The country is only as good as its middle class. Without manufacturing, oil and gas, mining, steel, forestry, coal (all the Canadian industries that free trade agreements and environmental regulation killed) we are sunk. The service economy doesn’t pay good wages except for the top 5-10% of jobs. We can’t rely on importing Chinese “investors”, the entire 3rd world, and cheap foreign labor to prop up demand for housing, university, and lenders. All I see is the government sector expanding endlessly, and private sector dwindling down to nothing. Using the bank of Canada to print our dollar into oblivion is the core economic policy of the political class. If this worked, then Venezuela and Zimbabwe would be the richest countries in the world. All that this free money and CERB/UBI is going to ultimately do is just raise the price of everything to the point where the value of our life savings is reduced to nothing.