Michael Moore exposes green energy as a fraud


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, Steyn isn't positioning it as a "win."
Hilarious, that's a quick retraction.
First you say:
Read the link I provided. The fake "Nobel laureate" is on his way to losing another one. :thumb:

Now you admit its Steyn that's losing.
Reminds me of a bet you lost.

Oh, and Tim Ball?
He dropped the case arguing that he was too old and sick and that his attacks were totally ineffectual because nobody believed him.



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Hilarious, that's a quick retraction.
First you say:

Now you admit its Steyn that's losing.
Reminds me of a bet you lost.

Oh, and Tim Ball?
He dropped the case arguing that he was too old and sick and that his attacks were totally ineffectual because nobody believed him.
Two things:

1) I did not "retract" anything. I tried to explain to Frankfooter something that he clearly doesn't understand because he is functionally illiterate.

2) The case wasn't "dropped" by Ball. In fact, it couldn't be dropped by Ball -- Ball was the defendant, not the plaintiff. :p

The case was tossed by the judge after Mann failed to produce required evidence.

Mann lost and was ordered to pay costs. Mann is a double loser - he lost the case and would have his useful idiots believe he didn't really "lose" because he claims he doesn't know the meaning of the word "loser."

Indeed, guys like Mann and Frankfooter are the last people on this planet who should be accusing anyone of "misinformation."


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Complain to moviefan about 'distracting' as you like to say.
More bullshit from the king of misinformation.

While the link I provided included information about the lawsuit, the quotes I cited were about the Michael Moore-produced film, "Planet of the Humans."

Conservative pundit and author Mark Steyn -- who is in a years-long legal fight with eco zealot and fake "Nobel laureate" Michael Mann -- has weighed in with some comments on this controversy and the Cancel Culture's religious agenda.

"Michael Moore, a hardcore leftie, is learning what a right-wing loonie like yours truly learned years ago - that, in Mann's world, only those who prostrate themselves before the Warm-Mongers can speak; everyone else must be silenced."


By the way, the Cancel Culture crowd is still trying to claim Mann was the "winner" of a Nobel Prize. That's despite the fact the Nobel committee confirmed eight years ago that the claim is total bullshit.


Talk about "misinformation." :biggrin1:
The debate about the lawsuit was started by Frankfooter -- the legal expert who thinks defendants can "drop" lawsuits against them. :p


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Two things:

1) I did not "retract" anything. I tried to explain to Frankfooter something that he clearly doesn't understand because he is functionally illiterate.

2) The case wasn't "dropped" by Ball. In fact, it couldn't be dropped by Ball -- Ball was the defendant, not the plaintiff. :p
1) You said Steyn was winning and Mann was 'losing another one' and then in the next post said Steyn wasn't winning.
2) The judge withdrew the case after Ball requested it be dismissed because he was old and sick and his attacks were so comical that only hardcore science deniers took them seriously.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More bullshit from the king of misinformation.

While the link I provided included information about the lawsuit, the quotes I cited were about the Michael Moore-produced film, "Planet of the Humans."
Did you or did you not bring Steyn into this thread by quoting him, as you just did again?


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
The judge withdrew the case.....
It would be the plaintiff who withdraws a case.

What actually happened was the judge granted a motion from Ball to have the case dismissed after Mann's lawyers failed to explain all the delays in producing court-ordered evidence.

The judge ruled Mann's delays were "inexcusable" and that it would have been "difficult, if not impossible" for Ball to get a fair trial because of Mann's "inexcusable" delays.


And in granting the motion to dismiss, the judge ordered Mann to pay Ball's legal costs.

That means Mann lost.

Mann counts on useful idiots who will take his B.S. on Facebook over the judge's actual ruling. Apparently, at least one of those useful idiots can be found on TERB. :thumb:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It would be the plaintiff who withdraws a case.

What actually happened was the judge granted a motion from Ball to have the case dismissed
As I said.
From your link to the court docs:
THE COURT: I will render my reasons on the application to dismiss.
I reserve the right to amend these reasons for clarity and grammar, but the result will
not change.

[2] The defendant brings an application for an order dismissing the action for
I was correct, the judge dismissed the case because Ball asked him.

You said this:
More bullshit from the king of misinformation.
Looks like you're the king of misinformation here, moviefan.
You were bullshitting.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
At the Guardian newspaper in the U.K., eco-zealot George Monbiot has it all figured out.

According to Monbiot, Moore's film is a hit with the "far right" because Monbiot says Moore is blaming "black and brown people" for global warming.


But of course. :crazy:
Of course.
Monbiot nails it.

He really does show how it lines up some of yours and the right wingers favourite subjects, attacks on science and people of colour.
Good article, thanks for pointing it out, I wouldn't have read it otherwise.

Mann also nails the Moore film.
Michael Mann says “The fact that 50% of the film is about where 2% of our energy comes from tells you everything you need to know.”
Last edited:


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
I was correct, the judge dismissed the case because Ball asked him.
Nice try, King of Misinformation. What you actually said was the judge "withdrew" the case.

The judge withdrew the case after Ball requested it be dismissed because he was old and sick and his attacks were so comical that only hardcore science deniers took them seriously.
This is not semantics.

The difference between what you posted and the actual ruling, useful idiot, is the judge's granting of the motion to dismiss Mann's lawsuit means Mann lost.

Furthermore, a judge wouldn't order a plaintiff to pay the defendant's costs in a case that is withdrawn.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Nice try, King of Misinformation. What you actually said was the judge "withdrew" the case.
Dismissed or withdrew the case at Balls' request.

This is not semantics.
These are the words you said:
2) The case wasn't "dropped" by Ball. In fact, it couldn't be dropped by Ball -- Ball was the defendant, not the plaintiff. :p
You are the king of disinformation here, you claimed that Ball couldn't get the case dropped but you were posting bullshit denial propaganda, total fake news.
I was correct, the judge withdrew or dismissed the charges at Ball's request.
And I was the only one here who presented evidence, you were just bullshitting.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Dismissed or withdrew the case at Balls' request.

These are the words you said:

You are the king of disinformation here, you claimed that Ball couldn't get the case dropped but you were posting bullshit denial propaganda, total fake news.
I was correct, the judge withdrew or dismissed the charges at Ball's request.
And I was the only one here who presented evidence, you were just bullshitting.
Shouldn't you be chopping down your neighbour's trees right about now?


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Dismissed or withdrew the case at Balls' request.
It's not the same thing.

As the defendant, Ball couldn't "withdraw" the case. Mann is the only one who could have withdrawn the case.

Ball didn't submit a motion to have the case withdrawn, he submitted a motion to have the case dismissed.

In a libel case such as this one, the judge's granting of the motion to dismiss would mean Ball wins and Mann loses. And that's exactly what happened.

That's why the judge ruled that Mann has to pay Ball's legal costs.
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