No jobs, no tax revenue. No tax revenue, no services.'Cuz billionaires like Trump just give tax breaks to the rich while fools like Ford cut services and give useless corporate tax breaks.
Support business.
No jobs, no tax revenue. No tax revenue, no services.'Cuz billionaires like Trump just give tax breaks to the rich while fools like Ford cut services and give useless corporate tax breaks.
...and the money collected for carbon taxes will help this apparent situation by what % and how will that be measured against the amount collected to determine the impact over time?You really can't read a chart, can you.
Take a look at this chart and try reading the legend.
The black line is the average of model projections made around 2000, with the grey bar its range.
The next lines are the different global temp measurements, from HadCRUT to GISTEMP.
Note that the projection goes to 2020, while the measurements end at 2018, which is the latest annual report.
That means it shows the very latest measurements of global temperature, which means this is the very latest update of 2000 computer model projections vs all global temperature readings.
Have you even considered that perhaps most people don't want to bother getting into a debate or be called names and just answer?Which Canadian candidates are the right wingers going to vote for?? None of them resonate this notion that Climate Change is a "Hoax" perpetrated by the "Alarmists"!! We saw Baby Scheer come up with his rather muddled solution to it in todays debate. But all the same he still believes in the Climate Change and the Greenhouse gas Emissions as he wants to "punish" those emitters. However, we know that there are only around 6% of the Climate Change Deniers in Canada, but they seem to be concentrated on this Board!!
You can't read your own graphYou really can't read a chart, can you.
Take a look at this chart and try reading the legend.
The black line is the average of model projections made around 2000, with the grey bar its range.
The next lines are the different global temp measurements, from HadCRUT to GISTEMP.
Note that the projection goes to 2020, while the measurements end at 2018, which is the latest annual report.
That means it shows the very latest measurements of global temperature, which means this is the very latest update of 2000 computer model projections vs all global temperature readings.
,The left hand margin states -Temperature Anomaly (ref 1980-1999)
The chart is posted by Gavin SchmidtYou can't read your own graph
Besides the fact there are no references to explain who produced the graph
Everything after 1999 was an inaccurate computer model so as onthebottom accurately points out, this is 19 years old.
You have pull this stunt several times so you must have an IPCC, NOAA or NASA source link to this specific graph with a verifiable real date.
Show this or admit what you have done here & then say no more on this subject
Again, you are trying to bait and switch IPCC model projections of surface temperatures against atmospheric temperature anomalies that happen in the clouds where the temperature is roughly 40ºC colder.Here is a more up-to-date picture of what is occuring
Bait & Switch you say ???Again, you are trying to bait and switch IPCC model projections of surface temperatures against atmospheric temperature anomalies that happen in the clouds where the temperature is roughly 40ºC colder.
Not only that, but your chart is 4 years old, with the last satellite entry in 2015.
You failed to read your own chart, failed to read the realclimate chart and still are trying to compare surface projections against temps in the mid troposphere.
Total failure.
Yes, bait and switch.Bait & Switch you say ???
What a pile of garbage
Some of sunlights energy warms the atmosphere through IR and UV (22%), but most of that energy (45%) treats the atmosphere as transparent and that energy is absorbed by the surface, warming it.Explain how the surface is heating up faster than the atmosphere if CO2 in the ATMOSPHERE is causing the Greenhouse effect to warm the planet?
NopeYes, bait and switch.
You are trying to bait and switch IPCC model projections of surface temperatures against atmospheric temperature anomalies that happen in the clouds where the temperature is roughly 40ºC colder.
you do not understand the greenhouse effect at allSome of sunlights energy warms the atmosphere through IR and UV (22%), but most of that energy (45%) treats the atmosphere as transparent and that energy is absorbed by the surface, warming it.
Lie down on the road on a hot summer day, do you get warmer than when standing up?
That's the energy absorbed by the surface of the planet.
This is like trying to discuss newtons laws with a chimp
The greenhouse effect is the trapping of IR emitted from the surface
If you are claiming the change in temperature is a result of incoming radiation from the sun then clearly it is not a man made issue
Learn something about this subject for once
The impact of incoming UV is primarily in the upper atmosphere long before it reaches the troposphere (otherwise you would be dead long ago from skin cancer)
There is no significant UV emission from the surface
The planet can not be heating up at a faster rate than the atmosphere on a continuous basis
ask an honest alarmist scientist ie. someone who finished high school & understands thermodynamics & calculus
You just do not get it & you do not care that you do not get it
All you care about is maintaining the lie.
Yes, bait and switch.Nope
Stop with the insults, that gets you banned do not understand the greenhouse effect at all
This is like trying to discuss newtons laws with a chimp
The greenhouse effect is the trapping of IR emitted from the surface
If you are claiming the change in temperature is a result of incoming radiation from the sun then clearly it is not a man made issue
Learn something about this subject for once
The impact of incoming UV is primarily in the upper atmosphere long before it reaches the troposphere (otherwise you would be dead long ago from skin cancer)
There is no significant UV emission from the surface
The planet can not be heating up at a faster rate than the atmosphere on a continuous basis
ask an honest alarmist scientist ie. someone who finished high school & understands thermodynamics & calculus
You just do not get it & you do not care that you do not get it
All you care about is maintaining the lie. "Energy Budget" for Sunlight:
45% is absorbed by the ground (heats the ground)
22% is absorbed in the atmosphere (heats the air)
26% is reflected back into space by clouds and lost
7% is reflected back into space by the ground, oceans, snow & ice.
Only 67% of sunlight actually heats the Earth.
The economy has been booming under Trudeau.They should be more concerned about the economy & a diminishing standard of living under Trudeau.