Then I suppose future generations are fucked when fossils run out, right?
Or are you of the ignorant ilk that believe fossil fuels are an unlimited resource?
Teens and young adults would not give a rat's ass when
fossil fuel run out. Note that in the climate summit not
even Greta Thunberg would appeal to people to conserve
the remaining fossil fuel resources. That is understandable.
If every one practice austerity her yacht crew will not be
able to fly back to Europe and their replacement cannot
come over to retrieve the race yacht (which btw is built of
material more energy-intensive than wood). Actually it is
likely that arrogant little prick will also have to fly back
to Europe at the end of her American trip.
When commuting on numerous bus routes from
early to middle afternoon I often see high school
teens packing into the bus for a trip over one or
two blocks on the road. And that happened in sunny
days when only the handicapped and the elderly
couldn't walk that far. If teens don't use as much fuel
as the childless old and alone it is because they don't have
the means to buy a car. There is an area in my neighbourhood
frequented by affluent young adults for the fancy eateries.
Visitors there mostly drive fancy cars. I've seen Lamborghini
and Ferrari parked there.
The younger generation are as happy as we are to
see fossil fuel entirely depleted within one or two
generations. They are the willing participants on
the joy ride to global collapse.