Why is Israel not expected to comply with UN Resolution 242?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
My point is that I think can come to my own reasonable conclusion about Israel without having negative bias about Jews.

My problem is that this can't be discussed, broached, without accusations of anti Semitism or hate for Jews.....
As you admit, part of the problem people don't always separate their thoughts on Israel from those on Jews (as is most evident to me in the amount of criticism Israel gets while other countries far worse are ignored. We don;t see large scale campaigns to boycott Saudi Arabia, China, or Russia for example. Simply criticism of Israel is based on anti-semitic ideas often enough that the question will come up even when it isn't the basis.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I haven't heard that argument in about forty years.
I'm sure you're not an expert on Israeli politics either.
That's interesting because I don't think the Palestinians were holding election forty years ago. So I guess that makes two of us who aren't experts. Here I thought we were having a good discussion and you want to snipe.

Let's just assume that this has been said about Palestinian elections for forty years. I'm not sure that makes the argument any less relevant. I think jcpro makes a point about the secular Jewish majority not having a biblical view that Israel needs to takeover their ancient lands.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Do you want to go through all the things you do that benefit the Israeli economy, use Israeli technology, or discoveries? Of course not; you'd rather ignore them while spewing meaningless hashtags.

p.s. There is a reason the US congress, Trudeau and the Canadian government, the UK, Germany, France and much of the EU have condemned BDS.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Aren't you concerned that Israel's right wing parties are emboldened by Palestinians electing pro-war parties sworn to the destruction of Israel? I'm not an expert on Israeli politics, but I have always thought that a great many of the Israeli electorate want a peaceful compromise. That hope is always dashed by perpetual violence.
I believe Olmert's offer to Abbas in 2008 was the last major offer. Abbas never even bothered making a counter-proposal to an offer that was more generous to the Palestinians than the Arab League plan.

And the majority of Israel is secular. They have fewer synagogues per Jew than much of the rest of the world and a much smaller percentage of regular attendees.

Some of the Israeli right are also secular. Lieberman is a nasty piece of work but he has been campaigning to sideline the small religious parties that often play a crucial role in forming coalitions.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So if Israel is not perfect why is it verboten to say so? ....
Of course it isn't. I'm sure if you talked to 5 random Israelis about politics you would get 6 different opinions and Israeli media is rife with criticisms (like any democracy)

That said, if your criticisms call Israel out for things you ignore from other countries and ignore the significant issues from the Palestinian leadership, it sure is a valid question to ask.

p.s. Your claims of it being 'verboten' relies on anti-semitic tropes of Jewish control and your use of German only highlights the intent. I'm sure you are completely comfortable with using it though.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I think you are over using the word "racist". Perhaps you need a time out, right after you provide some examples of my racism.
How about every time you defend trump’s disgusting bullshit?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
According to Hamas, all of Israeli is Palestinian land. They don't care.

More significantly, you should actually read 242. It contains obligations of Israeli and Arab sides. Why would you only blame Israel when the resolution also states "Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;" something that Syria, Lebanon, Hamas, and much of Fatah refuse to do.

But of course you are up for boycotting Israel while staying absolutely silent on China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, ....

Why is it that you hold the world's only Jewish state to a higher standard that all others?

And this week's news:
A Hamas member and his cousin murder a random Jewish teen walking home (Hamas praised the event)
A Hamas cell was busted while making bombs in the West Bank.
A Palestinian swerved his car to hit two teens standing at a bus stop.
Palestinians at Al Aqsa rioted and attacked Jews visiting Temple Mount.
Two consecutive nights of rockets launched from Gaza into Israel.
Palestinians attack Jews praying in Hebron.

Perhaps this conflict is a little more complex than your pretence of only blaming Israel and maybe a movement that allegedly tries to achieve peace by blaming one side is never going to be beneficial.

BDS is ridiculous, full of hypocrites, is counterproductive, full of racism, founded by people who want Jews removed from the region but sure, go ahead an lap it all up.
Zzzzzzzzzz... Get over yourself. Israel just needs to comply with what 242 instructs them to do. It doesn’t say “Leave after the Palestinians promise to be nice to you...it says GTFO now. Just do it.

As far as China, Iran, etc they are no better than Israel. In fact, they are probably worse. Who fucking cares? Stop trying to change the channel. If you wanna talk about them go start a thread.

I started this thread bc Israel has been in the news lately over cancelling Omar and Tlaib’s permission to travel there. So...now Israel has gotten my attention so let’s actually have a look at wtf is going on here cuz it looks pretty shady to me.

