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Dana Bella

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New member
Aug 7, 2007
I’ve had an account here for a long time and I finally have some thing worth posting. Ive spent time with Dana and she is amazing. Not just your normal MA/SP. she warm, sensual and DDG. Time with her is nothing like some 20 year old. Don’t think about the donation. Think about the experience like none other. There I said my bit.


Jun 3, 2018
Well, i am surprise nobody has experienced or encountered what i have with Dana. Unfortunately, i haven't been able to book one single session with Dana going back to when she had a fund me page for her parents this past summer. Every single time (3 times) the texts go unanswered for 20 to 40 minutes, times are provided to me with no follow up texts, she simply has no texting etiquette. It has been a very frustrating experience dealing with Dana. I vote that fellow terbites all get together and create a fund me page so she can hire a secretary just to help her book her appointments and / or finally create her web page.
I am sure she is a lovely warm and delightful woman, but after 3 attempts , it's time for me to move on to organized provider. lol


Active member
May 29, 2015
Well, i am surprise nobody has experienced or encountered what i have with Dana. Unfortunately, i haven't been able to book one single session with Dana going back to when she had a fund me page for her parents this past summer. Every single time (3 times) the texts go unanswered for 20 to 40 minutes, times are provided to me with no follow up texts, she simply has no texting etiquette. It has been a very frustrating experience dealing with Dana. I vote that fellow terbites all get together and create a fund me page so she can hire a secretary just to help her book her appointments and / or finally create her web page.
I am sure she is a lovely warm and delightful woman, but after 3 attempts , it's time for me to move on to organized provider. lol
your not the only one!!!!


Dec 14, 2010
Roaming Ontario
Well, i am surprise nobody has experienced or encountered what i have with Dana. Unfortunately, i haven't been able to book one single session with Dana going back to when she had a fund me page for her parents this past summer. Every single time (3 times) the texts go unanswered for 20 to 40 minutes, times are provided to me with no follow up texts, she simply has no texting etiquette. It has been a very frustrating experience dealing with Dana. I vote that fellow terbites all get together and create a fund me page so she can hire a secretary just to help her book her appointments and / or finally create her web page.
I am sure she is a lovely warm and delightful woman, but after 3 attempts , it's time for me to move on to organized provider. lol
I have to agree Franco. Very similar experience. Contacted her 3 times and set an appointment. As the time came closer I contacted her again to confirm the appointment and where to go. When I finally get a response it's a variation of "I'm in the shower/driving. Get back soon. k" and then don't hear from her for hours if at all. Seems like an interesting lady to meet based on Twitter posts but if she can't even get back to me to tell me that she is double booked or something has come up it's time to move on.


Apr 18, 2013
I have to agree Franco. Very similar experience. Contacted her 3 times and set an appointment. As the time came closer I contacted her again to confirm the appointment and where to go. When I finally get a response it's a variation of "I'm in the shower/driving. Get back soon. k" and then don't hear from her for hours if at all. Seems like an interesting lady to meet based on Twitter posts but if she can't even get back to me to tell me that she is double booked or something has come up it's time to move on.
Had lots of conversation with her, text and DM but, as soon as I asked rates and procedure (screening etc) to book time with her, complete silence.


Jul 8, 2014
This woman is next to impossible to get replies from.
Answering messages has to be the EASIEST part of her job, you simply read and reply, plain and simple.
She is always on Twitter posting pics and comments, looking for people to see her, and yet when people message her, they get nothing...


Apr 18, 2013
This woman is next to impossible to get replies from.
Answering messages has to be the EASIEST part of her job, you simply read and reply, plain and simple.
She is always on Twitter posting pics and comments, looking for people to see her, and yet when people message her, they get nothing...
Long text conversation about her move, Ottawa in general, the hotel she was staying at and her opinion of it and then I asked rate and procedure to see her. At that moment, crickets, even though she was very, very chatty only 5 seconds earlier. Makes me wonder, does she actually entertain as a provider or just put up a façade?


Mar 18, 2013
I also thought I saw on Twitter that she was asking for actual ID as screening but I may be wrong.

