Due to the power of numbers this is a war they will not win. Of course the white suppremacist/Qnon supporters and the like can do a lot of bad but they will bring the country down doing so. There has never been winners in war of races. Only looser.
The notion of being a racist, a race war, etc, etc was predictably created by the left as usual. That usual bullying tactic of "if you don't believe in what I believe in, you're a racist". It's old. It's futile.
Trump's base has become wise to these tactics over the years. The more this false campaign is waged by the left in it's many forms, the stonger his base gets.
Ironically, it's because of the left's ongoing tactics and hypocrisy that brought someone like Trump into power. Nothing strengthens a base more than when they are ridiculed for having their own opinion and beliefs and are attacked as a result.
The left fails to understand that.
They don't understand why despite years of waging this battle, they have not gained ground. Instead, the left continues to shout in desperation.