At this point, Israel is no longer even a US ally; they are a trump ally. Fuck them.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Zzzzzzzzzz... Get over yourself. Israel just needs to comply with what 242 instructs them to do. It doesn’t say “Leave after the Palestinians promise to be nice to you...it says GTFO now. Just do it....
What an intelligent argument :der:

Why is it that you only want one side of the defunct resolution implemented? (and yes, the peace deals with Jordan and Egypt have made it irrelevant).


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Zzzzzzzzzz... Get over yourself. Israel just needs to comply with what 242 instructs them to do. It doesn’t say “Leave after the Palestinians promise to be nice to you...it says GTFO now. Just do it.

As far as China, Iran, etc they are no better than Israel. In fact, they are probably worse. Who fucking cares? Stop trying to change the channel. If you wanna talk about them go start a thread.

I started this thread bc Israel has been in the news lately over cancelling Omar and Tlaib’s permission to travel there. So...now Israel has gotten my attention so let’s actually have a look at wtf is going on here cuz it looks pretty shady to me.

At this point, Israel is no longer even a US ally; they are a trump ally. Fuck them.

Who’s going to make them?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
As far as China, Iran, etc they are no better than Israel. In fact, they are probably worse. Who fucking cares? Stop trying to change the channel. If you wanna talk about them go start a thread.
Obviously you do, at least when it comes to Israel. Why do you not care about those countries but feel it necessary to go after Israel?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Of course it isn't. I'm sure if you talked to 5 random Israelis about politics you would get 6 different opinions and Israeli media is rife with criticisms (like any democracy)

That said, if your criticisms call Israel out for things you ignore from other countries and ignore the significant issues from the Palestinian leadership, it sure is a valid question to ask.

p.s. Your claims of it being 'verboten' relies on anti-semitic tropes of Jewish control and your use of German only highlights the intent. I'm sure you are completely comfortable with using it though.
And you are Locked and Loaded just waiting to ask it too, hey?

Tell me...Does every convo criticizing Israel have to include a preamble recognizing all the bad shit that every other country in the world does, has done, or will ever do to preempt accusations of anti-Semitism? Please advise on the appropriate protocol that must be followed.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Obviously you do, at least when it comes to Israel. Why do you not care about those countries but feel it necessary to go after Israel?

I just explained it in the part of my post that you removed in your quote.

Go lie down and take a nap.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And you are Locked and Loaded just waiting to ask it too, hey?

Tell me...Does every convo criticizing Israel have to include a preamble of all the bad shit that every other country in the world does to preempt accusations of anti-Semitism? Please advise on the appropriate protocol that must be followed.

Why are you incapable of discussing the significant problems with Palestinian leadership? Is it because you think Arabs are incapable of moral or rational action or is it because you think Jews should be held to a different standard than everyone else?

And why do you feel the need to use anti-semitic tropes and lie about your freedom to criticise Israel?


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Amazing that this is a part of the discussion. What does a person's religious persuasion have to do with moral stances?
My bad. My statement that I was not Jewish closely followed jcpro's comment that he was Jewish.

I'm circumcised though. Does that create a bias in this discussion?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I just explained it in the part of my post that you removed in your quote....
Funny but instead of criticising those countries or explaining why you don't start threads about them you just ran away from the topic.

YOU chose to start a thread about a defunct UN resolution as a tool to criticise Israel. I am interested why you chose this topic instead of all the other countries which you admit are worse.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
My bad. My statement that I was not Jewish closely followed jcpro's comment that he was Jewish.

I'm circumcised though. Does that create a bias in this discussion?
It wasn't a criticism of you; rather a comment about "Jewishness" somehow becoming a significant item in discussions involving Israel.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
How about every time you defend trump’s disgusting bullshit?
No, in those cases I'm a white supremacist. Try to keep up with the correct insults.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Funny but instead of criticising those countries or explaining why you don't start threads about them you just ran away from the topic.

YOU chose to start a thread about a defunct UN resolution as a tool to criticise Israel. I am interested why you chose this topic instead of all the other countries which you admit are worse.
Post #67...Paragraph 3...Read it. Then read it again. Then a third time...then a fourth...Keep reading it until those words are burned into your tiny reptilian brain.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
No, in those cases I'm a white supremacist. Try to keep up with the correct insults.

I think maybe we could just agree that you are a bigoted, white supremacist with a special burning hatred for Islam. I think that covers most of the territory you travel.
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