I think you left out the part of what he should do, aside from punching someone.The government is paralyzed with fear.
This is where the real Justin Trudeau should step up.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the one who said, "get the fuck out of my way" to some useless socialist in Parliament then he manhandled someone back to their seat.
The father said fuddle duddle in Parliament, so has the son.
But sonny is surround by feminist who has pussified him. Now is not the time to be a pussy.
The contagion is running wild killing people, the economy has collapse and people will starve soon.
Justin Trudeau owes it to this country to immediately punch someone in the fucking mouth like Chrétien did and get on with it.
Leadership is fucking needed in a time like this.
Not some environmental study with those leftist, specialist interest groups, and other mother fucking stake holders.
Fuck them all.
Time for Trudeau to act. Act alone.
I suspect there are many, many measures he could/should take for the magnitude of the crisis. Could you please suggest maybe 4 or 5 ideas that you'd like to see instituted?