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Cars honking at me for doing a U-turn


Active member
Apr 4, 2005
a little refresher from the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT

U-turns prohibited

143 No driver or operator of a vehicle upon a highway shall turn the vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction when,

(a) upon a curve where traffic approaching the vehicle from either direction cannot be seen by the driver of the vehicle within a distance of 150 metres;

(b) on a railway crossing or within 30 metres of a railway crossing;

(c) upon an approach to or near the crest of a grade where the vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of another vehicle approaching from either direction within 150 metres; or

(d) within 150 metres of a bridge, viaduct or tunnel where the driver’s view is obstructed within such distance. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 143.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Absolutely bang on!!! If you are going to make a U-turn, have the common sense to to ensure no one is turning right from your left.

Crazy how drivers have a lack of awareness of the flow of traffic and are oblivious to exposing drivers to the risk of an accident.

Here is a thought: have the common sense to plan ahead and know where you are going......if you miss a turn or plans suddenly change, as can easily happen, take your time and turn around using streets and plazas.

I almost got hit by someone doing a U-turn as I was making a right from their left hand side. The other driver didn't even look to see if anyone was turning right....luckily I was watching and as I started my turn I could see a U-turn was about to happen.
Of course everybody should be aware when driving, so, what's the point?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
It affects drivers turning right from your left!!!!!
Yes, and if you are driving strengths when someone coming from the opposite side turning left, your car will affect his turn. This is why we have traffic rules. Just follow the rules and everything will be fine. Just remember that U-turns is always allowed unless specifically prohibited and adjust yoru drivig accordingly.


Active member
Aug 25, 2017
Signalized intersection with an advance green.

Advance Green initiates.

Fool in front of me hits the gas, picks up speed and then hits the brakes to pull a U turn. He literally is blocking the intersection while he slows down. This is not the kind of driver behaviour that one anticipates and yes, it fucks everything up for everyone behind the self absorbed fucker pulling the U turn. He's basically interfering with the normal flow of traffic and people are not anticipating that kind of behaviour.

You might call it "follow the leader", I dunno. But I call it stupid selfish fucker who creates a dangerous situation because he wants to do what he wants to do and everyone else can go pound salt as far as he's concerned.

Happens all the time.

Just make your turn and go around the block, or turn into the parking lot and turn around, but no, it's all about him.
Agree with everything you said. See it happen all the time. I'm making a right turn and some guy making a u turn across 3 lanes almost hits me because his fucking suv has a wide turning radius.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

From the drivers handbook regarding U-turns:

Before you make a U-turn, check to make sure there is no sign saying not to.

To make a U-turn safely, you must be able to see well in both directions. It is illegal to make a U-turn on a curve in the road, on or near a railway crossing or hilltop, or near a bridge or tunnel that blocks your view. Never make a U-turn unless you can see at least 150 metres in both directions.

To make a U-turn, signal for a right turn, check your mirror and over your shoulder and pull over to the right side of the road. Stop. Signal a left turn and when traffic is clear in both directions, move forward and turn quickly and sharply into the opposite lane. Check for traffic as you turn.

The handbook does not cover an intersection


Jan 25, 2012
One good reason for U-turns in downtown Toronto, especially going across town, is that very few streets allow left hand turns for much of the day. There might be fewer U-turns if you could read the tiny print on the no left turn signs which tell the hours when left turns are not allowed. Ever tried to read the print after dark? You have to be right on top of the sign which is usually on the other side of the intersection and over your head in virtual darkness.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Agree with everything you said. See it happen all the time. I'm making a right turn and some guy making a u turn across 3 lanes almost hits me because his fucking suv has a wide turning radius.
You know he has right of way, right?


Jan 4, 2005

Mon, 2008-03-17 23:00 - DriveSmartBC
No U Turn SignI never know what I am going to receive in my e-mail regarding this column. Recently it was a tongue in cheek request to save a marriage by settling the question of U-turns between husband and wife. Neither one of them realized that there are really very few places in British Columbia where a driver can make a U-turn legally.

First of all, if there is any type of line painted down the center of the highway one must not make a U-turn over it. It doesn't matter if it is double solid, single solid, solid and broken or a single broken line. Only the complete absence of a line allows the maneuver, subject to other limitations.

Next, a U-turn must not be made where visibility is limited or it would be unsafe to do so. This would include places like on a curve or at the approach to a hillcrest. U-turns are forbidden in a business district unless the turn is made at an intersection without traffic lights. However, the general prohibition of a U-turn at any intersection with traffic lights doesn't apply if there is a sign posted by the municipality permitting the action.

