Why is Israel not expected to comply with UN Resolution 242?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
Aren't you concerned that Israel's right wing parties are emboldened by Palestinians electing pro-war parties sworn to the destruction of Israel? I'm not an expert on Israeli politics, but I have always thought that a great many of the Israeli electorate want a peaceful compromise. That hope is always dashed by perpetual violence.
I haven't heard that argument in about forty years.
I'm sure you're not an expert on Israeli politics either.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I get it.
And as much as you have a right to feel that way, others have a right to feel that there's a lot of injustice going on.
Doesn't mean that people's beliefs are steeped in anti Semitism or hatred.
Sure, it does... when it comes to the Jews. It always has been so since Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. And it went down from there- long before there was a Jewish-Arab conflict.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
Sure, it does... when it comes to the Jews. It always has been so since Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. And it went down from there- long before there was a Jewish-Arab conflict.
So tell me.
You know where I stand, you think I'm an anti Semite?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Sure, it does... when it comes to the Jews. It always has been so since Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. And it went down from there- long before there was a Jewish-Arab conflict.
I don’t think that’s a fair statement.

Are you saying that every time someone disagrees with the actions or policies of the State of Israel it means they are anti-Semitic?

I’m not denying that anti-Semitism exists nor am I suggesting that things like the BDS movement don’t attract anti-Semites...but what you are saying seems pretty extreme. By your logic, Israel is perfect in all ways at all times no matter what presumably through some sort of divine guidance.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
How should I know? I guess we'll see... in time.
You should know based on the parameters you've set.
Just based on what I've written in this thread, forget anything else, would you consider me anti Semetic?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I don’t think that’s a fair statement.

Are you saying that every time someone disagrees with the actions or policies of the State of Israel it means they are anti-Semitic?

I’m not denying that anti-Semitism exists nor am I suggesting that things like the BDS movement don’t attract anti-Semites...but what you are saying seems pretty extreme. By your logic, Israel is perfect in all ways at all times no matter what presumably through some sort of divine guidance.
No, it's completely fair. And I would be the last person to assume that Israel is perfect. Israel does what it does to survive as best as it can. The failure to keep the wolves at bay, in Israel's case, is unthinkable.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You should know based on the parameters you've set.
Just based on what I've written in this thread, forget anything else, would you consider me anti Semetic?
No, I don't think so. An honest disagreements on policies are just what reasonable people suppose to have.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
No, it's completely fair. And I would be the last person to assume that Israel is perfect. Israel does what it does to survive as best as it can. The failure to keep the wolves at bay, in Israel's case, is unthinkable.
So if Israel is not perfect why is it verboten to say so?

Not to mention the fact that when a black person complains of racism you are one of the first people to summarily dismiss them and accuse them of playing the race card.

You are one of the most virulent racists on this site and yet have the audacity to accuse others of anti-Semitism. This is the kinda thing that makes others not take anything you say seriously.


Mar 27, 2016
I don't blame the Israelis, all the Palestinians want to do is to kill the Jews, Israelis are not stupid. The UN is run by Muslim countries no surprise there. The Palestinians are like the ISIS. Only Terb's jihadists like Frank or Knuckle Head and a few others support these terrorists. Has nothing to do with occupation, its a Jihad to kill the Infidels.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
So if Israel is not perfect why is it verboten to say so?

Not to mention the fact that when a black person complains of racism you are one of the first people to summarily dismiss them and accuse them of playing the race card.

You are one of the most virulent racists on this site and yet have the audacity to accuse others of anti-Semitism. This is the kinda thing that makes others not take anything you say seriously.
I think you are over using the word "racist". Perhaps you need a time out, right after you provide some examples of my racism.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That’s because the Israelis won’t get off the fucking land like they’ve been told to by the UN.....
According to Hamas, all of Israeli is Palestinian land. They don't care.

More significantly, you should actually read 242. It contains obligations of Israeli and Arab sides. Why would you only blame Israel when the resolution also states "Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;" something that Syria, Lebanon, Hamas, and much of Fatah refuse to do.

But of course you are up for boycotting Israel while staying absolutely silent on China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, ....

Why is it that you hold the world's only Jewish state to a higher standard that all others?

And this week's news:
A Hamas member and his cousin murder a random Jewish teen walking home (Hamas praised the event)
A Hamas cell was busted while making bombs in the West Bank.
A Palestinian swerved his car to hit two teens standing at a bus stop.
Palestinians at Al Aqsa rioted and attacked Jews visiting Temple Mount.
Two consecutive nights of rockets launched from Gaza into Israel.
Palestinians attack Jews praying in Hebron.

Perhaps this conflict is a little more complex than your pretence of only blaming Israel and maybe a movement that allegedly tries to achieve peace by blaming one side is never going to be beneficial.

BDS is ridiculous, full of hypocrites, is counterproductive, full of racism, founded by people who want Jews removed from the region but sure, go ahead an lap it all up.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Well, Israel is occupying their country....
What country is that? Before 1967, the West Bank was Israel and Gaza part of Egypt. Both countries have made peace wioth Israel including ceding control of those territories to Israel. The UN says that a Palestinian state can only be created through negotiation but you keep backing Hamas who outright refuses to be part of any negotiations and instead thinks that violence will somehow achieve their goal of an Islamic Arab state where any Jews allowed to stay will have no rights.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Thats because the palestinians are uncivilized who support terrorism and raise their children to be terrorists. The UN laughing my fuckin ass off.
Bullshit. The Palestinian leadership are the ones promoting hatred for their own gain. Hamas is open about it and openly steals money from the poor while the PA is even more corrupt and pays salaries to convicted terrorists and their families.

The Palestinian people are just people.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Brilliant. Just keep dialling up the oppression...It’s worked so well thus far.

That's exactly what I say about Hamas and other groups thinking that terror is the way to go. The Palestinian leadership have spent 100 years calling for the killing of Jews and removing them. Hopefully one day they will wake up realise Israel isn't going away and instead make peace and do what's best for their people.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
......they are laying claim to land that is not theirs...
This is something I find interesting (and massively hypocritical)>

Hebron held a vibrant religious Jewish community from antiquity until 1930 when all of the Jews were chased out by Arab mobs. Jews were the largest religious group in the old city of Jerusalem for at least the 19th century, long pre-dating zionism but they were forced out at gunpoint by the Jordanian army in 1949. Several other Jewish settlements, built on land legally purchased were taken over by Jordan's army at the same time and all Jews expelled.

Why is it that you think Arabs have the right to live in land they fled from but have a completely different standard for Jews?

For clarity sake, the pragmatist in me knows that Jewish settlement in places like Hebron cann't remain as part of any peace deal but it definitely exposes a double standard.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Gaza is still considered occupied territory,...
Because people have stupid biases. All Israelis left more than a decade ago and at the time there were extremely limited border restrictions. All the stuff you complain about came about solely because Hamas' coup and use of Gaza to continue attacking Israel.

And of course you choose not to blame Egypt which also shares a border with Gaza. I guess you are okay with Egypt's authoritarian rule because they aren't Jews.
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