Do you get jealous of her yearly earnings? Most escorts make more then thier clients?

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Firstly, the fact that no human on earth would patronize a plumber with a 5 pages long forum thread on why they should join the staff of Rotorouter, pretty much answers your own question. Sex work is not an accepted business in Canada, we are treated as borderline criminals. Many clients complain that they fear being arrested and persecuted, but guess who is actually arrested and persecuted?

A few concepts you should educate yourself on before furthering any more discussions: marginalized communities, sex worker laws in Canada, underground economies, sex workers rights...

You assume we need your help, we do not. You assume a right to know, you have none. You assume who we see and who we don’t, but you do not know any of this information and it’s absolutely none of your bloody business. Basically, grow up. Sex work is fun and rewarding but it also incredible difficult and dangerous, not to you, but to us. Now stop patronizing me.
Firstly, there are lots online discussions of earnings in different professions. Noone will discuss a wage of a specific plumber, many will do the wage of a typical plumber,. Same here: we are not talking about your income, we a talking about the average income in the industry. Second: to get arrested and prosecute and SP in Canada must be a street walker. Third, the fact that it is an underground economy is of little relevance: it does not face any real policy attention (similar to illegal pot, even less). It is still an economy. And to your last sentence: I do not say you need my help; I do not say I have a right to know any private information you have, but I do have the right to make educated assumptions, draw conclusions, and express my opinion; It is not my business but I have the right to be curious; and I do not patronise you.

However, base on your responses here I do want to make educated guess about you: you do not like your job and you think it is not a job to be proud of, you are very insecure, you are not very successful in bringing clients in. Did I miss anything? Sorry for going personal, I promise it is one and only time, but you started first by making assumptions and conclusion about me (personally) and not about an average client. Note that up till now I was talking about an average SP, never about any particular one.

And please, let's stick to the fact and not emotions. And try to remember that we live in the free world where everybody has the right to an opinion and the right to express it, right to be curious outside of his own "area of expertise", right to ask questions, and right not to answer question. It seems you are all for the latter right, but not for the first three.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I don't think I agree with this. Say an escort average 3 clients per working day, at $260 each (I'm using your numbers just as an example). The total revenue is $780. In this hypothetical scenario, the agency would take their $300 cut and the escorts would collect $480. Are you saying that as an Indy escort, her daily fixed cost for that day would be over $300?
Actually, pretty close to $300. Assuming she does not work from her home, the downtown hotel would run her $200/night (which is at par with renting a separate apartment, paying $2000 a month, furnishing it, but using it on average only 15 days a month). Say another $40 for advertising and other expenses (sorry, do not know exact figures) and she is only $60 ahead of an agency girl. Of course, if she does work full-time, the advertising expenses (per work day) and rent (per work day, as now it will be more economically viable to rent an apartment) will be lower, but, as you can see from this discussion, most indis prefer to work part-time. So, she really needs 3 clients to go slightly ahead of an agency girl and at least 2 not to make substantially less than agency girl. The problem with indis is that their market is smaller (they are usually older, which shrinks the size of the clientele, and they have pre-booking and screening policies, which shrinks the market even further) and it is much harder for them to get clients than for agencies. So, yes, agencies take a much larger cut than their actual costs (they are in the business to make a profit after all), but they have an "economy of scale" advantage and, hence, their cut is at par with what indies spent on their own for the same expenses. Agencies (a.k.a. brothels) are definitely more efficient way to run the business (if we look at the combined profit of all involved, i.e., girls + agency owners). All it takes is a bunch of willing smart SPs who can trust each other (a very important assumption) and get together for at least a few years (another very important assumption) to start a "coop" type of agency and it will increase their income tremendously. You can see it happened in massage industry (the early age of CMJ is a good example of it).

