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Debate 2020 Drinking Game


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
This is only the first of 4, maybe come up with a game that's better when it comes to preserving brain cells?
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
“Many people agree with me”...about whatever tf that was about cars!


Active member
Jul 3, 2017
Neither Guy knows jack shit about what kind of a virus we Humans are on the planet - it will eventually shake us off like a flea!

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Biden did very well in my estimation. I liked the way he turned to the camera to give his answers at times. Talking right to the American people.

He explained his position on health care, the riots and climate change/ global warming.

The further left members of his party won't be happy with him dismissing of the green new deal however.

But he hit Trump with all the down and dirty stuff. '' Fine people on both sides''. injecting bleach. Troops being suckers etc.

He was extremely well prepared for this. Sure he stammered a few times and forgot his line of thought and called Trump a clown lol. But considering the onslaught that was coming his way that was to be expected.

Trump didn't help himself with his constantly interrupting and belligerence. Speaking of which Chris Wallace did a fantastic job tonight. He was fair and asked the tough questions.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Trump was even told off by the Fox moderator for constantly interrupting. He clearly behaves like a stubborn kid who made no coherent arguments but constantly lied.
Biden was better and at least knew how to behave on this very important occasion. But, Trump stating that he now considered the disinfectant injections was supposed to be "jest" during that very sad Pandemic time and especially when he wanted answers from his baffled medical experts is ridiculous. He was really caught out there!! But Why he cannot simply condemn the White Supremacist / Neo nazis, but ask them to "Stand back and Standby" is really baffling!!

It overall was a very disgraceful debate, and The USA are really the laughing stock of the world. Thankfully, we have far more civil debates that make far more sense during our Canadian Elections!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The latest CNN Poll states that 60% thought that Biden won and 28% supported Trump!!

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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
That's the take home.
Trump calling out the Proud Boys to 'stand by'.
Holy white supremacist shit.

That and someone finally telling Trump to shut up.
Exactly. He told the Proud Boys and the rest of his white nationalist supporters to keep close watch on polling stations- ie. he’s trying to suppress the vote by sending thugs to polling stations to intimidate non-Trump voters and otherwise stir up trouble and disrupt voting so that Trump can call the election fraudulent. It’s a Call to Action for his white nationalist supporters. It’s the boogaloo they’ve been dreaming of with a race war beginning on Nov 3.

Trump is not even making any effort to win the debate...he just seeks to disrupt and destroy the entire process; just like he plans to do to the US election itself.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Exactly. He told the Proud Boys and the rest of his white nationalist supporters to keep close watch on polling stations- ie. he’s trying to suppress the vote by sending thugs to polling stations to intimidate non-Trump voters and otherwise stir up trouble and disrupt voting so that Trump can call the election fraudulent. It’s a Call to Action for his white nationalist supporters. It’s the boogaloo they’ve been dreaming of with a race war beginning on Nov 3.

Trump is not even making any effort to win the debate...he just seeks to disrupt and destroy the entire process; just like he plans to do to the US election itself.
The only happy with all of this will be butler, its exactly what he wants.
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