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A Message for Children about Climate Change


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Your age and ignorance are showing.
You think nuclear is the only solution, don't you?
If it is excluded from the mix yes
No way wind / solar can physically replace fossil fuels
Lithium is another material of which there is a finite amount available
I bet the planet will run out of lithium long before fossil fuels

I suppose you have never read about Chernobyl or Fukushima, or Three Mile Island?
All three based on high pressure reactor systems.At least two of these problems are related to a pressure explosion

I bet you don't know that if the Chernobyl 'remediation' (if you want to call it that) went sideways, MOST of Europe would STILL be uninhabitable, and be so for the next few thousand years.
Let's populate the world with little 'disasters in waiting', right?
Again you would making a losing bet

Have you ever heard of molten salt reactors which do not use high pressure
They had a test reactor run like a clock for 20 years in tennessee
No pressure systems & if temps get too high the salt plug melts the molten salt flows out of the reactor into a catch tank & the reaction stops
The amount of waste is far less than conventional reactors and what waste it does generate can be reprocessed

The chinese have hundreds of scientists studying this

But the enviornuts will stop any development dead in its tracks in the west


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Then I suppose future generations are fucked when fossils run out, right?
Or are you of the ignorant ilk that believe fossil fuels are an unlimited resource?
Teens and young adults would not give a rat's ass when
fossil fuel run out. Note that in the climate summit not
even Greta Thunberg would appeal to people to conserve
the remaining fossil fuel resources. That is understandable.
If every one practice austerity her yacht crew will not be
able to fly back to Europe and their replacement cannot
come over to retrieve the race yacht (which btw is built of
material more energy-intensive than wood). Actually it is
likely that arrogant little prick will also have to fly back
to Europe at the end of her American trip.

When commuting on numerous bus routes from
early to middle afternoon I often see high school
teens packing into the bus for a trip over one or
two blocks on the road. And that happened in sunny
days when only the handicapped and the elderly
couldn't walk that far. If teens don't use as much fuel
as the childless old and alone it is because they don't have
the means to buy a car. There is an area in my neighbourhood
frequented by affluent young adults for the fancy eateries.
Visitors there mostly drive fancy cars. I've seen Lamborghini
and Ferrari parked there.

The younger generation are as happy as we are to
see fossil fuel entirely depleted within one or two
generations. They are the willing participants on
the joy ride to global collapse.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Physically impossible to replace fossil fuels with wind & solar
It would take a land mass the size of Russia
tThe energy required to mine and process the copper, rare earth metals, steel aluminum, plastics etc is astronomical, Then hundreds of thousands of miles of cable would be required
I doubt there is that much copper on the planet
A solar powered copper smelter has not been invented yet (nor will be)
Then the wind turbines would need to be replaced every 20 years, after they decimated the birds (can you say a bloom in insect population?)

This lame idea might have a ghost of a chance if nuclear was included in the mix , but that is not aligned with Greenpeace's agenda
Who do you think is driving the propaganda / narrative of a man made apocalypse?
You left off renewable but it any event it is doable. Even if it was not possible, and I do not agree that it is, the dependence of fossil fuels could be reduced very dramatically.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
How would we have managed the low and variable production of renewables?

Fracking NG pushed out clean coal. (Why the EU has not followed this is insane)

Meanwhile, Canada ...... the people who hate the planet the most.
Perhaps look up the definition of weaning.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You need to stop viewing propaganda sites
Get back to us when the headlines are not predictions from envior propaganda sites
An enthusiasic and positive lot, however clearly more sizzle than steak

Australia already tried going big on the renewables
So did Germany
Prices skyrockets , brown outs occur and a string of ousted governments in Oz
Germany is buying coal from poland
Denial is all you've got these days, eh?

Germany killed their nukes too early and have to use coal for now. That wasn't so smart.
Australia is run by an incredibly right wing, climate change denying, government. And they're suffering through massive droughts and heatwaves.

Here's the list of the top 11 countries for renewable energy.
Its doable and cheaper, once you get rid of the incredibly expensive subsidies we pay for fossil fuels.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
You mean your message to them is that they will have to deal with conservation and austerity, not you.
I can tell you my driving activity is only a
tad more than nil. My means of transportation are my
two legs, TTC and GO transit. I can assure you that if every
one of you Thunberg supporter practice austerity like
me our political leaders will not have to face the difficulty
in implementing the policy needed to wean the world off
coal and oil. But I am not like that hateful brat. I can never
bring myself to tell people around me they are destroying
the world.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Perhaps look up the definition of weaning.
I understand an all of the above strategy but what’s the point of weaning to an unworkable solution.

You should watch the 3rd episode of the Netflix series about Bill Gates (all 3 are worth a watch). He makes one observation about wind/solar that nails it for me. When a cyclone hits Tokyo for 4 days (no solar, no wind) it would take all the batteries we make just to power that one city for 4 days.

Solar and Wind are niche sources, and always will be (and this from a guy building a house with solar panels and who has ordered an EV truck) because they can’t match the supply to the demand and there isn’t a workable storage solution.