Funny story though. I believe I saw her at the hotel she was staying at. I was having lunch at the bar there (kind of an interview) and as I was leaving my soon to be boss and I were standing near the elevator. We both did a double take on a woman waiting for it. Couldnt stop staring. When I left I decided to look on twitter to see if any SW was available as I dont usually get out to that end of town. Saw her Twitter pic from a hotel room and was pretty sure it was the same one. I couldnt recall the tatoos exactly but was somewhat sure it was the same. There I was sitting in the parking lot thinking I should she if she was a available. But I was only looking for hh and I believe she doesnt offer that.


New member
Aug 3, 2019
Maybe I can help a bit here. I've seen her and actually become sort of friendly/chatty with her since.

First, a lot of the criticism above is completely true. She's really hard to book, and communication can be really tough/all over the map. I think it took me 3 attempts to see her, and they all involved waiting past the appointed time, and it wasn't till the 3rd that we got to actually keep the appointment. I can't really say why I persisted, I've never done that before, but for some reason I did. Last time someone kept me waiting for an appointment for more than 20 minutes I took off and never communicated with them again.

Here's the thing, she's a fantastic dynamic authentic person who is in reality pretty much exactly as she presents on twitter. I felt like I really knew her before we met and everything since has only reinforced the authenticity. That's really rare, and it creates the sort of comfort that's one of the biggest factors for me in a session. We really clicked and hence why we've become friendly since.

So as to why this is happening - when she was at CMJ she had someone/a system doing the bookings for her. Now that she's on her own she has to figure out how to do this herself, and she's really overwhelmed with the amount of communication coming her way. I definitely think she could be handling it better but, you know, organization isn't everyone's strength (sorry Dana!). She's working on getting her site up, and a booking tool, that will take a lot of that off her plate. Hopefully that'll improve things for everyone.

Also, to me, really important to state that the organization issues don't stem from any sort of bad attitude/diva thing as far as I can tell. There's no bad intention behind it - just lack of experience/being overwhelmed.

If I were writing a review, I'd give her a strong recommendation. However for people who are interested in seeing her I would advise the following:


Be really patient and expect some of what's been stated above. Your patience will be appreciated and may pay dividends when you meet her.
Wait. Wait till her site's up, the kinks are worked out and she's figured out how to work the new system well, then use it to book without the frustration.

Anyhow, hope maybe that helps add some context.


May 26, 2019
New Bedlam
I've got to echo what keats is saying here.

I can understand the frustration with trying to book her, but considering it from her side, she didn't have to opportunity to get her ducks in a row like some others that have gone independent - her hand was forced and she has had to figure out how to manage everything on her own, largely from scratch and on the fly. I can tell you it hasn't been easy for her, and she's as frustrated as you are - she wishes she could be more available, but a lot of her time is spent trying to get a handle on the business side of things. The goal of getting her website up will be so that she doesn't have to spend her time manually managing bookings, which will help free her up for what she's best at.

Dana is an absolutely genuine, charming and warm person, and time spent with her is unforgettable. I saw her a few times at CMJ and once on her own, and the experience has always been stellar - so I can understand how she might find herself in demand.

All I can say is that, in my opinion, it's worth the wait. She has asked that people coordinate bookings through her email, which she says helps her separate bookings from banter, so maybe that's a good place to start?


May 26, 2019
New Bedlam
That might be fine for your dentist appointments, but juggling clients that show up late, cancel, rebook, etc. in among having a dozen conversations with potential clients and making arrangements for locations may pose some challenges that you're not considering. I suspect there's a lot more work going on in the background than you may realize.

I'm not giving her a pass, but at least compare apples to apples. My intention is not to be argumentative, just trying to look at all sides - you can take or leave my opinion on the matter.
Aug 16, 2011
Long text conversation about her move, Ottawa in general, the hotel she was staying at and her opinion of it and then I asked rate and procedure to see her. At that moment, crickets, even though she was very, very chatty only 5 seconds earlier. Makes me wonder, does she actually entertain as a provider or just put up a façade?
be weary about this one boys, I follow her on twitter as well - she was taking deposits and ID for an upcoming trip to Toronto...I sent her all the info she needed AND the deposit. Apparently there is no Toronto trip now and shes not returning the money after promising several times she would before ghosting me. It seems like she has her supporters and perhaps she did right by you but I've heard from others as well so its not an isolated incident.