I understand your desire to give all the money to the girls, not to agency owners, but, in fact, you are giving exactly the same "cut" to hotels and leolist/terb owners.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
By the way, I find it is funny that when someone say escorts make too much money, they say we are wrong and they have lots of expenses and struggle to bring in enough clients, but when we say that they could be better off in an agency, they immediately reply that they are successful the way they are. IMHO, I believe the former is true for most of indis and they cannot make as much as they want (because they do not want to do a hard job of an agency girl, or they treat sex work as a part-time job but mistakenly try to compare the income it generates with full-employment income, or they simply not good enough to be hired by an agency), while there are definitely a few very successful indies who fall in the latter category.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
If an Indy works from home, game over? No agency and spa could ever come close to rival correct?
Yep, working from home = pure profit. Still there is a problem of getting enough clients to have it full-time job, but no one prevents combining two flexible jobs (escorting from home and driving for uber between sessions) and getting the weighted average income associated with these too jobs :). But there is an issue of privacy and personal life, and, hence, a tradeoff between money and these issues. What SPs chose - it is really up to them. It is their income and their privacy.

tongue lasher

Nov 30, 2002
I would guess most ladies earn over 100 k per year gross. Sure they have expenses such as advertising, hotel rooms etc, but if they aren't making more then a legitimate job, why would they be in the industry. Their hours are generally not great, mostly evenings and weekends. So for example, if they clear 60K, and they could be a bartender or waitress for example , making the same or more, why not do that job. Also, they generally have a a short career. 19-33 , so lets say the same as a professional athlete. They need to make as much as possible in a short window, assuming they don't want/need to work when they are done. Now lets be honest, some are only in it short term, drug habits, gambling debts, or as a part time extra cash job. Basically we shouldn't paint them all with the same brush. I guess my point is, yes it's interesting to guess what they make, but at the end of the day, unless you know their long/short term plan what does it matter. FTR, I'm fine with them either making more or less then me. I'm paying for a service, if I'm happy with the agreement, all the power to them for maximizing how much they make. That's called free enterprise. Also as far as gym memberships, nails, clothes etc. we all have those expenses regardless of what we do. My 2 cents.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Gotta love men who think they know, eh ladies? LMAO.

Ignore is a wonderful feature. You don't have to listen to the bullshit. I mean we actually live it but hey, a penis always knows better then a vagina.


Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014

No one is a offended by your "open" closed minded discussion. At least I am not.

I just find it funny that you seem to think you know better then someone who is actually doing it.

But keep being the armchair quarterback thinking you all know all. The mansplaining is hilarious and reeks of "I know better then you". And just so you know, when you keep stating numbers and such as fact when escorts have already told you they are not accurate, that is you telling them that you know better as well.

But as I said, keep going. Keep thinking you know. Keep thinking those who actually work don't know. All the power to you. Just don't get your panties twisted when people laugh at it. Like I am.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Continuing on the disrespectful and non-constructive path I see.

I literally just wrote that no man here is pretending to know more than the ladies lol.

Which number I've stated in this thread as a fact?

Jessica is the type of Terb member to make up lies about others members in order to defame them and to TRY to make some sense of her non-existing points, she's done this many times before.

Does anybody else see that EVERYTHING she's written is wrong?

If she's right on any claim, which one(s)? and which quote(s) from this thread supports her claim(s)?
And I just said that anyone who feels they have to "mansplain" IS indeed saying you know better. That is what that is.

Now as for the numbers, you are stating numbers all over. Saying ladies are working this and that, making this and that, do you not see numbers in your post? You post them as fact when you tell someone else who actually knows because they are the ones actually working, that they are wrong. Which is basically what you guys did when you kept mansplaining things. .

But think what you want of me. I'm not the one trying to figure out someone else's money because I have enough of my own. The ladies know what is up, other men here know what is up.

You think you know the numbers but you don't. You think you know what ladies make but you don't. We can't even say what the average because every woman works differently and has varying different expenses.

But you know....right? No. You don't.

So think what you want. I am woman enough to agree to disagree but are you man enough? IDK doesn't seem like it.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Strange thread...

I know of many escort that have or will retire very shortly. Having pocketed enough. Some with a value of a million and more. Some with a few hundred thousand to get the head start that they wanted to go back to school or pursue another project.

I have met many who did this while finishing school. I know one who is now a lawyer. One who manage HR of a 200 employee company, 2 who are real estate agent, etc... etc..

