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Do you think agency rate will drop post covid19?

Do you think agency rate will drop post covid19?

  • yes, it will drop

    Votes: 44 33.6%
  • no, it will stay the same

    Votes: 87 66.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2017
Trudeau keep saying business will not be back to normal until summer. The longer the business is halt, the longer the economy will suffer post covid19. Once business back to normal, I feel the economic impact will be worst than the current pandemic impact. I am predicting that agency rate will drop. Demand for sp will decrease further. Older clients will think twice about risking their health to play even though they have money. Younger clients want to play but have less disposable income. As the result supply will be high, demand will be low, pricing goes out.

Do you think agency rate will drop post covid19? yes or no? why?

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I don't think there will be a change in price at all. I just think that agencies and lets add indies to the mix if w can, they shouldn't be ignored, will need to recoup lost earnings just like everyone else. Keeping the same rate will ensure the pandemic only paused the industry, nothing more. Something that will be important in being able to recoup those costs.

And I don't think the return for men will be as slow as some think. Just my personal feeling.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The rate the men return depends on how long the lockdown lasts. The longer it lasts the slower the return. If things restart by the end of April the rates will be the same as before

If the lockdown remains in place until the end of August the rates will drop.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I wish lawyers, teachers, RMTs and others will
drop their rates if agencies don't.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
Nope prices will go up because it will be harder to see and book the lovely ladies. The lineups will be long.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
It is ridiculous to try and speculate.

At this rate, I will be happy just to go back to anything resembling 'normal'.


Active member
Jun 26, 2018
It's been more than a month since my last session. The first week working from home was bearable. Weeks 2 through 4 have been progressively harder.

There's no doubt in mind that there will be a lot of pent up demand when the all clear is given. Harder to predict:
- Will guys have the cash to spend?
- Will guys be afraid to go out again?
- Will the ladies come back to work?
- How many agencies will still be open?
- etc


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The ladies will come back to work. Many never stopped.

The big agencies will be back. Once the economy fires up, give it a month or two, they will be busy as fuck.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Excluding any safety concerns that would impact demand particularly older gents, I'll just use the 2008/2009 recession as a guide mark. In the U.S. rates softened and quite a few SPs were on social media unhappy with girls who were dropping their prices.

I appreciate that current SPs will want to recoup lost wages, but that is not how pricing works. Hairdressers and other service providers would want to charge more when things open up, but that won't happen. There will also always be a new group of young providers that won't look at what was normal and what is not. They will just want the agencies to get them bookings.

With the strong economy in recent years, rates seemed to be increasing. It makes sense there would be some impact from a recession.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
I believe rates will be around the same, at most a slight bump upwards.

Personally I'd go for slightly higher rates when things start up again simply because of supply/demand.
My assumption is lower rate providers depends a bit more on the higher volume side.
Until we all get vaccinated or I trust everything I will be more comfortable with ladies that are sees less clients.


Asian Picasso
Jan 11, 2014
Some agencies have great providers who, compared to other agency women and indy’s, are underpriced, imho. For sure, their demand will be huge once they return especially if at their “before COVID19” time-off price points. The agencies know who these women are so why would they feel the need to lower their price for them. Other less desirable SP’s may have to have “limited time specials” to garner business but I don’t see that happening too much


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
I believe that at the start they will stay the same given the demand but they may be forced to lower them given the decrease in disposable income and competition long term.



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Excluding any safety concerns that would impact demand particularly older gents, I'll just use the 2008/2009 recession as a guide mark. In the U.S. rates softened and quite a few SPs were on social media unhappy with girls who were dropping their prices.

I appreciate that current SPs will want to recoup lost wages, but that is not how pricing works. Hairdressers and other service providers would want to charge more when things open up, but that won't happen. There will also always be a new group of young providers that won't look at what was normal and what is not. They will just want the agencies to get them bookings.

With the strong economy in recent years, rates seemed to be increasing. It makes sense there would be some impact from a recession.
I totally agree with Wyatt.


Jun 8, 2009
Even a slight case of excess supply could reduce prices by a considerable margin. From what I've been reading young, low-skilled workers are affected the most by this crisis and this would be the ideal demographic in terms of new supply. On the other hand the demand side could see some drop off not so much for economic but health reasons. If there's any good news for agencies is that hotel and condo rental prices should see declines as well.


Active member
Oct 25, 2003
I would expect rates to rise. Demand for this service is a constant. Supply will have dropped.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Excluding any safety concerns that would impact demand particularly older gents, I'll just use the 2008/2009 recession as a guide mark. In the U.S. rates softened and quite a few SPs were on social media unhappy with girls who were dropping their prices.

I appreciate that current SPs will want to recoup lost wages, but that is not how pricing works. Hairdressers and other service providers would want to charge more when things open up, but that won't happen. There will also always be a new group of young providers that won't look at what was normal and what is not. They will just want the agencies to get them bookings.

With the strong economy in recent years, rates seemed to be increasing. It makes sense there would be some impact from a recession.
If it's anything like what happened in Vegas(although I doubt it will be that bad here) then alot of ladies will be looking to pay off some overdue bills.

On the one hand a small price drop in the 50/hour range may occur.

I also expect scams to pick up as well.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
The price will go down a bit for agencies and significant for indis. The agency costs (rental and advertising) will stay the same, but SPs will be eager to accept lower pay (given high competition because of inflow of new young unemployed girls). Many indis will drop screening requirements and will host at home instead of renting a hotel or another apartment. I can easily see prices in $120/hr range for indis and $200/hr for agencies. Of course, there will be some indis with existing regulars who will charge same price: they may have see a drop in volume but they will be not looking for new clients since it will lead to a significant pride decrease (from economic perspective market of established indis are a monopolistic competition market, while agencies are purely competitive market and they are more affected by decrease in demand and increase in supply). And of course there will be lots of scammers and new gems on leolist and SB scene.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
while agencies are purely competitive market and they are more affected by decrease in demand and increase in supply
Agencies have limited number of locations (unless they go and acquire more condo's or hotel rooms than they used to have). So at most they will be at capacity not really increasing the supply.
There may be an increase of ads on LL, but really those are really hit and miss.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I suspect prices will increase but who knows?

I’m not gonna see an sp until a vaccine has been developed. I’ll be sitting on ice for a long time.
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