Do you guys have friends in real life that you can talk to you about this stuff?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Not to brag about, but just to have it as a conversational option.
Seriously, there is no better place to have open and honest discussion of this activity than on a board like TERB.

We all know what it is actually like as opposed to "friends" who are not and can honestly not relate to your experiences. All they have is what they see or hear via a variety of media, which as we know is often inaccurate.

If you want actual discussions with give and take from both parties, you get that here. If it is with someone not experienced, there is no real discussion. It is purely one-sided, which is you regaling them with tales. They may have questions, but they provide nothing in the way of input. That is not a conversation.
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G.D. Gentleman

Spin Spin Sugar...
Jun 24, 2019
A dozen? At work? I can’t imagine being able to talk to people about it, especially at work. It sounds awesome to be able to talk to your friends about it. How prevalent do you think hobbying is anyway? My assumption is that most would just keep it to themselves.
My two best friends are like brothers to me. I have taken each of them to Vegas for a significant birthday. I have lived with each as roommates at different points in my life. While they know I hobby it's high level like I said, a few photos shared sometimes, met a SB or two of mine by chance over the years, but no details or acronyms like you find here, lol.

The dozen or so coworkers over the last 10-15 years comes perhaps from the industry I am in - I.T. consulting, Mid to Large enterprise. Year after year I secure large projects with fellow specialists. Anyone from the industry will know you end up spending hours a day speaking with the team members you are assigned for weeks, months, even years. I never reveal/initiate first. The conversations we have cover everything in life as time goes on and from time to time they bring up strip clubs first we discuss...then these chats lead to strippers versus escorts at times - the dozen or so that I have chatted with...again no specific's, no play by play most we might both know the same stripper at a shared favorite club, that's about it. Hopefully this better explains my previous statement.

Perhaps the lockdown this year lead to the two fine gents who I have met from here becoming real life friends. One in particular that I have met in person recently shares a lot of the same views and approach to this lifestyle that I do, both of us never married/have kids and not far apart in age. He and I have both dabbled in SB's over the years along with a steady diet of SP's so it helps to have someone as a sounding board to bounce ideas off of in real time and one on one.

Back to the basics, I'm thankful for TERB once more and do what I can to participate and contribute value here where possible. We are quite the amazing group of strangers who chat here, some for decades and counting, and I thank you all for being here.


Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
Keep your experiences within the forums. No need to tell anyone outside these pages. Thats how trouble starts.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Keep your experiences within the forums. No need to tell anyone outside these pages. Thats how trouble starts.

I have met many Merb members personally. Many became good friend. We did a lot of get together and parties with girls. I chat often with some of them because yes it's the only way to talk about these great girl we have sex with!

I remember 2-3 years ago I went golfing with a friend from the forum. We were paired with 2 other players that did not knew each other. For the first 6-7 holes we kept quiet talking about the girls. But after that fuck it we opened it up. At the end of the game these 2 fellows had just no word... We had discussed non stop our encounters to so many girls so openly.... They probably went back to their boring wife that day thinking fuck I have only one life why I am not eating pussy like them!!!!
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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Good experience or bad experience I’ve had several memorable sexual experiences that I wouldn’t take back.

These were with beautiful women. 10’s. Girls I admit I probably wouldn’t be able to date otherwise, but regardless I fucked a bunch of them. Seems like a shame that I have to keep it all to myself and take it to my grave.
It’s all hair & make up buddy. Any woman can do it and we are suckers for it


Active member
Oct 24, 2008
Smurf Village
Ex pua? How old are you? I think I agree with what you’re saying. Sex is a need. When it’s time I don’t want to have to act disingenuously/depend on someone.

You go long enough without it and you start thinking weird thoughts. So I look at it as an almost mental health maintenance. Which in turn helps with career development and social interactions.

Although I only have my own anecdotes to go on,I think I’m onto something with that. Though to be perfectly honest, maybe I’m just rationalizing and I’m full of shit.

I think the post I wrote on back in 2015 (below) pretty much sums up my thoughts as I was transitioning from a PUA more towards MGTOW. And I started doing an ROI analysis and thinking if it was really worth it. As it wasn't a question of "manning" up as I done plenty of that, but whether it just made any sense anymore.

I think it was back in 2017 I had a moment of thinking "I've won this game, but what a stupid fucking game". As I remember it was the morning after with this Vietnamese girl and I stepped out on the balcony for some air. (Actually had to let out a steam whistle and didn't want to do a duch oven in the apartment).

