to the sp and clients. Does your business acitvity decrease because of coronavirus ?

does your activity decrease or stay the same?

  • same

    Votes: 30 22.1%
  • decrease

    Votes: 106 77.9%

  • Total voters

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I was at my favourite East-Indian restaurant picking up my takeout and the place was almost dead.
Only one couple having dinner, and usually this place is packed by 6pm


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I was at my favourite East-Indian restaurant picking up my takeout and the place was almost dead.
Only one couple having dinner, and usually this place is packed by 6pm
Irresponsible. How do you know the food wasn't contaminated with the virus?

Even certain gyms are closing down until the end of the month at the earliest.
Another excuse to pack on the pounds!


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2017
i saw two sp past Friday. I was the the only client booked for the day. I feel bad for some of these sp girls will get less or no business. Maybe if agency lowering the pricing might help?

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
i saw two sp past Friday. I was the the only client booked for the day. I feel bad for some of these sp girls will get less or no business. Maybe if agency lowering the pricing might help?
Rates have skyrocketed over the years. They need to come down.

Maybe one thing the ladies might consider is offering Skype sessions. I know it’s not the same but you can still have fun and I’m sure reasonably priced wank sessions could help tide things over until this blows over.


Nov 2, 2019
A couple of guys I know who see SP's 1-2 times a week religiously are taking a break from the scene.

I was told this past week that I am losing my job in 4 weeks too due to downturn in company revenue. I have a few years living expenses in the bank (no mortgage etc. too) so fortunately for me am not losing sleep. I have money to hobby while I am between jobs but am staying away for now too.

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
I make money when I work. When I don’t work, I don’t make any money. My industry is dependent on other industries that are all shutting down. There are many people in similar circumstances.

For SP’s, the writing is on the wall. First of all, close contact and intimate relations with an SP is super high risk with this particular virus. Not faulting anyone, it just is what it is. Every single business is taking a massive hit. I’ve never seen so many tweets from SP’s and MP’s as I currently see in my timeline. Business has to be taking a massive hit. I just don’t see how the current structure can possibly hold up.

Nothing lasts forever. It was a good ride, but it’s over. This isn’t SARS in 2003. All people and all businesses are going to suffer. Dig in because until this burns itself out, or a vaccine that is safe and actually works is developed, the world is on pause indefinitely.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
^^^^^ well said, and I pretty much agree


Aug 13, 2012
I was going to hit the strip club and see my regular on Tuesday but I've cancelled for now as I want to see how bad things get over the next few weeks. One issue is I know a lot of people in the higher risk category. I'm responsible for looking after my two elderly parents, one of my closest friends is on immunosuppressant drugs to treat a chronic condition and I also volunteer with an organization where the volunteer committee is mostly made up of senior citizens. I'd hate to wind up infecting any of them just because I couldn't delay gratification for a few weeks. The second issue is I'm pretty sure I'm going to be losing some of my hours at work. One of the projects I'm working on right now is for a major airline and I would bet money that they are going to cancel on us given the hit the travel industry is taking. That is going to punch me pretty hard in the pocket book so now is not the time to be spending money on luxury items.

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
That’s it man. It’s not even that bad yet and grocery stores are empty and people are fighting over toilet paper.

Civilization is fragile. It’s ridiculous how fast we default to caveman mode.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Sex Worker Income take a Nosedive due to Conoravirus pandemic

The world has already transitioned into panic about Covid-19. Widespread social, political, and economic disruptions have developed. Hard-hit countries, have responded with a similar blueprint of shutting down their economies for virus containment purposes.

Social distancing has been one of the most widely enforced policies by governments, imposed on their citizens to mitigate the spread of the highly contagious disease. As a result, sex workers in many countries have seen their incomes crash as clients abide by the new public health policies, reported Vice News.

Let's first start with defining social distancing. It's a public health practice that aims to reduce disease transmission, including canceling large public gatherings, closing public spaces, working from home, and avoiding other people. The purpose is to slow down the outbreak to reduce the rate of infections and to reduce overwhelming the health care system.

Sex workers, many of which depend on the intimate physical interaction of their clients to get paid, are warning that social distancing could leave them penniless in the near term:

"A lot of sex workers are freaking out right now," said Andrea Werhun, 30, a stripper based in Toronto.

Multiple sex workers told VICE their clientele volumes at clubs had seen a notable drop since social distancing policies have been implemented across North America.

"I feel like my career as a dancer is in jeopardy as it becomes increasingly less viable to hang out in crowds, which is kind of what I do every Friday and Saturday night in order to make money," Werhun said.

Werhun said businessmen are a considerable part of her client book. Still, since corporations have told employees to work remotely and restrict travel – this has led to the decline in her business. She said strippers don't have the luxury of a salary or sick days:

"It's a big, big blow," she said. "Locals and regulars are keeping sex workers afloat right now."