Those are the girl I tend to liked the most and visit over and over until they retire.

Then I also met many who are struggling with a kid or 2 and have no other meaning of paying the bills...

Then there are also the one that do this but spend all they earn on party, travel, booze and drugs...

I would say pretty much all of them can easily make more then I do. Am I jealous? Hell no! I thank them for the amazing fantasy they give me but in no hell would I do what they do! I am not jealous of them I admire them!


Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Okay, let's see if you're right. If you are, I will admit that I'm wrong. Show me, by quoting me, where I stated numbers as FACTS. This means it cannot be a question or an opinion. Because we know that FACTS are not questions and opinions right? We can agree on this I hope?

I bet you that you won't, let's see if you can back up your accusations ;)

I am not mansplaining anything, this is just a term and you using it to defame others.
And that would be a no. You can't agree to disagree. I think you are using numbers as what you think to be facts and not listening to the ladies who have told you guys directly their experiences. I feel mansplaining is what you guys have done repeatedly to justify your numbers.

You don't agree. I am fine with that and can, unlike you, agree to disagree.

Thanks. Moving on now. LOL

Amber Glory

Well-known member
Apr 16, 2019
Why is a mod not closing this thread yet? It's got to be one of the most useless threads around - it's literally just men trying to assume our profits and business models and providers correcting you, then being told we're wrong.

Someone please end this dumpster fire ��


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Lol, haven't I been warning you guys about sh**bizz for a long time now?

He's one of the biggest hypocrite and this and many other threads he posts in proofs it.

He probably doesn't even recognize it himself.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Why is a mod not closing this thread yet? It's got to be one of the most useless threads around - it's literally just men trying to assume our profits and business models and providers correcting you, then being told we're wrong.

Someone please end this dumpster fire ��
Agreed, we've heard enough. We know there are invisible costs clients are often, but not always, unaware of. The business model of this work is now clear. So let's stop counting other people's money.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Lol, haven't I been warning you guys about sh**bizz for a long time now?

He's one of the biggest hypocrite and this and many other threads he posts in proofs it.

He probably doesn't even recognize it himself.

This does not surprise me. You know I know how to call them and it usually doesn't take me long. LOL

Why is a mod not closing this thread yet? It's got to be one of the most useless threads around - it's literally just men trying to assume our profits and business models and providers correcting you, then being told we're wrong.

Someone please end this dumpster fire ��
Exactly what I have been saying.

Clearly some in this thread feel that because they have a penis and can mansplain away in their own mind what those of us with the vaginas we actually sell, say on the matter - there is no point continuing with them.

So let's stop counting other people's money.
Again, when you have your own..... well there really is no need to talk about other people's.

Jealously is such an unattractive quality in people. Men and women alike.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
I'm surprised this thread is still up and going. All previously threads remotely dealing with rates have been quickly dispatched to the fire pits. I predict this will shortly suffer the same fate as the previous .


Active member
Aug 8, 2019
I'm surprised this thread is still up and going. All previously threads remotely dealing with rates have been quickly dispatched to the fire pits. I predict this will shortly suffer the same fate as the previous .
In the meantime, I'm pretty sure Uber is laughing his ass off over the shitshow he started ehe.


Active member
Feb 7, 2012
Wouldn't say I'm jealous, as I cannot begin to fathom what it's like to suck the penis of a man you perhaps loathe. Everyone's got their own problems, you know? We will never know what it's like for them.

On the other side though, I do know women who have bought property and condos with their money escorting and I am far from a rich man. It definitely does feel kinda bad when you go on Twitter and they're posting pictures of vacations they're on and all this luxury shit I will most likely never be able to experience. But again: I can't really be too envious, because everyone has their own struggles on this earth. I don't look down on those who do, but I would never be able to live with myself if I sucked a dick for money (especially some fugly guy I hate).

I will say this though: if there was a high in demand market for male escorts for older rich women, and they actually wanted to hire me......I would ABSOLUTELY suck some grandma pussy for vacations and cash, lmfao!
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