Michael Moore exposes green energy as a fraud


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Conservative pundit and author Mark Steyn -- who is in a years-long legal fight with eco zealot and fake "Nobel laureate" Michael Mann -- has weighed in with some comments on this controversy and the Cancel Culture's religious agenda.

"Michael Moore, a hardcore leftie, is learning what a right-wing loonie like yours truly learned years ago - that, in Mann's world, only those who prostrate themselves before the Warm-Mongers can speak; everyone else must be silenced."


By the way, the Cancel Culture crowd is still trying to claim Mann was the "winner" of a Nobel Prize. That's despite the fact the Nobel committee confirmed eight years ago that the claim is total bullshit.


Talk about "misinformation." :biggrin1:

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
I watched this film (video) today. On it's face, makes a number of interesting points. The rebuttal to it from those who are criticized in the film has been underwhelming.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Are you talking to yourself again?

Nobody is trying to set up plans to burn forests for electricity, even pellet furnaces are out of fashion.
This would a straw man argument if wasn't so incredibly far fetched that only you phil (and maybe CM) would ever think it was happening.

As for those who heat their homes by firewood, it takes about 10 acres to supply a average to small house sustainably.

You guys have your knickers in knots over a fake news type story from Moore.
Suckers every time.
No, I'm talking to one of the voices in your head.

Stats speak for themselves. You are too brainwashed to accept them or too morally invested in a sham that you can't turn back.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, I'm talking to one of the voices in your head.

Stats speak for themselves. You are too brainwashed to accept them or too morally invested in a sham that you can't turn back.
What stats?
Your math skills are slightly worse than your literacy and honesty, boob.

Are you still trying to argue that Moore's investigation of 10 year old tech is still relevant?


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
What stats?
Your math skills are slightly worse than your literacy and honesty, boob.

Are you still trying to argue that Moore's investigation of 10 year old tech is still relevant?
23% of Canada's renewable energy comes from Biomass. You don't think that's a lot of trees? That's a 2018 statistic btw.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
23% of Canada's renewable energy comes from Biomass. You don't think that's a lot of trees? That's a 2018 statistic btw.
Waste at pulp mills and cottagers and people who heat by fire.
Not at all what Moore was talking about.

Those aren't forests being cut down to make biofuels, they're cut down by the lumber industry and then the waste is used for biofuels.
Biofuel, including wood stoves, is about 4% of Canada's energy use.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I watched this film (video) today. On it's face, makes a number of interesting points. The rebuttal to it from those who are criticized in the film has been underwhelming.
When the right wing suddenly takes an interest in Micheal Moore...


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
When the left wing suddenly is disinterested in Michael Moore.
How many threads were there about Michael Moore here before the right wingers started this one?
I'll give you a clue.
There were as many as there are facts in your posts.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Waste at pulp mills and cottagers and people who heat by fire.
Not at all what Moore was talking about.

Those aren't forests being cut down to make biofuels, they're cut down by the lumber industry and then the waste is used for biofuels.
Biofuel, including wood stoves, is about 4% of Canada's energy use.
Um yeah...you keep believing that if it makes you feel better.

1 MW roughly takes 4000 acres of trees. This works out to about 2% of a 10 mile radius.
1 MW can power an average of 600 homes per year.

Start making that radius larger and that 2% starts increasing exponentially.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
When the right wing suddenly takes an interest in Micheal Moore...
Or when the left-wing suddenly abandons Michael Moore......

MM is still a buffoon, but at least he finally grew a braincell and has now apparently seen the light. Alternative energy simply isnt there yet. It might be some day, but unless there's a major breakthrough it wont be able to compete with good old-fashioned gasoline for next decade or two, at least.

The only renewable energy I would bet money on right now is ethanol. It has already emerged over the last 10 to 20 years in Brazil where they use sugarcane to power their flex-cars. In North-America there isnt enough warm climate to grow sugarcanes. Corn is an option but it requires too much land. This is where Switchgrass might come into play. You can grow it anywhere (even the prairies) and it requires almost no fertilizer. The only problem is it only has an EtOH yield of 20% while sugarcane has a 42% yield.

Ethanol does produce CO2's as well, but that CO2 is re-captured when crops used to make the ethanol are grown. It is generally considered a fairly clean fuel.
In the US they are already burning E15 (which is regular gas plus 15% ethanol added).

I suspect when oil runs out in 50 years or so car manufacturers will simply make an adjustment and produce engines that can run on 100% ethanol.
So instead of getting our fuel from oil fields, we will just get it from renewable ethanol sources (like switchgrass, sugarcanes, sugarbeets, corn.........etc).

Thats my prediction


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
How many threads were there about Michael Moore here before the right wingers started this one?
I'll give you a clue.
There were as many as there are facts in your posts.
Who cares about how many threads there were...how does that have anything to do with you believing his recent documentary or not?

Oh Groggy...you get so upset when your heroes suddenly fail you.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Um yeah...you keep believing that if it makes you feel better.

1 MW roughly takes 4000 acres of trees. This works out to about 2% of a 10 mile radius.
1 MW can power an average of 600 homes per year.

Start making that radius larger and that 2% starts increasing exponentially.
That doesn't happen, boob.
That's some kind of weird fantasy, nobody in Canada is cutting down 4000 acres of trees to generate electricity.
Trees that are already cut for lumber are using their waste for biofuels.
And some people heat their homes with firewood, mostly off private land forests.


Jan 26, 2017
Um yeah...you keep believing that if it makes you feel better.

1 MW roughly takes 4000 acres of trees. This works out to about 2% of a 10 mile radius.
1 MW can power an average of 600 homes per year.

Start making that radius larger and that 2% starts increasing exponentially.
MW is a power metric. Things like 4000 acres of trees and powering 600 homes per year is an energy metric, energy is Power x Time.

Your numbers make no sense and your units do not match.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Read the link I provided. The fake "Nobel laureate" is on his way to losing another one. :thumb:


How's Mann doing on those payments he owes in the case he lost to Tim Ball?
That's pretty funny, Steyn is trying to pretend that the court asking for Mann's income in order to base his awards from Steyn as if its a win.

For the Tim Ball one, do you mean the one that resulted in this?



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
That's pretty funny, Steyn is trying to pretend that the court asking for Mann's income in order to base his awards from Steyn as if its a win.
No, Steyn isn't positioning it as a "win."

What he is pointing out is the court is requiring Mann to produce evidence to support his claim. There's a good chance Mann won't comply, given his history in similar cases, including what we saw in the case Mann recently lost against Tim Ball.

In the Ball case, Mann refused to comply with a court order to provide documentation. Once the deadline had passed, the judge in British Columbia tossed the case and ordered Mann to pay costs.


Frankfooter might know these things if he were ever to take the time to learn about an issue before he posts his replies. :)
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