Werhun has thought about diversifying to live streaming performances at home if a nationwide lockdown was seen.

She has yet to screen clients who could be carriers of the disease. Community spreading has already taken place in major metro areas in North America; the true extent of the spread is still unknown as test kits lack.

Amanda Winters, 27, a stripper based in Miami, told VICE she started stripping to pay off student loans, and now she's struggling to make ends meet as clients avoid clubs out of fear, they might contract the virus.

"I am getting more concerned about my financial situation," Winters said. "On a stable schedule, I often would have two to four good clients a night...the past week—going on two now—I have had one full client."

Winters said if the business at the Miami club remains low – she might be forced to live stream at home.

Taylor Stevens, 29, a diversified stripper bouncing between Toronto and Las Vegas, has live stream shows that are doing well. She said in recent weeks, traffic volume from Italy was off the charts.

Taylor Stevens

Toronto dominatrix Lady Pim told Vice she's preparing for a Covid-19 downturn and has diversified her sex work.

"It's kind of looking like parts of Canada could go into a time where we aren't going to be able to leave our houses—then, your livelihood might be threatened, like, I'm not on salary, I don't have sick days," said Lady Pim.

"My sex work is diversified. I will still make a portion of my income doing it from home with Skype sessions, texting dominations, and phone call dominations, so a quarantine wouldn't lead to a complete loss in income," she said.

Lady Pim said quarantines would drive people to pay for online sex:

Lady Pim
Mar 9
It's severe up in here.

"If we're in lockdown—just by ourselves, don't have a partner, and don't have any sex or kink outlets—then I can 100 percent see people turning around to do a Skype session or phone session."

Smart strippers are now diversifying their sex work before a "coronavirus winter" leads to mass quarantines and an economic crash.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
That’s it man. It’s not even that bad yet and grocery stores are empty and people are fighting over toilet paper.

Civilization is fragile. It’s ridiculous how fast we default to caveman mode.
Yes, the only thing missing is power outage. If that happens on top of it all, we would all live practically no different from cavemen. No more internet, no more TERB, no more texting.

It's absolutely wonderful. First World people need to see and feel what it's like when the privileges that they've taken for granted all of their life are taken away. Maybe they'll gain a better appreciation for those in war-torn nations, those suffering chronic poverty, the stories of WWII vets (i.e. other real cataclysmic events that grandpa talks about for which they don't care).

I hope things get much worse before recovering. Right now it's just a sliver, a glimpse into other worlds beyond our borders that exist or have existed in the recent past. It's a minor inconvenience but not at all devastating, yet. They need to know what it's like not to care about First World baggage (that once seemed important) like the Kardashians, designer clothes, chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome, fake feminism, climate change, and other nonsense that occupy 99% of an average North American's head space.

In April of last year, a young woman named Yasaman Aryani and her mother were sentenced to 16 years in prison in Iran for the crime of not wearing a hijab on social media videos. Not a peep from the fighters for equality here because they lack perspective and don't really care. Politics is entertainment for them rather than a blueprint with serious consequences. COVID-19 may force us to feel a fraction of the pain that people like Aryani are going through, and we deserve to know it.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I have decided to offer webcam sessions for clients and will be spending time doing content creation for when we get back to regular status.

Thankfully I can WFH with my mainstream job but a girl still has to have fun. Lol


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Vegas is getting killed. I glanced at pricing on Expedia.

Four nights and flight direct from Toronto to Bellagio was 700 and change. Normally twice that.

The sports book must be getting killed. March madness cancelled now too. And the floor would be dead. Who wants to handle cards and chips?

Once the initial fear is over and the spread flatlines the deals will still be there. I may have to go.

And if it's anything like the last downturn the partimer hobby scene would be awesome.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Yes, the only thing missing is power outage. If that happens on top of it all, we would all live practically no different from cavemen. No more internet, no more TERB, no more texting.

It's absolutely wonderful. First World people need to see and feel what it's like when the privileges that they've taken for granted all of their life are taken away. Maybe they'll gain a better appreciation for those in war-torn nations, those suffering chronic poverty, the stories of WWII vets (i.e. other real cataclysmic events that grandpa talks about for which they don't care).

I hope things get much worse before recovering. Right now it's just a sliver, a glimpse into other worlds beyond our borders that exist or have existed in the recent past. It's a minor inconvenience but not at all devastating, yet. They need to know what it's like not to care about First World baggage (that once seemed important) like the Kardashians, designer clothes, chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome, fake feminism, climate change, and other nonsense that occupy 99% of an average North American's head space.

