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Trudeau bans assault rifle


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Regardless of your stance on the firearm issue (I am a firearm owner and I own at least one firearm impacted by this legislation(...
You should be afraid.
I am not afraid of you or any of your gun toting right wing lunatics. Just for the record.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Well it's not . Just look at of the gun shop web sites and they all have plenty of AR platforms for sale . Many guys own more than 1 AR-15 that shoot all kinds of calibers . Same with handguns . Just about every hand gun owner has more than 1 handgun .

You could never drive a F1 car on the street in the first place . Your right to drive which you never had wasn't taken away . Big difference .
We don't have a NRA so what do we care what they say.

We do have limits . We were given the right to own that type of gun in the first place . That's why we have to take a gun course and go through RCMP checks . Law bidding citizens are a part of society . Law bidding gun owners have to be a good citizen other wise we loose our PAL .

This guy who shot up the people in Nova Scotia was not a law bidding citizen . Those guns were not legal . Any law bidding gun owner would never own a smuggled gun . Why take that chance .

You want to be part of society than get rid of the booze and the drugs . There are even places that people legally go to take drugs . That's being part of society ???

Booze and drugs kill more people each year than do guns . Just look at that fuck who's on day parole now . Look who he killed . Don't hear of bleeding hearts saying lets get rid of booze do we .

Even now with the virus happening the LCBO and the Beer Store is open . WHY . We don't need that shit to be part of society do we .

In a couple of years when those guns are gone we'll see if the gang bangers have stopped the shoot em up in the city of TO . It won't happen because the guns that they use are smuggled into the country . What are you going to say then . Ban all guns now . LOL . That won't stop the shootings on the street . DAA .

You certainly picked a good handle for your self . BASKETCASE . LOL
Equating gun deaths to booze and drug or driving deaths is rediculous. These are not WEAPON deaths, not willful death inflicted on innocent bystanders. They should ban any semi-auto guns PERIOD. If you wanna hunt a boll action rifle with a max 3 round magazine is all you need. If you need more then that you are a shitty shot and a danger to fellow hunters. None of the above can inflict death from several hundred meters with no warning.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I would like to thank MY Prime Minister (and YOUR Prime Minister) for taking the safety of Canadians seriously and intervening to prevent more mass shootings in our country.

Thank you, Prime Minister Trudeau.



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I am not defending JT's policy on anything. He is a grand standing effeminate twat. However, just as a concept. Less guns,less gun deaths still seems like a rational formula. I realize nobody is taking anything about it seriously. It is just another case of him posing. Like bringing in 25000 Syrian refugees has solved the problem in Syria and helped Canada. Or letting Haitians shuffle across the border from the US into waiting buses and hotels in Quebec. All for nothing.
I’d say fewer criminals less crime. In the US a VERY small percentage of murders involve rifles of any type, scary looking or not.

In 2016 there were 15k murders, 374 were with a rifle, 1,604 with a knife (for scale)


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Equating gun deaths to booze and drug or driving deaths is rediculous. These are not WEAPON deaths, not willful death inflicted on innocent bystanders. They should ban any semi-auto guns PERIOD. If you wanna hunt a boll action rifle with a max 3 round magazine is all you need. If you need more then that you are a shitty shot and a danger to fellow hunters. None of the above can inflict death from several hundred meters with no warning.
Really . Since when is a vehicle not a weapon . Are you forgetting the people that were mowed down on the sidewalk of a city street . What did he use as a weapon . A moped ???

Was there a warning when that guy drove on the sidewalk ??? He was up very close . Where these people stupid that they didn't see the van . Didn't they hear the van coming ???

Since when having a semi-auto a danger to fellow hunters . You always shoot where it's safe to shoot so how is taking another quick shot unsafe for other hunters ??? Are many hunters shot every year because of semi auto rifles ??? Lucky if you hear even 1 hunter shot during hunting season

Not everyone hunts but many like to shoot paper and steel targets . Even some shot guns are semi auto . You need to take 2 shots in shooting doubles in skeet . Semi auto shot guns are used in hunting ducks and geese and deer . Many shot guns hold more than 3 shells but you can only have 3 shells for hunting .That's a semi auto which you say we should get rid of .Ever hear about that .

Why do you think that people need to take a driving test before they can get their drivers license . Because a vehicle is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands . That's why you can't drive on any 400 series highways until you have mastered the use of a vehicle .

Booze is not a weapon . I have 3 friends who have died because of booze . Put booze together with driving a vehicle and you have a very dangerous situation on the road . Many people die because of drunk drivers every year . Why don't you open your mouth and complain about that . Booze kills . It's as simple as that but I see you have no problem with that do you . You must be a drinker .

I can really see that you absolutely have NO IDEA what you're talking about . Are you a gun owner . Any experience in shooting guns . Are you a hunter .Ever been to a gun club and see how much fun people are having . What do you do for fun . Go to a bar with your buddies and drink . Maybe even driving home with a few drinks in you .

