So if Cops feel they need to apply necessary force to take down a suspect...they shouldn't? We're talking about a criminal walking down a cop car and fire a shot vs. a cop on duty in pursuit of an armed suspect here.
You are twisting my words. I am not saying that all police shootings are unjustified. I am not saying that all police brutality is only against POC.
What I am saying though is that some police are corrupt, some are hot head assholes who abuse their power and some shootings are not justified.
Those facts can not be denied. Simply based on the human factor, those things are bound to happen.
I’m allowed to see both sides of this, and that is the problem. Both sides are actually right. Criminals need to be dealt with and cops have a right to protect themselves on the job. Citizen have the right to proper policing without brutality or abuse of power.
Why is that not acceptable? Why does it have to be a picking one side only? The longer people feel they need to pick one side and not look at the factual points of the other side, this war between police and the people will continue.
I’m not leftist or right wing. I am central. I see both sides. Which is why in one thread I am called racist and in another thread I am called a loonie leftie.