In April of last year, a young woman named Yasaman Aryani and her mother were sentenced to 16 years in prison in Iran for the crime of not wearing a hijab on social media videos. Not a peep from the fighters for equality here because they lack perspective and don't really care. Politics is entertainment for them rather than a blueprint with serious consequences. COVID-19 may force us to feel a fraction of the pain that people like Aryani are going through, and we deserve to know it.
Electricity is not a privilege, nor are the rest of our modern conveniences. They are a result of hard work and technology and having society organized in a reasonably effective way to further the progress and enjoyment of life that much of humanity now can experience. And by the way that number is growing constantly.

I fail to see why that somehow makes us need to emulate the least successful societies on earth. The only possible explanation is an anti-success mentality that revels in others misery.

They need to change and move up, we don't need to move down.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Electricity is not a privilege, nor are the rest of our modern conveniences. They are a result of hard work and technology and having society organized in a reasonably effective way to further the progress and enjoyment of life that much of humanity now can experience. And by the way that number is growing constantly.

I fail to see why that somehow makes us need to emulate the least successful societies on earth. The only possible explanation is an anti-success mentality that revels in others misery.

They need to change and move up, we don't need to move down.
Cars are also the result of hard work and technology yet driving is a privilege. Smartphones are the result of hard work and tech but owning one to make phone calls and texts is a privilege. Modern conveniences are privileges.

Emulate is the wrong word. Empathize is the right one. Too many fail at the latter because they abuse or are blinded by their privilege.

You've got it all backwards. A big part of starting from nothing and achieving success, in First World nations, is understanding just how privileged one is. This is why we see immigrants work hard and surpass lazy Canadians. They know what advantages their newfound privileges afford them and take full advantage of it. Lazy Canadians are blind to it because it has always been all around them; they're also blind to the suffering of others. Look at how much money is spent on pet food while people go hungry. Times like this may serve as a wakeup call, or at minimum, a reminder.

Obesity, trash idol worship, increasing mental disorders/depression are not the result of a healthy society. It's the result of a people drunk on excess, who lack perspective and priorities. They are the least likely to care about the hard work and sacrifices made that allow them to live so well. Mother nature's imposed re-alignment will do them a lot of good.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
A couple of guys I know who see SP's 1-2 times a week religiously are taking a break from the scene.

I had one last session with my regular last week. Then it will be goodbye for a while. I work around a high risk situation. So I gave her the option of seeing me or not. However, I feel bad for her. single mom and all. She will be taking a risk every time she sees someone if they are a stranger. She knows me. I am not paranoid about it , but am fatalistic in that I will probably get it, and survive.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
For the good of the community I've decided to limit my hobbying to sp's and mp's in crowds smaller than 50 and also to wash my hands before and after.
I'll also use a mask for all dfk.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Cars are also the result of hard work and technology yet driving is a privilege. Smartphones are the result of hard work and tech but owning one to make phone calls and texts is a privilege. Modern conveniences are privileges.

Emulate is the wrong word. Empathize is the right one. Too many fail at the latter because they abuse or are blinded by their privilege.

You've got it all backwards. A big part of starting from nothing and achieving success, in First World nations, is understanding just how privileged one is. This is why we see immigrants work hard and surpass lazy Canadians. They know what advantages their newfound privileges afford them and take full advantage of it. Lazy Canadians are blind to it because it has always been all around them; they're also blind to the suffering of others. Look at how much money is spent on pet food while people go hungry. Times like this may server as a wakeup call, or at minimum, a reminder.
Bullshit. The UK, as with Scandinavia and Western Europe opened the flood gates to millions of people who become life long recipients of welfare, with males who father upwards of 20 kids from 20 different mothers. Load down the system with a ferocious sense of entitlement. Years ago I remember seeing and hearing that immigrants were the only people in Canada who could show native Canadians how to work hard and they were putting us to shame. True among some specific groups, but I have worked with the most lazy assed people who are immigrants.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Bullshit. The UK, as with Scandinavia and Western Europe opened the flood gates to millions of people who become life long recipients of welfare, with males who father upwards of 20 kids from 20 different mothers. Load down the system with a ferocious sense of entitlement. Years ago I remember seeing and hearing that immigrants were the only people in Canada who could show native Canadians how to work hard and they were putting us to shame. True among some specific groups, but I have worked with the most lazy assed people who are immigrants.
I suppose it depends on the type of immigrant one lets thru the gates.

If you let in trash from elsewhere, they will remain trash.

But your cab drivers, security guards, concierges, corner store owners, small brick & mortar shops, cleaners, movers, cashiers, tellers, and other low wage jobs are held down by many hard working immigrants (some of whom may look at their trashy Canadian neighbor collecting welfare and realize that it makes more sense to utilize welfare than to work for $14/hour).
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