At that same time I was seeing 2 other smoke show girls, a Korean and Taiwanese girl and lot else on the sideline roster. And then the girl from the night before came onto the balcony to snuggle up to me as she had just woken up. At first was like oh shit, did she just smell the gas I just passed? Then thought, ah well I already slept with her and now she is invested anyways. And the wind probably blew it away good. Then I let her nuzzle up my arms. And I thought to myself, so this is it. I have more girls than I can count in my dating life for years on and on. Add to that SPs gives through the roof abundance.

Yet as good as it felt to bring the best out of myself and get on top of a goal, there was a total emptiness. Realizing things only matter in our mind. Life is in our mind most of the time. And the only reason winning at the dating game mattered was because I hated ever being thought of as a loser. Yet I won and all I could think was "What a stupid fucking game". No more meaningful in the end then winning a Video game. Where the end credits say "haha, fuck you idiot. Just become a Buddhist. Nothing really matters"

OLD POST 2015 :
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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I think the post I wrote on back in 2015 (below) pretty much sums up my thoughts as I was transitioning from a PUA more towards MGTOW. And I started doing an ROI analysis and thinking if it was really worth it. As it wasn't a question of "manning" up as I done plenty of that, but whether it just made any sense anymore.

I think it was back in 2017 I had a moment of thinking "I've won this game, but what a stupid fucking game". As I remember it was the morning after with this Vietnamese girl and I stepped out on the balcony for some air. (Actually had to let out a steam whistle and didn't want to do a duch oven in the apartment).

At that same time I was seeing 2 other smoke show girls, a Korean and Taiwanese girl and lot else on the sideline roster. And then the girl from the night before came onto the balcony to snuggle up to me as she had just woken up. At first was like oh shit, did she just smell the gas I just passed? Then thought, ah well I already slept with her and now she is invested anyways. And the wind probably blew it away good. Then I let her nuzzle up my arms. And I thought to myself, so this is it. I have more girls than I can count in my dating life for years on and on. Add to that SPs gives through the roof abundance.

Yet as good as it felt to bring the best out of myself and get on top of a goal, there was a total emptiness. Realizing things only matter in our mind. Life is in our mind most of the time. And the only reason winning at the dating game mattered was because I hated ever being thought of as a loser. Yet I won and all I could think was "What a stupid fucking game". No more meaningful in the end then winning a Video game. Where the end credits say "haha, fuck you idiot. Just become a Buddhist. Nothing really matters"

OLD POST 2015 :
Self proclaimed PUA are just that self proclaimed, I remember your posts about being a self proclaimed PUA and that thread explains fully the PUA mentality of thinking they know what they are doing meanwhile having absolutely no clue. You couldn't understand why the girl was upset.

Throughout the years of going out on a regular weekly basis in the city I've met a lot of people that were successful at dating, I personally do very well in the dating world and not a single one of them nor I claim to be PUA. I've met 2 self proclaimed PUA masters and they simply have no game, their game is to say anything they assume the girls want to hear and although that might work and will work for the right individuals but more often then not these guys get rejected.
They successfully and highly strike out when they are seeking out women 25ish+ who are well educated, have successful careers and who have some dating world experience.

Even if their game does work as soon as the girls figure out that what they are seeing is just a front the girls kick them to the curb very quickly as the very high majority of self proclaimed PUA are neither successful in life/society, or have dashing looks that a lot of women are after. But even that to a PUA is not failure.

What's funny is I saw one of the PUA I had met a few years later and this guy was teaching this crap to people in Toronto, looking at the people attending his seminar it was easy to understand who the target audience for PUA is.
Not surprising that self proclaimed PUA are now becoming a MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way). as both of these groups outlook on women is not very flattering. They are one step away from becoming incels.

The fact that a self proclaimed PUA equates seeing SP's to real dating experiences, and ROI is all one needs to know to understand the thought process and the dynamics involved.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
The relationship I have with some friends I can talk about it no problem. These were guys growing up, we would hit the rippers together, then hit a rub and tug, so they were down with the scene. I think some of them are actually jealous because they got married and had kids, and pretty much hate lives because of it, while I still get to have all the fun I want.

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
At the end gents it's basically how peaceful you are. Personally I love it, tasting the tight pussy, kissing, exploring the their beautiful bodies and just having a good time,no pressure of anything else. You know what you are there for and you know when it ends.
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J.A. Prufrock

Well-known member
Feb 27, 2018
Good thread with some tremendous insight.

