the number of infections & deaths. IOW masks save lives. But health authorities have repeatedly said that masks are not a "silver bullet".

More and more cases every day with all measures in place.
Kids back in school, more people working, more indoors dwelling in colder weather, more unsafe practices means more infections. That's no surprise. Health authorities said this was coming. Not only in Canada but in many other countries.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Err, God, shoe... hm... sounds like you might be a pirate with a foot fetish/worship 🤭
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
COVID-19, which is caused by the new coronavirus, has been dominating the news lately. However, you may have first become familiar with the term coronavirus during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003.
Both COVID-19 and SARS are caused by coronaviruses. The virus that causes SARS is known as SARS-CoV, while the virus that causes COVID-19 is known as SARS-CoV-2. There are also other types of human coronaviruses.
Despite their similar name, there are several differences between the coronaviruses that cause COVID-19 and SARS.

What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a very diverse family of viruses. They have a large host range, which includes humans. However, the greatest amount of coronavirus diversity is seen in bats.
Coronaviruses have spiky projections on their surface that look like crowns. Corona means “crown” in Latin — and that’s how this family of viruses got their name.
Most of the time, human coronaviruses cause mild respiratory illnesses like the common cold. In fact, four types of human coronaviruses cause 10 to 30 percent of upper respiratory tract infections in adults.
A new type of coronavirus can emerge when an animal coronavirus develops the ability to transmit a disease to humans. When germs are transmitted from an animal to a human, it’s called zoonotic transmission.
Coronaviruses that make the jump to human hosts can cause serious illness. This can be due to a variety of factors, particularly humans’ lack of immunity to the new virus. Here are some examples of such coronaviruses:
  • SARS-CoV, the virus that caused SARS, which was first identified in 2003
  • MERS-CoV, the virus that caused Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which was first identified in 2012
  • SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, which was first identified in 2019
Not really a new virus.

Our Smart ones never studied the virus enough or made a vaccine for it.
Nonsense. Of course C-19 is a new virus. It's not SARS or MERS.

BTW, do you know what plagiarism is.

"Our Smart ones never studied the virus enough or made a vaccine for it."

So says you the amateur. How do you make a vaccine for a virus that doesn't exist yet.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
That message about mask not being effective in March/April from Tam and Fauci, that was at a time when hospitals workers had to use garbage bags and reuse masks for protection. Hindsight is 20/20, had we all known that China would get C19 under control quickly and be able to flood the market with PPE, that lie would not have been wise.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Dr. Tam looks like a goblin who eats children for breakfast. She scares me more than any virus.
What a ridiculous thing to say.

I find it very unlikely that our country's leading epidemiologists were confused about whether or not masks are effective.
Cloth masks? Or masks that hospital personnel wear that were in short supply? What studies have you read on the subject?

Doug Ford and health Minister were grilled yesterday for lack of transparency on how decisions are made. Meanwhile, they're on a podium, without masks, walking past eachother as they take turns speaking.
Merely walking past people, e,g. on a sidewalk, is a very low risk situation. Especially if they are not talking in your direction, coughing or sneezing.

Our government and leading doctors were making decisions on shut downs, amount of people allowed to gather, constantly changing that number from one to another. Yes, no one is perfect, but they ARE responsible.
To err is human. Only God gets it right 100% of the time.

"Thankfully we didn't have amateurs like you who didn't even know what "herd immunity" means running the show. How much worse off we'd be now! If the covidiots, hoax advocates, conspiracy nut jobs, C-19's existence deniers, or anti extreme safety measures (lockdowns, masks, etc) people were in charge we'd have over 10 million dead already instead of a small fraction of that."

"this is the process intelligent people follow.

When there is new information, or the understanding of a situation evolves, intelligent people modify their opinions and advice. AKA "change their minds".

Others who are threatened by their own fear and insecurity that they may be wrong, doggedly stick to their original position and find excuses to justify
their inability to learn from new information."

"Unfortunately ignorant, loud and irrational people can not understand or interpret these facts properly because they are blinded by their own selfish wants/gains or guided by their political agenda."

To address an earlier statement that only God gets it 100% right. If memory serves me correctly, it was his creation by the name of Lucifer who challenged God's administration and God went all in just to prove a point. Everything mankind endured from that point on is a part of his flawless plan.
Pretty much. Without the knowledge of evil, the good cannot be appreciated.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

“An Experience of Evil God Has Given the Sons of Humanity to Humble Them”.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Here's the thing though, Dr. Tam is the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and she's from China no less (a country where almost everyone wears masks). And she is just now figuring out that 3 layer masks work better than 1 layer??
She doesn't conduct the research. She formulates policies based on the research done by others.

Scientists don't assume or make conclusions based on common sense, which is what you are suggesting she should have done. Scientists have hypotheses and then conduct research to see if those hypotheses were correct. That is the scientific method.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
She doesn't conduct the research. She formulates policies based on the research done by others.

Scientists don't assume or make conclusions based on common sense, which is what you are suggesting she should have done. Scientists have hypotheses and then conduct research to see if those hypotheses were correct. That is the scientific method
But she's the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and she's just now figuring out 3-layer masks are better than 1-layer masks??
And thats 10 months into the pandemic??

Come on, man :rolleyes:
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
But she's the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and she's just now figuring out 3-layer masks are better than 1-layer masks??
And thats 10 months into the pandemic??

Come on, man :rolleyes:
I understand what you are saying, that it just seems logical, but that is not the way science works. Until a definitive study is made on the topic of different types of masks, she cannot make a clear statement on the topic, let alone make a recommendation for 35M people. There are protocols that need to be followed as per the scientific method.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The only confused person here is you.
She's the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and she's clueless when it comes to masks.
But maybe you're into clueless people?? It all makes sense now 😂
Clueless would be pretending all masks work equally well. Do you have any quotes where she says all masks have the same efficacy?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That message about mask not being effective in March/April from Tam and Fauci, that was at a time when hospitals workers had to use garbage bags and reuse masks for protection. Hindsight is 20/20, had we all known that China would get C19 under control quickly and be able to flood the market with PPE, that lie would not have been wise.
More importantly they didn't say masks were ineffective, they said that masks weren't needed in public based on the very limited information they had at the time.
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