I have many friends who own these types of guns . Never once have I felt not safe to be around them . But you know when I do feel for my safety . is when Joe public goes out to bars and drinks . I feel for my safety when driving because some nut case drunk may smash his vehicle ( weapon ) into me and kill me or my passengers . Just like that dick who is out on day parole now . A fucking drunk driver who used his weapon to destroy a entire family . But you find no fault in that . It's booze and a vehicle so that's OK .

Now you can feel very safe to know that you're not going to be shot from several hundred meters away when you go out drinking with your buddies . Just be careful of the drunk drivers on the road . Who knows maybe you're one of them .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Since you can drive to the store and back in it.

Guns are weapons only, unless you think you can use it as a hammer or hole punch for your binder, its just a weapon.
Still a weapon . Knives are a weapon . You want to get rid of those . Just rip the meat . No need for a knife is there . Kids today are carrying knives in school . What for ??? To cut their sandwich in half .

Anything that could be used to harm a person is a weapon . Hammer , 2X4 , a pencil . Even a pillow can be used as a weapon . Anything .

Gun is not a weapon . It all depends in how you use it just like anything else . Glad to see that you are feeling safer today . You should be able to take a walk in the seedier parts of the city . I'm sure that ladies can now take a very late night walk now that Trudeau has made things safer for the country .

The country has now been liberated from crime . We can cut back on policing and save a lot of money because the big bad looking guns are now illegal . The law bidding citizen can't hurt you anymore . I guess the gang bangers will not need their smuggled illegal guns any more because Joe public has had their guns take away . LOL .

Welcome to Shangri la . Isn't it great .


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Does anyone know what guns were used in Nova Scotia? I`ve heard nothing yet.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
If anyone listened to Roy Green on AM 640 this afternoon he had several very informed guests that picked Trudeau`s case to pieces. He will be following up tomorrow starting at 2PM. Mass murder is nothing new in Canada, the timing of Trudeau`s agenda to be seen to do something good(nonsense) was to use the Nova Scotia tragedy to his advantage, which is extremely disgusting. His move will do absolutely nothing for public safety. Anyone recall the Air India bombing in 1985( I saw that 747 on the Tarmac shortly before it`s departure in Toronto)..329 dead.Or the bombing of a Canadian Pacific DC 3 in 1949.. 49 dead. Or the two arson fires in Montreal, Blue Bird Café in 1972..37 dead,...Gargantua nightclub fire in 1975..13 dead. How about the deliberate blast in the Yellowknife Giant mine in 1992..9 dead. And on and on. Our PM is a self serving fraud.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
There is a very simple solution for the members who cannot defend themselves and their families without these weapons: "take your guns and families and move to USA". There, nobody will be able to confiscate your guns, as the right to bear arms is enshrined in the constitution.

In Canada we have no constitutional right to own any guns of any kind. It is up to the politicians and ultimately the voting public to decide if, and which guns are allowed.

NRA talking points are not that effective in Canada.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
There is a very simple solution for the members who cannot defend themselves and their families without these weapons: "take your guns and families and move to USA". There, nobody will be able to confiscate your guns, as the right to bear arms is enshrined in the constitution.

In Canada we have no constitutional right to own any guns of any kind. It is up to the politicians and ultimately the voting public to decide if, and which guns are allowed.

NRA talking points are not that effective in Canada.
Correct, except you can legally own guns in Canada. What does the U.S have to do with it?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
If anyone listened to Roy Green on AM 640 this afternoon he had several very informed guests that picked Trudeau`s case to pieces. He will be following up tomorrow starting at 2PM. Mass murder is nothing new in Canada, the timing of Trudeau`s agenda to be seen to do something good(nonsense) was to use the Nova Scotia tragedy to his advantage, which is extremely disgusting. His move will do absolutely nothing for public safety. Anyone recall the Air India bombing in 1985( I saw that 747 on the Tarmac shortly before it`s departure in Toronto)..329 dead.Or the bombing of a Canadian Pacific DC 3 in 1949.. 49 dead. Or the two arson fires in Montreal, Blue Bird Café in 1972..37 dead,...Gargantua nightclub fire in 1975..13 dead. How about the deliberate blast in the Yellowknife Giant mine in 1992..9 dead. And on and on. Our PM is a self serving fraud.
80% of Canadians back banning assault weapons.

Your views are incredibly unpopular, so like danmand says, put up or move out.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I wonder how many of that 80% could define what an “assault” weapon is.
NRA members are free to wonder about a lot of things about Canada. We don't give a rat's ass about what Americans think about our gun laws.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
80% of Canadians back banning assault weapons.

Your views are incredibly unpopular, so like danmand says, put up or move out.
Possibly so, but now more than ever it is vitally important to question everything. An already restricted 5 round capacity AR 15 or any other likewise firearm is far less lethal in killing power than many that aren`t on the newly revised list. If Roy Green has a podcast, check it out. For politicians and other top level figures it is ALWAYS about power and money. When the people in charge go after gangs using guns and the Native gun smuggling issue a lot of this problem would be resolved. But they won`t for obvious issues which would be political suicide. And speaking of suicide, I`ve known three people who died by gun suicide and two who were murdered by gunfire. If you read my other posts I have no pro/cons about gun ownership but rather Trudeau`s behavior in so many things including this.
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