I got back in the game three years ago and understand the OP's desire to want to share the secret with someone, especially after a mind-blowing experience. Two things I like about these types of boards are for the information on destinations, agencies, clubs, ladies, etc. (I'm from the U.S. and had no idea Toronto was such a great mongering destination before I learned it on terb, and I had a similar moment of enlightenment about the wonders of Tijuana, specifically the magnificent Club Hong Kong, from another board). The other thing I like is providing detailed accounts of my sessions, not only as info to others, but as a record of my experiences. I haven't hobbied in six months due to COVID but have occasionally re-read my reviews on another board about past experiences as a way to lift my spirits until I can hobby again.

But I highly doubt I will ever reveal this side of my life to anyone, even my closest friends, none of whom, to my knowledge, hobby (then again, they surely think the same of me, so who really knows?).

If you're married (I'm unattached), don't even think about telling anyone. Also, it's a huge mistake to tell anyone at your workplace, no matter how much you trust them. People love to gossip and sometimes after a few drinks at the Christmas party, lips loosen up, not just the vaginal variety. If you're known throughout the workplace as someone who pays for sex, that can't possibly help your career.

After my longtime marriage fell apart, I decided I'm just going to hobby for the rest of my life and live life to the fullest. No noise, no drama, no commitment, no hassle, no jumping through hopes to get what you really want. It's all business. The emotional connection isn't there (except for maybe 30-60 minutes at a time with certain ladies), but I'll take this life over the risk of being bent over a table again.


Active member
Oct 24, 2008
Smurf Village
Now I'm interested to hear details of how you were bent over the table. (If you are comfortable sharing)

To help rejustify my decision to never want to marry.

Good thread with some tremendous insight.

I got back in the game three years ago and understand the OP's desire to want to share the secret with someone, especially after a mind-blowing experience. Two things I like about these types of boards are for the information on destinations, agencies, clubs, ladies, etc. (I'm from the U.S. and had no idea Toronto was such a great mongering destination before I learned it on terb, and I had a similar moment of enlightenment about the wonders of Tijuana, specifically the magnificent Club Hong Kong, from another board). The other thing I like is providing detailed accounts of my sessions, not only as info to others, but as a record of my experiences. I haven't hobbied in six months due to COVID but have occasionally re-read my reviews on another board about past experiences as a way to lift my spirits until I can hobby again.

But I highly doubt I will ever reveal this side of my life to anyone, even my closest friends, none of whom, to my knowledge, hobby (then again, they surely think the same of me, so who really knows?).

If you're married (I'm unattached), don't even think about telling anyone. Also, it's a huge mistake to tell anyone at your workplace, no matter how much you trust them. People love to gossip and sometimes after a few drinks at the Christmas party, lips loosen up, not just the vaginal variety. If you're known throughout the workplace as someone who pays for sex, that can't possibly help your career.

After my longtime marriage fell apart, I decided I'm just going to hobby for the rest of my life and live life to the fullest. No noise, no drama, no commitment, no hassle, no jumping through hopes to get what you really want. It's all business. The emotional connection isn't there (except for maybe 30-60 minutes at a time with certain ladies), but I'll take this life over the risk of being bent over a table again.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2017
I fortunately had two college roomates I met who are into seeing sp's. In fact ,we started going to rub and tug together when we were roomates. But now we all work professionally but live in different cities. Once a year we would meet up and do a bro trip in another country. Usually we meet up in Germany for FKK clubs and talk about p4p sex and get high on weed :) But because covid, we just stay home.


Active member
Jul 3, 2017
I happen to have a few colleagues (30 plus years) who have become over the years close friendships - business takes a back seat. We fondly remember some of those “Business Trips” where there were multiple rooms on the same floor and girls / booze and laughs flowed from room to room. Hell I even remember one bud who headed down the elevator to the lobby ATM for more $$$ - he had no shirt and the girl he was with no top - we could not stop laughing and still laugh about it today. We all get together for a wild cottage weekend once twice per year and bring in a few cool / chill Ladies to party and hang with. Of course Covid killed that this year. We have done trips to other counties and of course miss behave:) Jamaica probably my FAV :) but a few close seconds.
Outside of those few - never ever would I tell anyone.
I’m single early 50’s - have wrote that chq - won’t write another one EVER!! I get pressure all the time from my Married friends and their spouses - blah blah blah - I’m not hard to look at (all the wives tell me that) and not worried about my next box of beer - but ZERO interest in the drama that goes along with a relationship. They sometimes ask don’t you ever wanna get laid and I just say - internet porn - free and no cuddling after:). I joke it’s been so long I’m a virgin again - next time I get laid I’ll cry after and ask to cuddle! But never tell them about the hobby:)
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