Assuming that Kamala is the nominee - not a done deal.
And assuming the GOP doesn't nominate another klown like Trump. Ask yourself, how fucked up is it that Trump got the nomination?.... The GOP cannot even control its own party. Had they sought, selected, nominated and supported a competent populist - sort of an All-American Putin - the US would no longer be a democracy, as we speak. But they nominated a buffoon and worse, a buffoon who attracted millions of hicks, yokels and village idiots to his banner and who took over the party and made it into the despised butt of every educated and urban person in the USA.
You think that the GOP won't do that all over again? Remember: - the hicks, yokels, village idiots, Jesus-wackos, gun-wackos, QAnon-wackos, anti-abortion wackos and American militia-wackos now control the nomination process with their votes. That's your new GOP and THAT'S what your populist buffoon president achieved in his 4 years - and pretty much ALL he achieved. THIS is the party that just nominated and apparently elected a QAnon lady to Congress.
And the contrarians like Phil, Oracle and the other pro Trump guys on this board all went along and applauded because there was always a bunch of internet rightie vloggers like Shapiro or Ng or about 5,000 others who cheered Trump on and told the flock that supporting him was the right thing to do.
BTW, you feeling a little down in the dumps this morning with what happened in GA a couple hours ago? There goes your populist standard-bearer!