Finally, we've mentioned municipalities, and they are allowed to regulate U-turns within their boundaries through a bylaw. These bylaws can range from what has been outlined here to a total prohibition. This just adds to the difficulty because bylaws change from municipality to municipality. It's beginning to look like the best way to turn and go in the other direction is by going around the block!

Okay, I was wrong. And based on the posts from angry members, I see now why people are honking at me. They're pissed off, not warning me.

In the States, where I learned to drive, doing U Turns at intersections is legal in most states and everyone does it. I never thought it was inconveniencing anyone since I always turned in the leftmost lane.

Based on what James T Kirk said, I can see the problem. I'm signaling left and the car behind me is hitting the gas, expecting that I'm going to turn left. He actually wants to turn quickly so that the cars behind him can make the green light too. Instead, unexpectedly, the car in front of him slows down to make the turn. Completely unexpected, and now he has to jam on his brakes. The car behind him does too. They all wait while the car in front selfishly completes his U Turn, and eating up time on the green arrow. People are pissed at this selfish behavior.

I finally see it from their point of view. I apologize. Sometimes we do things that piss people off but unintentionally. I was always "brought up" thinking Uturns at intersections were okay. Now I know better. At least in Canada, it's not courteous or even legal in business districts unless there is no light.

Euro Male

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2004
concrete jungle of toronto . . .

Okay, I was wrong. And based on the posts from angry members, I see now why people are honking at me. They're pissed off, not warning me.

In the States, where I learned to drive, doing U Turns at intersections is legal in most states and everyone does it. I never thought it was inconveniencing anyone since I always turned in the leftmost lane.

Based on what James T Kirk said, I can see the problem. I'm signaling left and the car behind me is hitting the gas, expecting that I'm going to turn left. He actually wants to turn quickly so that the cars behind him can make the green light too. Instead, unexpectedly, the car in front of him slows down to make the turn. Completely unexpected, and now he has to jam on his brakes. The car behind him does too. They all wait while the car in front selfishly completes his U Turn, and eating up time on the green arrow. People are pissed at this selfish behavior.

I finally see it from their point of view. I apologize. Sometimes we do things that piss people off but unintentionally. I was always "brought up" thinking Uturns at intersections were okay. Now I know better. At least in Canada, it's not courteous or even legal in business districts unless there is no light.
It's about finding a balance between the x-tremes . . . . .

Reckless-idiots randomly hitting the brakes, yanking on their steering-wheel ---- Pussy-idiots hiding behind their locked car-doors honking on the fuckin' horn!


- 2 blocks away you seeing opening in opposing traffic, subtle, slow down just a touch, meanwhile flickering left-hand signal, giving a heads-up dude behind you
- 2 blocks away you look for a left lane island (dead) lane, same as above
- 1 block away you catch opening opposing traffic, quickly hit the left turn signal, make sure dude behind you has enough distance, cut left quickly into opposing lane, then you slow down enough to either u-turn or drive directly straight into parking lot, 7-11, gas-station, turn, wait.....go
- 1 block away you catch a moment you can cut in front of the pack in opposing lane, quickly hit left-turn signal, quickly cut into opposing traffic, same as above

Assertive-Aggression + Anticipation = smart, skilled, sexy driving


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010

Okay, I was wrong. And based on the posts from angry members, I see now why people are honking at me. They're pissed off, not warning me.

In the States, where I learned to drive, doing U Turns at intersections is legal in most states and everyone does it. I never thought it was inconveniencing anyone since I always turned in the leftmost lane.

Based on what James T Kirk said, I can see the problem. I'm signaling left and the car behind me is hitting the gas, expecting that I'm going to turn left. He actually wants to turn quickly so that the cars behind him can make the green light too. Instead, unexpectedly, the car in front of him slows down to make the turn. Completely unexpected, and now he has to jam on his brakes. The car behind him does too. They all wait while the car in front selfishly completes his U Turn, and eating up time on the green arrow. People are pissed at this selfish behavior.

I finally see it from their point of view. I apologize. Sometimes we do things that piss people off but unintentionally. I was always "brought up" thinking Uturns at intersections were okay. Now I know better. At least in Canada, it's not courteous or even legal in business districts unless there is no light.
I a, wondering if this "no U-turn in business district" is something specific in BC, or is it true in Ontario too? Anyway, based on the definition of business district, it applies only to a small portion of downtown.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
I have never seen a sign prohibiting U-turns at an intersection because this is the default law.
The only places that I know of where they are permitted in intersections is on Hwy 7 in Richmond Hill and Vaughan where they have those bus lanes and islands in the middle of the road.

However, the general prohibition of a U-turn at any intersection with traffic lights doesn't apply if there is a sign posted by the municipality permitting the action.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I have never seen a sign prohibiting U-turns at an intersection because this is the default law.
The only places that I know of where they are permitted in intersections is on Hwy 7 in Richmond Hill and Vaughan where they have those bus lanes and islands in the middle of the road.

