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Ford: Doing a great job!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
The question is does he go back to trying to cut health care and services as this starts to end.
That's going to be much harder to justify now.
Once Canada falls into a deep recession, you bet Ford will make cuts in health care. It's the nature of conservatives.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Glam we are in a deflationary depression already. The Bank of Canada cut interest rates four times in March, to no those puppies and nimble fingers!

The Liberals are terrified that he'll call a snap election and win a landslide majority. He's Prime Minister material.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
So now you're saying that Ford had all the right advice when he held back our shelter in place advisory for a week?

Who advised him on this policy?
Doug Ford’s sick day policy is dangerous as coronavirus looms
It's no secret that sick days were being abused. And it was just 2 days. If people weren't abusing the system, they could do with the allotment of sick days they had.

Just like our teachers that could couldn't continue to bank sick days, suddenly all became "sick" and the sick days taken ramped up significantly. That is abuse.

You abuse the system, you are ripping off tax payers. I would have removed more sick days.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You mean like a member of Trudeau's team, our top infectious disease specialist telling us masks don't work and then months later telling us they do?
They updated it as they learned more about the virus.
You have a problem with that?

Ford's sick leave policy was wrong before the virus and much more wrong after.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Ford is doing a good job of saying the right things politically, and reaching out to private industry as the primary way of this mess. Trudeau, on the other hand, does his level best to say nothing of consequence every single day, hiding out at Rideau (sending the entirely wrong message to OTHER essential service workers), and smiling inappropriately throughout.

He really is just pretending to be Prime Minister.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
It's no secret that sick days were being abused. And it was just 2 days. If people weren't abusing the system, they could do with the allotment of sick days they had.
The primary benefactors of the stupid Employment Standards amendments introduced by the prior Liberal government were unionized workers who already had generous sick leave plans and used the 2 days as a further top up. Either bone headed or an intentional sop to labour in the wake of an upcoming election. Ford was right to repeal it.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
a 2 day 'top up' on top of the already generous unionized sick plans?

Which unions were they?

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
a 2 day 'top up' on top of the already generous unionized sick plans?

Which unions were they?
Every construction industry union, for starters.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
The primary benefactors of the stupid Employment Standards amendments introduced by the prior Liberal government were unionized workers who already had generous sick leave plans and used the 2 days as a further top up. Either bone headed or an intentional sop to labour in the wake of an upcoming election. Ford was right to repeal it.
a 2 day 'top up' on top of the already generous unionized sick plans?

Which unions were they?
Every construction industry union, for starters.
Name the labor unions that had their member's generous sick plans topped up by an additional 2 days of paid sick leave by their employer because of the changes made by the previous liberal government.

Links please.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Teachers had their sick plans topped up by an additional 2 paid sick days because of the previous liberal governments changes to the Employment Standards Act?

Show me where in that article it states that.
What are you trying to argue here? That teachers don't get enough sick days? Who elese gets 100+ sick days at 90%?

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Name the labor unions that had their member's generous sick plans topped up by an additional 2 days of paid sick leave by their employer because of the changes made by the previous liberal government.

Links please.
Can't you read? EVERY construction labour union. And the problem was even worse than that, because the design of leaves under the Employment Standards Act creates banks of leave based on employment with an individual employer. As a result, every time a construction worker moved between employers (through the union hiring hall) their bank of 2 paid sick days under the Act was refreshed. A total screw up by the Liberals, who never even consulted the construction industry about their amendments, which they crammed through just months before the election (which they lost)


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Name the labor unions that had their member's generous sick plans topped up by an additional 2 days of paid sick leave by their employer because of the changes made by the previous liberal government.

Links please.
Can't you read? EVERY construction labour union. And the problem was even worse than that, because the design of leaves under the Employment Standards Act creates banks of leave based on employment with an individual employer. As a result, every time a construction worker moved between employers (through the union hiring hall) their bank of 2 paid sick days under the Act was refreshed. A total screw up by the Liberals, who never even consulted the construction industry about their amendments, which they crammed through just months before the election (which they lost)
I can read, obviously you can't read and/or are unable to actually answer my question that I stated in the first quoted post.

Please provide links as was previously requested by me to verify your claims.

The request should be not so onerous a task for you to reply to .... that is if you are so capable of reading comprehension as you claim.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Can't you read? EVERY construction labour union. And the problem was even worse than that, because the design of leaves under the Employment Standards Act creates banks of leave based on employment with an individual employer. As a result, every time a construction worker moved between employers (through the union hiring hall) their bank of 2 paid sick days under the Act was refreshed. A total screw up by the Liberals, who never even consulted the construction industry about their amendments, which they crammed through just months before the election (which they lost)
And why is it bad that they have 2 more days of sick leave?
Hasn't this pandemic shown that its smarter to let people stay home if sick or injured?

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
I can read, obviously you can't read and/or are unable to actually answer my question that I stated in the first quoted post.

Please provide links as was previously requested by me to verify your claims.

The request should be not so onerous a task for you to reply to .... that is if you are so capable of reading comprehension as you claim.
Taking someone a long way from their current level of understanding is always an onerous task, especially if the person you are informing is actively resisting the information.

I can tell from your response that you are too far out of this loop to close this circle quickly. Since I'm not your personal research assistant, I'll tell you the steps you can take to satisfy yourself:

1. Read the Liberal amendments (Bill 148, now repealed). The bill is still available online. That will confirm for you what I've told you about the leave banks attaching to employment with specific employers.
2. Google "mutli-employer benefit plans construction industry". That will allow you to learn about how benefits are administered within the unionized portion of the construction industry. You will find that these plans provide generous short term and long term sickness benefits. However, these benefits do not refresh every time a construction worker changes employers.
3. Compare collective agreements in the construction industry pre Bill 148 to the amended agreements reached after the amendments.

Once you've done all that, if you still have any questions, we can continue this exchange. There are some things (who I am I kidding, it's MOST things!) you won't learn from googling news items written by reporters who don't have the foggiest understanding of these issues.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
And why is it bad that they have 2 more days of sick leave?
Hasn't this pandemic shown that its smarter to let people stay home if sick or injured?
Frank, how much of wage increase is equivalent to 2 days of paid leave? If you can answer that question, you won't need me to do it for you.

People can always stay home if they are sick or injured. The argument you are really making is that they won't do it unless someone pays them. If this concern relates to pandemics (which are rare), who should bear the burden of this if it became, as you suggesting, part of public health policy? Employers, or taxpayers? Should these additional sick days only be applicable during declared pandemics? If your answer to this last question is no, then you are using the pandemic as a smoke screen for wealth redistribution.
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