Nuclear (the Scott Adams blog post I posted) is the answer. Natural gas is the transition bridge.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I can tell you my driving activity is only a
tad more than nil. My means of transportation are my
two legs, TTC and GO transit. I can assure you that if every
one of you Thunberg supporter practice austerity like
me our political leaders will not have to face the difficulty
in implementing the policy needed to wean the world off
coal and oil. But I am not like that hateful brat. I can never
bring myself to tell people around me they are destroying
the world.
Transportation is only 1 item, that's part of the problem. You can pick one thing, do your duty and feel like you've done your part, but there's so much more. How big is the place that you heat? Do you us AC? Local or imported food? Full recycling bin? Kids? Lots of electronics? I get it, I'm as guilty as most that way. That's really why gov't policy is the only way to make change. Only when you feel like everyone has to pay the price do you feel ok(ish) about it.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Depending on the accounting method used
it is highly improbable for one who don't drive
to consume more energy equivalent from activities
like cooling. You have to understand that when driving
you are burning fuel to power a piece of metal trash easily
more than 30 to 40 times your weight.

I live a very simple lifestyle. Other than this sinful hobby
my other hobbies are mainly reading and classical music.

I don't travel across Atlantic on a million dollar yacht built
from material more energy intensive than steel and sailed
by crew who had to travel by air for the return trip all for the purpose of speaking a few lines which I could do through a video
link. At least by the standard in the developed world I
trust that I have done my share of duties of a good
citizen of earth.

One more item. In summer I often relied on a
Homedics cooler instead of turning on the ventilation.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2011
Denial is all you've got these days, eh?

Germany killed their nukes too early and have to use coal for now. That wasn't so smart.
Australia is run by an incredibly right wing, climate change denying, government. And they're suffering through massive droughts and heatwaves
Here's the list of the top 11 countries for renewable energy.
Its doable and cheaper, once you get rid of the incredibly expensive subsidies we pay for fossil fuels.
Solar and wind get more subsidies than fossil fuels.
China and Germany should not be on that list.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
How much renewable energy is used means little.
Canada relied on hydro power as one main energy
source. And yet on a per capita basis Canadians are
about the worst polluter in the world in terms of
CO2 emission. It is how little fossil fuel is burnt
that counts.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
You seem to think it is a binary choice. It is not. Conservation and energy efficiency will have to be part of any solution.
The 97% of scientists you are fond of say we need to get to 0 carbon emissions.

Electricity is only 28% (US)

We will need massive innovation, nuclear is the answer for electricity, concrete, steel, meat are all significant issues. If cows were a nation they would be the 5th largest emitting country.

Germany and CA shutting down nuclear (the worlds safest energy source) for solar/wind is beyond idiotic. Use of Coal is up in Germany and NG usage will increase in CA.

This is like recycling, it’s something that makes rich over-consumers feel better about themselves while having no real impact. That’s Solar/Wind in a nutshell. Again, this from a guy putting solar panels on a new house (which I’m doing not to make myself feel better but to save money via a Leed tax abatement)

If you really believe conservation is the way to go burn half your money. Your lifestyle will shrink dramatically and your emissions will fall. This is like taxes, most people are all for someone else paying.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The 97% of scientists you are fond of say we need to get to 0 carbon emissions.

Electricity is only 28% (US)

We will need massive innovation, nuclear is the answer for electricity, concrete, steel, meat are all significant issues. If cows were a nation they would be the 5th largest emitting country.

Germany and CA shutting down nuclear (the worlds safest energy source) for solar/wind is beyond idiotic. Use of Coal is up in Germany and NG usage will increase in CA.

This is like recycling, it’s something that makes rich over-consumers feel better about themselves while having no real impact. That’s Solar/Wind in a nutshell. Again, this from a guy putting solar panels on a new house (which I’m doing not to make myself feel better but to save money via a Leed tax abatement)

If you really believe conservation is the way to go burn half your money. Your lifestyle will shrink dramatically and your emissions will fall. This is like taxes, most people are all for someone else paying.
You have learned well from the Chosen One. Does any of that change the validity of the scientific finds and conclusions. Of course not. Maybe their conclusions have something to do with Hunter Biden. Lets investigate him.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Renewables are not going to work, it’s nuclear or the hothouse.
Advancement in energy storage technology hopefully
could enable wind power to be one source of base power

Looking to the coming decades oil as a transportation
fuel has to be phased out through massive conversion to
natural gas. Conversion of such magnitude is possible only
if natural gas consumed for power generation and heat
is replaced by wind and nuclear power.

One holy grail of current research in nanotechnology
is the discovery of a super-conductor made of cheap
and abundant material. Such discovery would make
possible the construction of a global grid for
transmission of electricity generated by renewable
resources (along with nuclear power) to power
the world in the post-oil era.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
You have learned well from the Chosen One. Does any of that change the validity of the scientific finds and conclusions. Of course not. Maybe their conclusions have something to do with Hunter Biden. Lets investigate him.
This is an idiotic post. When faced with actual facts you run. All you are doing is admiring the problem and patting yourself on the back for being enlightened. I’d say more brainwashed if you’ve fallen for the Wind/solar nonsense.

If you don’t want to talk about tackling the real problem then you are tits one a bull useless.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Advancement in energy storage technology hopefully
could enable wind power to be one source of base power

Looking to the coming decades oil as a transportation
fuel has to be phased out through massive conversion to
natural gas. Conversion of such magnitude is possible only
if natural gas consumed for power generation and heat
is replaced by wind and nuclear power.

One holy grail of current research in nanotechnology
is the discovery of a super-conductor made of cheap
and abundant material. Such discovery would make
possible the construction of a global grid for
transmission of electricity generated by renewable
resources (along with nuclear power) to power
the world in the post-oil era.
Wind and solar are only productive 20% of the time. You can’t power a world at night with an energy source that only works 20% of the time. China and India cannot afford the non-existent battery tech it would take to supply a billion people 80% of the time. It’s a fools errand.
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