However, the general prohibition of a U-turn at any intersection with traffic lights doesn't apply if there is a sign posted by the municipality permitting the action.

This is not true. The default law is that U-turn is allowed at intersections (there is nowhere in Ontario highway traffic act says that they are not allowed) and I've seen plenty intersection with traffic lights and "no U-turn" signs. Actually, a google search for "is Uturns allowed at intersections in Ontario?" gives a Globe and Mail article from AUGUST 8, 2017, article #35841637 ( that says that it is by default allowed at any intersections in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, New Brunswick and PEI, but, by default, not allowed at intersections with traffic light in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, and not allowed at any intersection in Newfoundland. So, I guess, the people who honk need to educate themselves first or move to Newfoundland


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
My experience has been exactly the opposite. Any time sitting waiting to turn into traffic and there is a pedestrian crossing it is ALWAYS a dude behind me who honks because apparently we are supposed to run the pedestrians down because he's got somewhere to be.

Exactly. I can see if I were making a u-turn in the right lane (with two left lanes turning left) how that could be dangerous because it crosses into the left lane, but if you're turning from the leftmost lane, it affects no one. Yet the car behind me will sometimes honk. I always wondered why.

I have a feeling that they are primarily women. I've noticed that women are 90% the ones who honk the horn for no good reason.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I stand on the horn when some idiot pulls U turn from the left turning lane in front of me. High on the list of discourteous behaviour.

It fucks everything up for everyone. Make the turn as normal and turn by going around the block, or into the parking lot or whatever.
It fucks no one up..... he is turning left, but is doing a 180 instead of a 90 .... big deal.

Euro Male

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2004
concrete jungle of toronto . . .
Can't handle driving without honking the fuckin' horn??? . . . . keep your ass at home --- get a Metro-Pass!

I stand on the horn when some idiot pulls U turn from the left turning lane in front of me.

It fucks everything up for everyone.
. . . . . .

hardly "fucks everything up for everyone" unless you're doing it wrong.
fucks no one up..... he is turning left, but is doing a 180 instead of a 90 .... big deal.
Why do people think they have a horn to signal their displeasure at someone else’s driving.

Don’t be one of those guys.
Nothing wrong with a U-turn if there is no one coming towards you.

The people honking behind you have tiny insignificant brains to go with their tiny insignificant lives and honking gives them an instant of power before they’re back to their tiny lives.
Chronic Horn-hornkers are annoying as fuck!

What they're doing is screaming at the top of the their lungs that they're pussies hiding from a safe distance in the safe confinement of their cars!

Heads-up . . . . . one day you're gonna pull that bullshit with the wrong guy! He's gonna hit the breaks, stop his car, grab something hard and heavy from the backseat, coming walking straight over to your car and bust your passenger-window....shatter it to shit! If you're lucky and I'm R-E-A-L-L-Y lucky, he won't do the same thing to your face!


Jan 4, 2005
It fucks no one up..... he is turning left, but is doing a 180 instead of a 90 .... big deal.
This was my original thought. I turn very quickly, and am usually the first car in the line. The car behind me has not been affected in any way, it doesn't need to slow down, since I am first and already turning as I'm moving forward.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
This is not true. The default law is that U-turn is allowed at intersections (there is nowhere in Ontario highway traffic act says that they are not allowed) and I've seen plenty intersection with traffic lights and "no U-turn" signs. Actually, a google search for "is Uturns allowed at intersections in Ontario?" gives a Globe and Mail article from AUGUST 8, 2017, article #35841637 ( that says that it is by default allowed at any intersections in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, New Brunswick and PEI, but, by default, not allowed at intersections with traffic light in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, and not allowed at any intersection in Newfoundland. So, I guess, the people who honk need to educate themselves first or move to Newfoundland
You are correct.
I don`t know why I always thought it was allowed in Quebec but not Ontario.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
This was my original thought. I turn very quickly, and am usually the first car in the line. The car behind me has not been affected in any way, it doesn't need to slow down, since I am first and already turning as I'm moving forward.
I agree but I think the problem is that you don`t want to force the traffic, that you are now in front of, to have to hit the breaks because of you.
This means that you will require way more space than the car behind you who simply wants to turn, thus you may in fact be fucking them up.


Active member
Nov 20, 2001
Of course everybody should be aware when driving, so, what's the point?
the point related to the original post and topic.....U turns are unsafe if the driver is not aware of what is happening around him/her.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
In Ontario I believe they are always legal unless posted otherwise.
I was referring to the inconsistency of no right turns on red. So we end up putting up a whole bunch of signs telling people not to turn right on red that many drivers ignore anyway.
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