Wow. Great response.
And this is why some ladies think that men don’t give two shits about their safety, only their own anonymity. Hence why they get jaded, ask for deposits and heavily screen.
Thanks for the assist on proving that. Much appreciated.
Saftey is always top (not always the top ) priority.
That applies to both sides of the contract, and sex workers do rightly insist on contracts where they can take the money, promise to kick you out if they don't like how they feel, or don't fulfil the expectation they nurture and no money back, and, and some are openly racist and ageist. I acknowledge that is an extreme situation that happens extremely rarely, but it is what is promised on most SW's profiles. Feelings are important, and feeling unsafe is at the least uncomfortable, and maybe warranted, but not necessarily.
So let me rephrase your position without putting words into your mouth.
Sex worker will show pictures and give a profile with a fictional name, that is intended to tantalize customers without revealing her location, bank account, personal phone number or anything else that COULD give away her true identity.
Customer is asked for a real name, and just to confirm without any possibility of misunderstanding his personal phone number, bank account or email address, photo ID to make sure he reveals every personal identity detail with 100% accuracy.
Now, I get that the media and some other folks will tell me that men, by nature, are violent, unsafe homosapiens, who can not be trusted, especially in close proximity to a naked or soon to be naked woman.
Thats not my experience, it's not what the science says, and it's not what I will tolerate when being assessed for my qualification to spend an hour and big bucks with a woman or anyone.