What is the best commercials you ever saw?


Active member
Jun 23, 2008
This is real??!!!
Hell yes Dollar Shave Club is real. They send me blades every month. After Gillette came out with that sappy commercial about "Really? Is this the best you can be?" I switched to Dollar Shave Club. At least they make me laugh and not try to load on the guilt.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
There was a Carlsberg commercial, a good 20 years now. It had no dialogue. It was a group of guys seemingly at the back of a bar after a buddy's wake (or so it seems).

They're all heartbroken and tearful but then one of them begins to giggle. The others all look at each other and then begin to laugh as well, remembering the good times. A 30 second jewel of an ad.

Can't find it anywhere. If any one comes across it and shares it, you will have done God's work.



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Jun 5, 2009
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Jun 20, 2011
west gta
This one is terrible on so many levels

Its freaking hilarious this has been an issue for so many years and is still unresolved to this day

Plus the fact the main actor is literally just phoning in his performance and he is such a total dick to her makes this an absolute classic commercial



Well-known member
Jul 10, 2017
I am dating myself here, but I used to love the old old VW beetle ads. One would show 2 bugs side be side a 1963 and the new 1964. They looked identical. The ad would say can you spot the 15 improvements we have made on the new Beetle? The style never changed just the mechanics.
The other one that was great was the one that showed a city street after a big snow fall and the voice over said " After a 12 " snowfall and you are waiting for the snowplow to arrive so you can get out of your laneway, have you ever wondered how the snowplow driver gets to the snowplow? The scene then shifts to a Beetle climbing up a snow covered hill heading to the garage where the snowplow is parked.

Best car I ever owned was a 62 vw bug 1200. Basic model. Didn't have a gas gauge, you used a dipstick to see how much gas was left. If you ran low there was a handle you turned to open the reserve which was about 1 gal. It did have a gas heater which really threw out the heat. If it wouldn't start because of a dead battery , just turn the key to on Put it in neutral , get out and push to get it rolling hop in, pop the clutch and away you went. Ontario allowed studded tires back then and in the winter I had 4 studded tires on that car and it went anywhere. Never got stuck once. The good old days...lol

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
I am dating myself here, but I used to love the old old VW beetle ads. One would show 2 bugs side be side a 1963 and the new 1964. They looked identical. The ad would say can you spot the 15 improvements we have made on the new Beetle? The style never changed just the mechanics.
The other one that was great was the one that showed a city street after a big snow fall and the voice over said " After a 12 " snowfall and you are waiting for the snowplow to arrive so you can get out of your laneway, have you ever wondered how the snowplow driver gets to the snowplow? The scene then shifts to a Beetle climbing up a snow covered hill heading to the garage where the snowplow is parked.

Best car I ever owned was a 62 vw bug 1200. Basic model. Didn't have a gas gauge, you used a dipstick to see how much gas was left. If you ran low there was a handle you turned to open the reserve which was about 1 gal. It did have a gas heater which really threw out the heat. If it wouldn't start because of a dead battery , just turn the key to on Put it in neutral , get out and push to get it rolling hop in, pop the clutch and away you went. Ontario allowed studded tires back then and in the winter I had 4 studded tires on that car and it went anywhere. Never got stuck once. The good old days...lol
Good Lord lol. They were cute car but they stopped manufacturing them =(


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Jun 5, 2009
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