Active member
Aug 8, 2019
Really? Tell them the rest of the story. That your the client I was going on the trip with. Tell them why I didn’t go? I have all the text of you being bi polar on me, and cancelling then wanting me to, then TELLING and I have the screen shots of you saying to keep the money. I have no problem posting the truth. I’ve never met you before but I trusted you until you showed me a different side. Your doing this because I didn’t go to the falls with you and I don’t deserve this at all. Any of this! It hurts me to no other that I haven’t done anything but be there for my clients through everything! I slept in a waiting room with a client in a chair while his dad passed away. But everyone is making me out to be a bad person. When all I am trying to do is run this business, something I wasn’t ready but I took it on because I love my job and I love my clients. Now I don’t know how I feel, I didn’t anything wrong and I understand everyone’s frustration and I am sorry! But honestly I’m one person and I don’t pretend to be anyone one else. I’ve always put clients first before my real life. When a client came to me and told me about this thread I didn’t believe it. Cause I didn’t do anything. Now that I see it, everyone I’ve let into my life shared so much all bashing me. Well done!
This is getting interesting. :popcorn:


New member
Aug 3, 2019
Well this sure turned into a shit show.

I think accusations of theft are pretty serious and only coming from one person where there seems to be some history. I'd like to see something to support these charges from him or the other people he's said have spoken with him.

As I said earlier, I'm friendly with Dana and she's done right by me (so not claiming to be impartial here) - and this seems really out of character.


May 26, 2019
New Bedlam
If there are fair criticisms to be made about scheduling or communication, that's one thing, but implying without evidence that Dana's actually ripping people off is defamatory.


A hobbyist
Apr 21, 2019
I booked and confirmed with her. Almost 2 hours of waiting patiently near her hotel. She gave me several reasons. They seemed legit so I waited and waited.

In the last half hour in waiting, I let her know that I will leave if no reply. Still waiting to this day.

Haha men we are all suckers

The funny thing was during this time, she was quite active on Twitter.


New member
May 18, 2018
Ottawa, Ontario
If there are fair criticisms to be made about scheduling or communication, that's one thing, but implying without evidence that Dana's actually ripping people off is defamatory.
I'd seen Dana once at CMJ back in the summer, but was really taken with her personality and we seemed to have a lot in common. Over the Labour Day weekend I was texting with her, and she was apparently going through some rough times and needed help making her rent. The bank was closed or something and she needed $280, and promised that first thing Tuesday morning she'd send the money back to me. I've been down this road before where girls you meet online, either providers or 'sugar babies' ask for money, and I know it's stupid to send it. But I decided to trust her anyway, and $280 isn't a huge amount of money for me. Tuesday came and went and I never heard a peep from her. When I finally did poke around to see what was up, she directed me to her Twitter to see that the hurricane in Newfoundland was impacting her family and she was soliciting donations to help them out - the implication being that maybe I should cough up some more? I mean, I feel bad for your family, but it seemed a little tone deaf to ask a guy you still owe money to for more. I haven't really spoken to her since then, though she did send me her new menu of services when she officially launched as an independent.

I don't care about the money, and Dana seems well-meaning. But her personal life seems to be a whirlwind, which makes her highly unreliable on the business side. I wasn't going to post anything, until she tore into the other guy for apparently being bi-polar or something and keeping his money. I don't know if I'd call what happened to me being ripped off exactly - I volunteered the money knowing there was a high probability it was never coming back my way. But I would definitely tread carefully around this woman, she's all over the place.


New member
Sep 5, 2019
Reading through these we can all see who the real bi polar nutjob is. You've been exposed as a lying scam artist and hopefully people see this thread before losing money to you.


Active member
Jul 12, 2012
By twitter pics, she's and gets my imagination going. Our chats to date have been great...and that's where it ends.

Four different conversations began and ended the exact same way...great communication until I asked rates and screening process...she stopped replying.

Last time, 2 hours later, claimed she was exhausted from her move and fell asleep...although she was actively posting on Twitter during that time and, when she texted that she'd fallen asleep, still did not answer my questions and...guess what? I asked again and she disappeared again.

I've never contacted her since...waste of time, in my opinion.
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